
Becoming A Demigod


This was the first thought that appeared in Simon's mind as he woke up from what he thought would be his last sleep. Looking around, he found himself in a room strapped onto a chair with Lily beside him in the same situation. His entire body ached and he was sure he had a couple broken bones but looking in front of him, he paled.

"Did you think you could escape from me that easily my little monster." Nina smiled before she slapped Simon across his face.

Nina sighed. "I guess I should have slapped harder, I did help you become basically immune to pain."

The scientist was right as Simon couldn't feel pain as much as he used to. While his sense of touch was still perfect and pain no longer affected him.

"How are we alive?" Simon asked.

Nina smiled and opened up her arms wide. "I don't know but I am thankful for it. Now I think it's time for you're memory removal and programming. I'm sure you're going to become our first demigod, one hundred percent sure!"

A round cup shaped object started to drop down with a whirring sound and Lily soon woke up as well in shock saying the same thing. "Why…"

As the cup settled onto Simon and Lily's head, Simon connected their minds. "Lily, you need to resist the machine!"

As Simon had told Lily of his telepathic Ability a few days ago, she wasn't shocked. She was now only focused on trying to survive with her personality intact. As the machine started, Simon could feel his mind being suctioned away as well as a tiny fraction of pain. A tiny fraction for Simon at least as Lily started screaming in pain.

Simon tried to hold her mind still but her mind, while stronger than most was still weak. The pull of the machine and Simon was like two black holes pulling on her. As time passed, the machine slowed down and Simon pretended to be mindless. He didn't think it would actually work but his telepathic abilities managed to hold their personalities intact.

"Pretend to be mindless." Simon told Lily.

The doctors after starting the beginning portion of the second stage began the last part of stage two. They started downloading information into their heads which also caused extreme pain to the both of them. The flow of information would destroy anyone's mind which was why their memories were erased before the download of skills.

Simon used his telepathy this time to divert the information into his mind as he was more used to handling information being sent into his mind. The skills entered the outer layer of Lily's mind before it was transferred into Simon.

The skills were different as Nina had specifically chosen what skills to pass onto those who survived the first part of stage two. Depending on their mental abilities and physical abilities, they would get different skill sets to suit them. Lily had gotten a massive amount of medical skills, seduction skills, close combat skills and melee weapon skills.

Only now it belonged to Simon as well as the skills that were entering his own mind. As for Simon, he had gotten every single skill set as Nina wanted Subject S-0075 to become the best. The process took a total of one hour before the machine stopped and Simon was given time to rest his mind.

"Are you ok Simon?" Lily asked through their mental connection.

"Yes…" Simon replied, barely able to form a single thought now.

As for the doctors, they were amazed that the two subjects were still alive. Nina especially since she had expected subject L-0076 to have died. Ten of the subjects had miraculously survived back on the intended date for the Demigod Programs second and third stages. Nina wondered if she would have two more miracles happen.

"Start the third stage." Nina commanded and soon syringes began lowering.

Simon was only worried about their minds being wiped out but now that they were mentally safe, they only needed to worry about living. Especially when this procedure had a one hundred percent mortality rate.

"Persevere Lily." Simon said before the syringes pierced his skin and began injecting the red fluid.

The pain exploded immediately as Simon and Lily began screaming in pain. Being used to pain but still feeling pain, Simon could only imagine what Lily was going through. Focusing his mind as hard as he could to enter her mind, he found himself stuck in memories. The memories of their first meeting and the memories of their struggle.

Pulling himself out of her mind, Simon felt his body begin to change. He was no longer physically the same as he was growing taller and bigger. He was now six feet tall weighing about two hundred pounds with lean muscles coiling all over his body. His hair had become a dark green color and his eyes had turned blood red.

As for Lily, her body also grew taller with her body beginning to fill in. her short hair began to grow and become light blue in color. Her eyes which were red originally were now glowing light blue like ice. Her nails became black in color and started to grow longer and sharper. But this was only the outward effects as inside of their bodies, extraordinary changes were happening.

Lily was now unconscious but alive, luckily, and Simon was breathing heavily as he adjusted to his new body. Taking a look at Lily, Simon found her to have become even more beautiful than before.

He almost didn't want to tear his gaze away until he heard a certain voice. "Congratulations Subject S-0075 and Subject L-0076, the two of you have successfully become Demigods like the five before yourselves."

"Five?" Simon thought.

There were ten demigods who had gone through the same procedures. Seeing as they must have had their mind wiped and a loyalty instilled in them, they would be dangerous. Simon dug into Nina's mind and there he found them. Ten demigods with varying abilities, all powerful but they all had a weakness and Nina controlled them.

Simon struggled in his binds when the thought of Nina having control over super powered beings entered his mind. He wanted, no, he needed to kill her before anything else. Then Simon would need to kill the other demigods since their human minds had been destroyed. Only the monster existed in their bodies now and Simon was going to accomplish this.

Up in the monitoring room, the scientists noticed Simon struggling to get out. "Doctor Nina, Subject S-0076 is still awake."

"Really now?" Nina said before glancing back down.

Pressing the mic button, Nina spoke. "Don't try to escape my little monster, those binds on your wrists and ankles are made of-"

Within moments of her trying to explain why Simon couldn't escape, Simon snapped the restraints off of his wrists and turned to the monitoring room. "I'm going to kill you Nina!"

Everyone was shocked, especially Nina as she whispered. "How does he remember? How does he still remember?!"

Simon quickly ripped off the other restraints easily as his power was still increasing, the drug in his system was still evolving his body to become stronger and better. The scientists seeing this display of power activated the gas system that would put any subject to sleep should they be too strong. The gas activated and made Simon drowsy for a second but after that second, he was no longer affected by it as his body began detoxifying the gas from his system.

"It doesn't work!" A scientist yelled with many other around trying to flee.

Nina who was now afraid for her life looked at Simon before running away but Simon wouldn't let her go so easily. Reaching out to Nina, Simon somehow managed to grab her with his mind as pulled on her hard. Her body was flung into the bullet proof glass window and she splattered like a bug stain.

The scientists emptied the room as the entire building entered a security lock down. Simon glanced at his hands in wonder. "Telekinesis?"

Turning over to Lily who was asleep in her restraints, Simon tried to use telekinesis to destroy the restraints and with a single thought, they shattered. Simon then used his telekinesis to move Lily's body to float over to him. Holding her in a bridal carry, Simon mentally destroyed a wall and started making his way to the other demigods. He needed to get rid of the only monsters who could stand a chance against him with his new power.

Guards appeared and began shooting at Simon which caused him to use his body to block them from hitting Lily. Despite the bullets hitting his body, they bounced off of him like a rubber ball on a rock wall. Remembering that he had telekinesis now, Simon imagined a barrier and soon the bullets couldn't even touch him or Lily.

Sergeant James who was with the group looked at this as he whispered. "Oh my god…"

Simon looked at him with an anger, built from days of continuous torture. Simon controlled the bullets in the air and sent them flying back a few times faster than when they were shot at him.

The guards screamed as they were filled with bullet holes and Simon decided to see what his mental range was now. As he closed his eyes for a moment, he opened them wide in shock. He could see everything within a few hundred miles. He could sense every single beings with perfect clarity and his brain no longer felt strained when he did this.

Thanks to this, Simon was now in front of the room that held the other ten Demigods. Ripping the metallic door open, Simon found ten humanoid beings on different sized tables. With them still being unconscious, Simon knew this would be the best time to get rid of them.

Over in the control center, Sergeant James was still alive but barely. He looked at the security footage of Simon and growled in distaste.

"I'll kill you, even if I have to use monsters!" James said as he was about to command the monsters to go wild and kill everything, he was one step away from death after all.

Just as Simon was about to use his telekinesis to destroy their hearts, he noticed that they all had a barrier of energy. This energy blocked him from using his telekinesis inside of them.

"I guess i'll have to manually do this." Simon said but before he could they started waking up.

"That's not good." Simon said before a voice sounded from the room walls.

"Code 666!" After this was heard by all of the demigods, they jumped out of their beds and charged looked at Simon.

Within a second, the smaller female Demigod with short black hair and eyes ran over with an insane speed that was almost as fast as bullets. Somehow even though this demigod was able to move at these speeds, Simon was able to follow her movements with ease and even evade her sharp black claws. What Simon didn't expect was the muscular eight feet tall giant tackling him at a faster than human speed.

Luckily Simon was able to create a barrier with his telekinesis and was sent through multiple metal walls. All of this shaking had finally awakened Lily as she looked around. Surprised at what was happening but even more surprised about what had happened to her body as well as Simon's.

"What-?" She never finished as Simon set her aside with a barrier protecting her.

"I'll explain later, just sit still!" Simon could barely say before a bolt of yellow lightning hit his back, tearing his clothes apart and burning his back.

It felt annoying but within a second, Simon felt the wound heal which surprised Simon even more. "What other abilities do I have now?"

Just after that bolt of lightning hit Simon, a fireball hit him as well as a sharp blade of wind that actually managed to cut into his bullet proof skin. A cut that was already healing and now gone from his arm.

Setting up his barrier instantly, Simon charged over to the giant man and tackled him with surprising ease. The big demigod felt like nothing at all as Simon threw him with all his power into the ground. The force of the giant hitting the ground created a crater as a deep hole was created, going bast the basement floors and into the earth below.

"I need to make sure I don't use too much strength around Lily." Simon noted before he felt multiple lightning bolts and fire balls strike his barrier.

After the blows stopped, Simon finally got a closer look at the five demigods in front of him and he was shocked. While they looked different, they were all people who he knew and once protected and bonded with.

The female fire demigod looked like a fire dragon with red scales. Her hair and eyes were also red and she had fire surrounding her body.

The female demigod looked like a harpy with bird wings behind her back and bird legs. Her hair and eyes were green and the feathers around her was also green. A whirlwind surrounded her and it felt quite powerful.

The giant strong demigod looked like the boy he had met and consoled once before. He was now bald and strong, powerful from how he had sent Simon through multiple walls. Strong enough to survive being thrown into the ground, though he seemed weakened.

The speed demigod was relatively the same as before, standing at only four and a half feet tall but she moved faster than anything Simon knew of. Her nails were extended, sharp and black just like Lily which made him wonder if she could do this as well.

As for the lightning Demigod, Simon didn't like him as he was a bully who kept on killing others with a smile. He only stopped when Simon was about to kill him but failed when the drill instructor saved him. Didn't want to waste potential demigods the man had said.

They all attacked and Simon dodged and started attacking as well. Their blows hit the shield and Simon attacked physically with his fists or with controlled objects. Every injury inflicted on the other demigods seemed to stop bleeding within moments but it didn't heal as fast as Simon's.

This made Simon happy but also sad as he had to kill some friends he had made. Except for the Lightning Demigod as Simon had no care for. As they fought and tried to destroy each other, the entire facility was being broken apart piece by piece. Simon was winning but his barrier was beginning to wear down, specifically from the strength demigod. His powerful attacks always cracked the barrier and placed immense stress on Simon's mind.

Before long, all seven of the newly created demigods were fighting in a separate building beside the one they had destroyed. After weakening all five demigods, Simon finally managed to trap them all in a barrier with only one barrier needing his full concentration.

"Simon don't kill them!" Lily called over as she rushed over quickly with her new speed.

Simon looked over before he yelled. "I need to, they're only monsters now! If I let them go, they'll destroy this world. I fought them and I know what they're capable of! The military won't even be able to put a scratch on these guys!"

"Search their minds, for any remnant of their personality! At least try!" Lily yelled back. "I know how they mean a lot to you!"

This calmed Simon down as he probed their minds. There was nothing was the order to destroy everything. That was what code 666 meant but deep within the demigods subconscious, Simon could feel them. Bits and pieces of the kids he once knew and protected. Gathering the pieces together, all of the demigods began screaming in pain.

"The mental strain will kill them." Simon whispered before he decided to get rid of everything, to just allow the remnant memories to remain.

After expelling the implanted memories, Simon restored the memories that were still within their minds. The demigods remembered some bits of their lives but looking at Simon in front of them, they remembered everything about him. This was due to Simon also inserting his own memories of their meeting and friendship into their minds. All except for the lightning demigod as doing that would be dangerous. Simon didn't need a psychopathic killer on the loose after all.

Sadly there was no time for the new demigods to talk about what they would do as a guard appeared with a missile launcher. Simon saw this and killed the guard with his telekinesis but not before he fired the explosive towards the ground. Simon didn't care for that but as the missile exploded, a massive amount of energy exploded outwards.

"What is that?!" The lightning Demigod yelled as he held his head, his mind hurting from the remnant memories fitting into his mind.

Simon couldn't answer as the energy became a sphere that started suctioning everything. Simon barely had time to catch Lily from flying straight into the ball of energy. The other five demigods were protected as Simon created a barrier around them and was even pulling them away with himself. Though he was successful for a few seconds, the pull became stronger until all seven of them entered the sphere.

"Gotta! Focus!" Simon yelled as he concentrated on keeping the barriers strong.

Everything beside them that had entered the mass was destroyed atom by atom, all except for the seven demigods. Simon focused as hard as he could as he felt like his mind would split. Not even reading the minds of thousands of people did this.

Just as Simon was about to lose consciousness, the pressure that was being exerted stopped and Simon took another glance at his surroundings. The world was blue like normal but there was one problem, there were two moons. That was the last thing he saw before he felt like he was falling down lower and lower until he crashed into the earth, making a crater with Lily in his arms. The other Demigods nowhere in sight.


After exiting the strange sphere, all seven demigods had fallen unconscious. Simon and Lily were together as Simon had a tight grip on her. As for the others, one fell into the mountains to the west. One fell into a large city located in the great plains and another into a dessert, one fell into a forest and the last fell into a large mountain.
