

A girl named ULMI is almost get killed by her husband but she summons a demon a powerful one who take her with him far from her previous life what will happen next....... This story is of such a husband victim woman 'Ulmi' who earlier loved her husband very much but now hates her equally. In front of that hatred, she considers her life too small and thinks of giving up her life, when a handsome demon saves her life, he wants to know the reason for giving up her life. That woman named Ulmi gives both reasons for her love and hatred for her husband, now she wants to take revenge from her husband for the atrocities committed on her. Will Ulmi be able to take revenge on her husband? Will she be able to understand the love of her savior demon or will she fall prey to the hatred of the same demon?

sharmaarunakks · ファンタジー
40 Chs


"Why do you want to kill Uthappa?"

"Why would I kill Uthappa but I would rather protect him… He is my friend."

Then he asked with embers in his eyes

"Tell me the truth who told you that I want to kill Uthappa..."

Ulmi remained silent and did not say anything. Drav did not like her silence. He asked Ulmi again in a loud voice

"Tell me who told you? And yes… have you not told this to Uthappa somewhere… Because of this Uthappa has left from here after saving his life…"

Ulmi still remained silent. Drav got very angry. In anger, he hit Ulmi so much that he broke her leg. After beating her, he neither looked at Ulmi nor took care of her. He went in her towards the forest. After leaving the house, Uthappa descended from the tree. Ulmi was moaning in pain. He made Ulmi lie on the bed with the help of his wings and applied medicine on her wounds. The broken leg was also coated. However, while doing all this, he was looking at Ulmi with disgust. Ulmi could not recognize the bird. Her pain eased a bit due to the medicine. Then he fell asleep. When she got up, her heart was filled with hatred towards demon drav.

"Is this what you call husband? Is this too cruel and bloodthirsty like my human husband? There is no difference between this and that… she remembered the final form of her human husband, how he had pushed her off the hill and then pretended to save… he had become a good person in front of her children… not because children knew because he could not hear the last words of the husband… she could not say anything.. Taking advantage of this, he pretended to save me and crocodile tears…. 'Save-Save'...... he also became a good person there…"

'Ulmi started remembering the day she got married… so she felt that her husband loved her very much…she felt that her husband loved her very much…maybe he really loves her… She also loved… She was not able to understand the deceit being done by her husband.. Her husband used to insult her a lot. Wants… used Ulmi everywhere for his own purposes… his children…. Her husband neither took care of them nor gave them any kind of facility… The children grew up slowly… He kept giving sweet pills to Ulmi… That is, he kept showing off all his work from him…

"I was trapped in the clutches of my husband like a bird got stuck in the claws of an eagle…"

She had weakened both Ulmi's heart and mind very much… She had made Ulmi so dependent on himself… that now Ulmi could not really do any work alone… She would take care of her husband for every little thing or work. Didn't do any work without him saying… She was entangled in his deceit in this way… She used to get sobbing for everything… Her husband doesn't take her for a walk… 1 day her husband doesn't know What did he know or say, he had thought of getting rid of Ulmi… he had brought Ulmi and the children to roam the hills of Uttarakhand. they.... Liked it too… but she had killed her mind… she did not like anything… her nature had become irritable… she kept pulling all the time… she didn't have any special feeling even when she went for a vacation… she had come to hang out with the children just to keep their mind… Ulmi also knew that her husband must have some motive or some trick… otherwise he is not going to pretend to take them somewhere. I… and does not come there…. It was evening.. While roaming on the high hill, her husband pushed Ulmi after getting a chance…'

Thinking about this, she fell asleep. There drav was wandering in the forest. He wanted to find and kill Uthappa, but Uthappa was nowhere to be seen and was not to be found anywhere. The wandering drav also inadvertently went into the area of ​​the Kuvalai ogre. He didn't even realize it. Seeing the demons roaming there, he does not know why he moves forward in a strange way because he did not see any demon like himself there. Then his eyes fell on Uthappa's horse. Hiding his identity, he went to the horses.