
Demon boyfriend

( both male and female lead) after loosing her mother to the cold hands of death when she was very young , li jing aunt promised to take good care of her ... instead of her promise she and her daughter li Mei used li king as their slave .. wing Chao the son of the most wealthiest man in tokyo , took a voyage round the city and saw a beautiful damsel , he fell in love with her right away... more and more is coming just add to your library and feel the magic...

Winter_Lovestar · ファンタジー
5 Chs

chapter 001

" Li Jing, stand up from the bed, what an ungrateful pervert, you are still lapping like a cat, aren't you going to start working " a woman dressed in expensive silk clothes, with golden stripes, badge into the room of a teen girl sleeping.

" g _ ood morning a_ unt " the little girl greets the lady, instead of replying to the young girl, she irritatingly rolled her eye, the girl shivered to see her aunt looking at her with hatred.

" what is good about the morning, you are still sleeping, you can go and greet the corpse of your mother, I need you to wash the car as soon as possible" she made a comment and also a commandment not thinking about the feeble mind of the girl.

" a - unt " her eyes filled with tears from the comments on her late mother's corpse, she looks at her aunt, her aunt wasn't touched by the harsh words, rolling her eyes to show that she don't care about the feeling of the teen.

" you know I don't like repeating myself, it seems the punishment you received two weeks ago is not teaching a lesson"

* flashback two weeks ago "

" am sorry aunt, it wasn't my intention to burn your new dress ..." a girl on her knees with an apologetic look on her cute face.

" It wasn't your intentions right, then what was your intentions, you burnt my new expensive dress, and you are telling tales that it wasn't your intentions" the woman dressing casually,but also in expensive clothes,she is dressed in a red gown.

" am sorry it wasn't my intention, I promise it won't happen again " the young girl apologizes, but the wicked aunt won't take an apology.

" mom I think you have to punish the poor and stinky brat,she deserves some hard punishment, that dress can buy your full family " another young girl on the big sitting room, dressed with blue gowns same length as that of her mom , " if she has a family" the girl added looking at the young girl kneeling on the floor .

" big sis " the girl kneeling calls the girl that asked her mother to punish the girl kneeling .

she did not reply to the girl kneeling on the floor, instead she smirked,and faced her mom again.

" she is not your big sis , Li Jing and you can never be related to this household, Li Mei , I assume you are right she deserves a good punishment " the aunt looked at the girl kneeling named Li Jing.

" aunt please, I promise It won't repeat itself, I promise, please aunt don't punish me I am very sorry " Li Jing pleaded ,her aunt smiled seeing Li Jing pleading for freedom.

" *laughs* you think pleading can bring back the clothes you burnt ,*laughs again * since it wasn't your intentions,then you will go to spend your freedom in the prison "and try to remember if it was your intentions or not , Amira " after speaking with Li Jing she called her driver .

" aunt please,it was just a dress ,prison is too harsh I don't want to be in prison, please I beg you aunt .. '' her aunt wasn't paying attention to the Li Jing.

" amira" after calling nobody was answering,she screams on top of her lungs.

" yes madam ,I am coming right away " a man dressed in black pants and a red shirt answered running to his boss .

" please aunt , please big sis help me to beg her ,I will change,it wasn't my intentions, please big sis help me " tears dropping from her eyes ,she is begging her heartless cousin Li Mei who she regards as her big sis .

" yes mam ,you called " the driver ,a young man in his prime twenties spoke up after dashing into the sitting room,like a lunatic.

" Amira , what happened I called twice,you will receive your punishment later ,but before then i want you to give the little brat a free ride "

" o- ok ma , you wish is my command,where am I taking her " the driver's asked .

" you are taking her to the central prison ,that is an order ,and Don't ask why , now do your job " she ordered.

" central prison , was that what you said ma " the driver asked looking at his madam with surprise.

" you heard me right ,now take her there ,she will stay there,till when I order you to bring her back ,am I understood,now start doing your job " she ordered,this time more seriously.

" y - yes ma ,I will do that immediately" he answered slightly bowing his head to his madam .

" aunt please " Li Jing is in tears , pleading for forgiveness,her cousin is smiling with Victory ,while her aunt wasn't paying any attention to her pleading.

" Amira you know I hate repeating myself,take this brat out of my site ,now"

* end of flashback "

" no aunt, I will get up now , I don't want to be punished again" still in tears she answered her aunt , her aunt hisses before leaving the room .

Li Jing is a young beautiful girl , with silver-blonde hair, and green eyes, she is an orphan, she lost her mother five years ago , her wicked aunt took her in and promised to take good care of her .

her aunt is more like a thorn in her life , she don't care about how she feels when she insults her , reminding her of her dead mother and also reminding her of her poor background.

her cousin Li Mei , possess the same evil mind as that of her mother , she is two years older than Li jing, both of them attend the same high school.

Li Jing looks at her room , walking out to start her chores , afraid of getting punished by her aunt , it is a Saturday ,so she won't be going to school .

she climbed down the stairs , she entered the big living room, in the last floor , she saw Li Mei watching TV , beside her is a small stool , and on top of the stool , is a glass of non-alcoholic wine .

' why can't I be like big sis , why am I always the one to do all the chores for aunt while big sis Li Mei is always free , can't she help ' that is the thought of Li Jing.

she looks at her big sis for a long time , with sadness scripted all over her face , she sighed .

Li Jing is at the front of her aunt's mansion , several cars are at the garage of the house , the compound is very spacious containing fleet of flashy cars owned by her aunt .

her aunt loves using the red Audi ultra 434 , that is her aunt favorite cars , the other cars , ranging from the black 4matic Benz Camry , to the new Ferrari.

dear reader I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my first work, show your support by adding it to your library and I will suggest you check for updates every four to six hours, I promise I won't keep you waiting.

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