
Demon Magus

In a world ravaged by the relentless assault of otherworldly beings known as the Oceros, humanity found itself teetering on the brink of extinction. Despite the formidable magic wielded by humans and the assistance of powerful beast weapons, the tide of the war remained perilously balanced. It became evident that a new strategy was imperative to ensure the survival of the human race. Enter the Beast Tamers, heralds of a revolutionary concept that would alter the course of the conflict — the creation of Hybrids. Combining the essence of both human and beast, these Hybrids manifested extraordinary powers that surpassed conventional magic. Their emergence proved to be the turning point in the war, as they pushed back the Oceros with unparalleled strength. Yet, the respite was but fleeting. The looming threat of renewed tension prompted humans to expand their Hybrid initiative, turning to powerful organizations and adept Beast Tamers to create a formidable Hybrid army. However, in a society driven by inequality, only the privileged few could access the services of renowned Beast Tamers. Born into the chaos of war, Gavin Elsher faced the harsh reality of his family's impoverished circumstances. Driven by necessity, he delved into the shadows, becoming a skilled thief navigating the perilous streets. Little did he know that a pivotal moment awaited him, one that would not only alter the course of his life but also shape the destiny of the entire human race. A seemingly ordinary theft led Gavin to an extraordinary discovery — the Demon System. As the enigmatic powers of the system unfurled before him, Gavin found himself thrust into a world of unforeseen consequences, where the line between humanity and Hybridhood blurred. Now, burdened with newfound abilities and unforeseen responsibilities, Gavin stands at the precipice of a conflict that transcends worlds, as the echoes of war reverberate across dimensions. \[Congratulations you have successfully unlocked the Demon System\]

EMUAKHE · ファンタジー
13 Chs

A True Monster


Gavin shouted and when the boys looked behind them they could see a figure with red eyes and fire on both hands.

\[Skill Activated: Fireball\]

Both boys immediately moved to the side when they saw what had occurred, they were startled because they didn't expect some madman to suddenly start shooting fireballs at them.

Owen was shocked himself as he didn't expect anybody to rescue him, he even looked at the two boys behind him to see if they were laughing but their facial expressions showed that they were confused that this wasn't some kind of sick joke.

'Hold on a minute, who is to say that this new guy isn't someone else who is sent here to make my life here become a living hell', Owen thought as he decided that it wouldn't a good idea to blindly trust the perosn in front of him.

"What are you waiting for, let's go kick his ass",one kf the boys said trying to hype up both himself and his friend.

Both boys stood up and decided to get rid of the person in front of them, one of them charged in first a he also summoned a ball of fire that was bigger than that of a Gavins.

Gavin was not going to back down when the other had thrown his own fireball instead he threw his own ball of flames and when both balls hit each other they canceled each other out.

'Who is this guy, how is he matching my power when his flames are smaller than mine", the kid thought.

He was a level two star ranked Mage that had recently broken into the next stage and yet for some reason some stranger was able to match his power.

"You won't win", the two star mage said as he cupped both of his hands together ready and it was glowing and Gavin could feel the power charging.

'I'm not going to let that guy do sh*t', Gavin thought as he fired a ball of fire to the two star mage as he want going to let the mage finish whatever he was planning to do.

The mage was forced to cancel the flames by moving his arms and a swift motion the fireball from Gavin had been extinguished and there was smoke coming from the two star mage and looking at his face it seemed that canceling the flame had taken a lot of Mana from him.

Gavin heard footsteps behind him and before he could do anything a tree branch had hit his face.

It was a strong blow that had hit the back of his head and it was making him feel lightheaded.

\[You have been inflicted with a grave injury\]

\[-3 HP\]

\[Demon Energy will be used to heal the host\]

\[-2 Demon Energy\]

\[Demon Energy:23/30]

\[HP has been returned to normal\]


Gavin could feel the light headed feeling going away but before he could recover he was whacked again with the large piece of wood, Gavin had now fired three fireballs in random directions in hopes that he would be free from the hitting but it could continued and now a fireball had hit him.

\[Demon Energy: 15/30\]

"What is this guy some kinda zombie,he should be dead by now", the biy who held the tree branch said as he had stopped hitting Gavin yet he knew that Gavin was still alive but what he had done was a big mistake as that was the opportunity that Gavin was in search of.

\[Skill Activated: Fireball\]

\[Skill Activated: Fireball\]

\[Skill Activated: Fireball\]

Three fireballs had been fired of and had hit the face of the one who held the large tree branch.

"ARGHHHH! F*CK! F*CK!! F*CK!!!", the boy shouted but Gavin didn't give the biy a chance to get back up as he threw his puches towards the back of the boys head and he did as quick as possible snd within five seconds he was knocked out, Gavin had knocked down his target.

Multiple fireballs were fired and the balls of flames many of them were canceled by the two star mage but he was not able to cancel out all of them besides his mana was running low and being in the defensive like he was now wasn't the best idea.

'How is a one star mage with barely any fire magic skills able to best me', the two star mage thought.

Opening both hands a tream of fire came from his hands and it was all in an attempt to Gavin as quickly as possible.

Gavin was trying to move away from the fire stream but the two star mage followed Gavin and Gavin was hit with the fire stream.

The fire stream was almost like a flame thrower the only fifteenth was that the energy that was required to create the flames was from the Mana of the mage who was performing the skill and the two star mage who was going against Gavin knew that well and he had to stop the fire stream or else he would have completely run out of Mana and if that happened he would be unable to defend himself.

Again Gavin was standing up and moving towards the two star mage, and the mage was now wondering just who he was going up against.

"Stop! Else I'll kill you right now",the two star mage shouted because he wasn't understanding how a human could withstand something like this and the person in front of him was clearly not a Hybrid else he would have transformed into his Hybrid form by now.

Gavin kept walking closer and in a last ditch effort he muttered his spell before he fired a fireball but when it came towards his target, Gavin simply fired his own ball and both flames canceled each other out.

The stwo star mage was now completely out of Mana, and he was starting to take steps backwards and was too shocked as to what had taken place here.

It was almost impossible for a mage that was a star above another mage to loose, the only way such thing happened was if cheap trucks were used or it was a fight where everyone could use anything, but for that to happen the lower ranking mage had to be able to use magic but for Gavin he was using his natural body.

"L-leave me a-alone", the two star mage stuttered as he was now afraid of his own life.

Gavin fired a fireball and while the two star mage tried to block it Gavin fired another one and it hit thr two star mage dead in the stomach and it resulted in the boy now lying on the floor. The reason Gavin's fireball had eniugh force to knock him down was due to him being weak from the fact and he had also used all of his Mana so he wasn't able to withstand the force of Gavin's firebal at the moment.

"I will make you suffer", Gavin said as he grabbed the boy with both hands on the side if the mage's stomach and began to burn them.

"Stop! Stop!! Please, I'll tell you everything I'll ARGHHH", the once proud mage was now under Gavin's and whatever would happen to him would be determined by Gavin but his face clearly said it all. He wasn't letting go.