
Goblin baby

Act 2

Level up

Next day, I wake up I think it was around noon so I wear my red shirt and red normal jogging pants. after I eat the food I went to forest to hunt some monster and to level up.

I leave the city gate and when to the forest near by the gate. As I enter the forest I saw egg fly monster. This monster look like a egg but have a wing and evil eye. That monster like a evil egg that cannot product to be baby. So I swing my sword as I did monster fly left and right. I did swing finally I hit the monster.

You got 25 exp.

So you kill and you get 25 exp that is fine nice.

As I check my status .

You need 75 exp to level up

I kill few egg monster and I level up to 1.

You need 200 to level up.

You strength have go up to 1

You have unlock skill tree

You sprint have go up to 1.

You attack power go up to 1!

You have unlock sword tree

So it seem like i can unlock skill tree for different weapon and I think it depend on what I held.

As I look the skill tree it seem like to unlock other skill I need to level up

I unlock quick-slash for sword

Quick slash[1] = attack speed +10

Cool down 10 s

Damage 100

It release speed attack wind speed and I can improve skill by master skill and level up I think. Attack power I get from level up add to the damage the sword does.

So it was night so I want to the hotel and sleep for the night

It have 2 sliver now so I be focus on level up and make money

I have level 5 and I unlock 1 skill

My attack power go up

I went to the hoelt than eat and sleep

Next morning I have one sliver so I spent the sliver to buy food.

I have zero sliver so I need money to sleep eat weapon and armor.

I went to the forest but I notice that sky was so bright and hot. I assure this is year when summer start in this year.

So I went little far from the forest and there was big green field and there was huge frog in the sea.

Frog was jump and jump I could not land single bow to the frog. It was get so annoying so I decide to try quick slash. I wait for the frog to jump through me. The monster frog come through then I hold the sword with both hand as the frog come to me I run through frog and I activate my skill. Quick slash! The frog get into two piece!!

You got 200 exp!

You level up to 6!

So I farm them for 5 hours after that I was level 20.

Still day was young so I start look for other monster to earn some experience point. I check my stats and there was a loot box. I check that look box, it have all the item. Drop by I got from frog. I got total of 300 skins and some random junk.

Go little far in the forest, I saw a cave and I went it there. There monster called Goblin. Goblin were green, big nose and long ear.

I kill most them as I want far the cave I saw them **** women and killing them. I saw that happen with my eye. There was total of 10 women and 20 goblin. They killed them all and were pee on them. So I use that distracte to kill them using lighting sword.

lighting sword skill unlock at level 20. It release a light sword that damage all the enemies with in short distances. Total damage 50 which me 75 cause of my attack power go up by 25.

So all goblin were pee on the women there was in circles so which I activate my skill it kill him all. It release electro shock which damage and kill all goblin.

By that time my level up to 22. Give of them total of 200 experience which is enough to level me to 22.

I want little far to the cave and I saw a little goblin there in cage. I think that little goblin was just born. There was no other goblin and it seem like I killed the baby parents or they just leave the baby here and never come back.

I was think about raise this child. Some monster like Goblin don't have any intelligence and don't know right or wrong and don't have chance to learn anything.

She was so little, think about humans maybe have killed some many baby goblin. I think monster need chance to evolve and learning about world like human have.

I took the Goblin child with me. I was raise her and give a her life that she can live on.
