
Demon Slayer - The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Reincarnated... Wait, What?! Kendo champion, physics enthusiast, and hardcore otaku Akio is living his best life until a sudden twist of fate throws him headfirst into the world of Demon Slayer. Now stuck in the body of a young boy with a tragic past, Akio's got to figure out how to survive in a world filled with flesh-eating demons. Armed with his past life's knowledge, a Demon Slayer Mark, and a "Walmart Byakugan," Akio's ready to face this new challenge with his signature blend of humor, wit, and surprisingly effective kendo skills. Join him as he navigates this demon-infested world, one hilarious mishap at a time, all while trying to figure out if Tanjiro's crow is yellow or black. Copyright Notice: I do not own Demon Slayer or any of its characters. All rights belong to Koyoharu Gotouge and their respective publishers. (Seriously, guys, come up with better names for your abilities. "Transparent World"? C'mon, that's so basic. I mean, I'd call it something cooler, like... "Superhuman X-Ray Vision" or "The All-Seeing Eye of Awesomeness." But hey, what do I know? I'm just a lowly reincarnated kendo nerd trying to survive in a demon-infested world.) Published by: Over9000words (Note to self: Find a better pen name. This one's starting to feel a bit... cringe. Maybe something like "The Reincarnated Otaku" or "The Kendo Kid with X-Ray Vision." I'll workshop it.) Book Title: Demon Slayer: The Man, The Myth, The Legend (Okay, even I have to admit that title is a bit much. But hey, it's catchy, right? ...Right? Besides, Over9000words is the one writing this thing, not me. Blame him for the cheesy title.) p.s. Akio doesn't know shit about kendo, he is just making it up to look cool - Over9000words. *Knock* *Knock*

Over9000Words · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Chapter 30

"Two weeks," I muttered to myself, pacing back and forth in my new, ridiculously spacious training hall. "Two whole weeks it's taken Genya to master Total Concentration Breathing Constant. Hikari-chan's been a patient teacher, but I swear, that kid's got the stubbornness of a mule and the attention span of a goldfish."

I paused, glancing over at Hikari-chan and Genya, who were currently engaged in a heated debate about the proper way to breathe. Hikari-chan, ever the diligent instructor, was patiently explaining the concept of maintaining a constant flow of breath even during intense physical activity. Genya, on the other hand, looked like he was about to explode.

"But why do I have to breathe like this?" he complained, his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "It feels weird!"

Hikari sighed, her patience wearing thin. "Genya-san, if you want to become a strong demon slayer, you need to master this technique. It's essential for maintaining your stamina and focus during battle."

Genya grumbled something under his breath, but he reluctantly resumed his breathing exercises.

I chuckled to myself, shaking my head. Those two are quite the pair, I thought. Hikari-chan, the ever-patient teacher, and Genya, the perpetually grumpy student. It's like a comedy duo in the making.

I leaned against a wall, my mind wandering back to the battle with Gyokko. Kanae-san's Flower Breathing was pretty impressive, I mused. So graceful and deadly, like a beautiful dance of death. And the way she combined it with Water Breathing... that gave me an idea.

I pulled out my trusty notebook, flipping through the pages filled with scribbled notes and diagrams. Breeze Breathing, I wrote at the top of a fresh page. Derived from Water Breathing and Flower Breathing. A combination of fluidity and lightness, perfect for Hikari-chan's agility and speed.

While I was busy scribbling away, lost in noting down Breeze Breathing, I couldn't help but notice Genya's training. The kid was struggling, his movements stiff and awkward, his breathing ragged and uneven.

Hmm, something's not right, I thought, observing him closely. He's got the physical strength, but he's lacking something...

Then it hit me. Genya's personality—his deep anger, frustration, and pain—was like a simmering volcano, ready to erupt at any moment. His strength is in his raw emotions, particularly his rage.

Instead of trying to change him into a refined swordsman, I realized, maybe I should teach him how to embrace his rage, to turn it into a weapon.

A new idea began to take shape in my mind, a Breathing Style unlike any other. It would be raw, untamed, a reflection of Genya's inner turmoil.

A few more weeks passed in a blur of training, laughter, and the occasional near-death experience mostly Genya's fault, I swear. Hikari-chan was making impressive strides with Breeze Breathing, her movements becoming more fluid and graceful with each passing day. Genya, on the other hand, was still struggling to harness his rage without accidentally leveling the entire training hall.

I was feeling pretty good about myself, basking in the glow of my genius Breathing Style ideas, when Fuyume decided to crash the party. Literally.


I yelped in surprise as a feathery weight landed on my shoulder, nearly knocking me off balance. I glared at the culprit, who was calmly preening his feathers as if nothing had happened.

"Fuyume!" I exclaimed, trying to regain my composure. "A little warning next time, would ya? I almost had a heart attack!"

Fuyume simply blinked his golden eyes at me, then spoke in his usual deep, authoritative voice. "Akio, you have been summoned to Ubuyashiki-sama's mansion."

My heart skipped a beat. Summoned? Again? What did I do this time? I wondered, frantically searching my memory for any recent demon-slaying faux pas.

I turned to Hikari and Genya, who were currently engaged in a sparring match that looked more like a dance-off between a graceful butterfly and an enraged bull.

"Keep practicing!" I shouted, pointing a finger at them dramatically. "I've got important Hashira business to attend to. Don't destroy the house while I'm gone!"

With a swift motion, I slung my Odachi onto my back and dashed off towards the mansion, Fuyume soaring overhead.

Time to face the music, I thought, a nervous sweat beading on my forehead. Hopefully, it's not a pop quiz on demon anatomy or something.

I arrived at the Ubuyashiki Mansion, Fuyume perched regally on my shoulder, his golden eyes surveying the scene with an air of quiet wisdom. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves.

I stood on the gravel outside the Engawa, patiently waiting for Ubuyashiki-sama to appear. The silence was broken only by the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets.

Finally, the shoji doors slid open, revealing the frail figure of Ubuyashiki-sama, supported by Lady Amane. His gentle smile, despite his weakened state, was a beacon of warmth in the twilight.

I immediately dropped to one knee, bowing my head in respect. "Ubuyashiki-sama, Lady Amane," I greeted, my voice filled with reverence.

"Akio-kun," Kagaya-sama's soothing voice washed over me, "thank you for coming on such short notice. I have a mission of grave importance for you."

I straightened, my curiosity piqued. Another demon to slay? Bring it on!

"Please head to Mount Kumotori in Okutama town," Kagaya-sama continued. "There have been numerous reports of disappearances in the area, and the numbers are alarming. We've already sent several Demon Slayers, but none have returned."

My heart sank. Not good. This sounds like a serious situation.

"We believe a powerful demon is responsible," Kagaya-sama explained, his voice grave. "It's likely stronger demon. Please proceed with caution, Akio-kun."

I nodded, my resolve hardening. "Yes, Ubuyashiki-sama. I'll take care of it."

Kagaya-sama's smile returned, a hint of pride shining in his eyes. "I have no doubt you will, Akio-kun. I've also heard that you've taken on two Tsugukos. Please train them well. The future of the Demon Slayer Corps rests on their shoulders."

"I will, Ubuyashiki-sama," I replied, bowing my head once more. "And if you'll excuse me, I'll head to Mount Kumotori immediately."

With a final farewell, I turned and strode away, Fuyume taking flight beside me.

Time to show this demon what a Hashira is made of, I thought, a determined grin spreading across my face. Let's go, Fuyume! Adventure awaits!

(To be continued..)

Camera zooms in on Over9000words, his face contorted in mock confusion

Over9000words: (Scratches his head) "Hey, Akio! How are you coming up with all these fancy new Breathing techniques? It's like you're a Breathing Style machine!"

Akio folds his arms, a smug grin spreading across his face.

Akio: (Raises an eyebrow) "Well, let's see... who's the one actually writing this fanfic? It's not like I'm whispering these ideas in your ear, is it?"

Over9000words sputters, his eyes wide with surprise. He starts to back away slowly.

Over9000words: "B-But... but you're the one going through all this! Surely you have some say in how your powers work!"

Akio shrugs nonchalantly.

Akio: "Eh, I just go with the flow. Besides, wouldn't it be more interesting to ask yourself where these brilliant ideas are coming from? Maybe you have a hidden genius under that silly sense of humor."

Over9000words quickens his pace, practically tiptoeing towards the exit.

Akio: (Leaning in with a mischievous grin) "Where are you going, Over9000words? Don't tell me you're running away from your own brilliance!"

Over9000words snaps out of his stupor, his face turning a bright shade of red.

Over9000words: (Stuttering) "I-I'm not running away! I'm... I'm going to write the next chapter! Yeah, that's it! I've got a sudden burst of inspiration!"

He scrambles away, muttering incoherent excuses under his breath.

AI-sensei, observing the scene with a hint of amusement, adjusts their glasses.

AI-sensei: (Monotone voice) "It seems the tables have turned, Akio. Perhaps Over9000words could benefit from a lesson in self-reflection. Or at least a dictionary."

Akio chuckles, a triumphant glint in his eye.

Akio: "Don't worry, folks. I'll keep him in line. After all, someone's gotta keep this fanfic from going completely crazy."

End of Chapter 30