
Deity Chronicles

What would happen if God just disappeared? Well the human race just learnt to appreciate everything that the same almighty God that they ignored and took for granted, suddenly went of radar. An unknown force of evil takes over the heavens and earth an evil force mankind has given a name as the Fallen. The last remaining archangels have decided to seek the help of special humans called the Baptized, a group of spiritually gifted people who have been ordained and chosen by God himself to be the next protectors of heaven and earth called the Holy Society. Ezra Bringer, gets chosen to be one of the next in the fighting for life as we know it. Unlike the others Ezra doesn't receive the weapon blessing of other archangels like Gabriel or Uriel, No. He receives a blessing sword called the Light-bringer which once belonged to one of the most hated angel Samael himself. You've been chosen by the Light-bringer time to cause chaos my new lord. A whisper appeared to him.

Authentic_Author · ファンタジー
36 Chs

The Blessing Receiving Ceremony

The long awaited day finally came and as Moses had said before the team that was left standing will be the one that was going to receive the blessings first. What was this blessing they were talking about?

A blessing was a gift blessed and handed down by angels, a blessing when they choose who is going to be the next spiritual gifted person to borrow and hold their divine heavenly weapon.

"Children of the chosen, children of the blessed and children of the almighty God. Today is a special day for you, the day you will be chosen and blessed by a certain angel that was going to borrow you it's power and divine weapon of heavens. That will be your tool to help fight with the pending war, we all fear for" Moses said.

The ceremony was happening in a place called the Residence of Angels, as the name doesn't need much explaination it's self-explanatory. the Residence of Angels or better yet the Hall of Angels was a big building the size of the Empire state building itself, the Hall of Angels was built with bedrock granite and marble stone unlike the other buildings it wasn't gold. It was pearl white.

"Whoa what a big building building" The crowd admired the building.

"Okay since Layla defeated Valkyria in the tournament of teams, her and her team are the first ones to enter. Actually to be more specific she's the first one to enter and when she comes back her team follows" Moses explained.

The thought of that idea hearing that Layla defeated her, pissed Valkyria because she knew the truth that's not what happened but what was she going to say and who was going to convince her. Worse part Layla teased her.

Layla went forward and stepped by the building, a beautiful harmonical trumpets played and a door was opened for her to enter and she did. While everyone was waiting for her patiently and others anxiously, the doors opened up again. Layla came out.

"Ladies and gentlemen I give you Layla Blue, she who was blessed by none other than Gabriel himself, borrowing her his horn. That gives her the power of hypnosis and vocal manipulation" Moses announced.

Everyone was excited and now so restless they couldn't wait for their turn, Gordon James followed and he came back too.

"Ladies and gentlemen I give you Gordon James, he who was blessed by none other than Zedkiel himself, borrowing him his staff. That was created from the tree of life, it gives him the power to heal and save lives" Moses announced again.

Then the rest of everyone also went in and all of them came back with their own blessings from different angels, Moses announced. Ezra's team was the last team to go in the hall.

Then it was their time and the first one to go was Valkyria and she came back too.

"Ladies and gentlemen I give you Valkyria Argent, she who was blessed by none other than Archeia herself, borrowing her, her bow of faith. That was created from the hopes and dreams of virgin Mary. It gives her the power to change a person's heart, whether it's a human or not" Moses announced.

Jason Moore went in and he came back too, and Moses announced that Jason was blessed by none other than Michael himself, borrowing him his armor of incredible strength, allowing him the power of super strength, invulnerability, telepathy and flight.

Then the next person to enter was Sarah Waterfall and when she came back, it was announced that she was blessed by none other than Jophiel herself, borrowing her, her stinger of love. That gives Sarah the power to give a person love.

The next person to follow was none other than Damian Shaw and when he came back, it was announced that he was blessed by none other than Uriel himself, borrowing him his fiery sword of death. That gives him the power to guide and control the souls to his will.

Ezra was the last person to enter the hall, he went forward and his entrance music was different from others instead of beautiful harmonical it was more metallic and gothic, the trumpets were loud and dark. Then the door opened up for him, he entered and when he was inside there were big statues of the most powerful and respected archangels.

"State your name boy" a low bass voice asked.

"My name is Ezra Bringer, sir" Ezra replied.

"Are you lost Ezra Bringer?" the low bass voice asked.

"No I don't think so" Ezra said.

"State your business in that case then" the low voice asked.

"I'm one of the spiritually gifted and I'm here to receive my blessing" Ezra stated.

"Is that so? Step forward boy" the voice summoned him.

Ezra did exactly what he was asked to do he did step forward, there was a big statue of an angel sitting in it's chair. There other angels were sitted on both sides, surrounding Ezra. It's eyes glowed white.

"Look at my eyes boy and we shall see who among us, will bless you" the voice said.

Ezra looked at the eyes of the leader angel statue and it read Ezra's life and saw everything it needed to see. Ezra was now floating in the air and his eyes were dark grey like clouds forming a storm, then Ezra dropped to the floor.

"Impure!!!" The statue angel sounded so furious it's a low bass voice rumbled across the hall.

"He who is wrongfully gifted!" another statue angel said, it was a woman.

"Let us eliminate him, let us take him out of his misery" another statue angel said, it was a man.

Sounded like now all the angels were now furious by the presence of Ezra, the building started to crumble from the inside. The eyes of the statues changed from glowing white to glowing blue, everything was crumbling and Ezra was dodging as fast as he could.

The angel statues started to crack and the others crumbled, Ezra ran for cover and when he exited the building. It crumbled behind him, and he came without no blessing. He was rejected.