
Deity Chat: I Can Trade With Gods

Humanity was on the verge of extinction after the portal appeared but some people started awakening supernatural and soon the tide turned different. Humans started overpowering otherworldly creatures. And as humanity stabilized, the hunter profession started rising. After 100 years, a boy named Ethan who had lost his parents during a rift and got an ugly scar on his face was cursing the god. The gods heard his prayer and the next day when he woke up he found an unknown app, filled with weirdos on his phone, the "Deity Chat" | • | Howdy readers, English is not my first language, so expect some grammatical mistakes. Anyways, have a good day. And the updates will be twice a week as I am busy with other works

SomethingCringe · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Mystical Rank

Ethan's face flushed with embarrassment as the girl's piercing scream echoed through the bus. 


The sudden attention from the other passengers only intensified his discomfort. He quickly moved to another seat, hoping to avoid further awkward encounters.

As he settled into his new seat, Ethan couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and resignation. 

It wasn't the first time he had experienced such reactions from people due to his scar, but it still stung every time. He wished he could blend in, and go unnoticed like everyone else.

Feeling bored he opened the DeityChat app. As he chucked reading their message about longevity and Immortality, he stumbled upon the trade option. Curious, he clicked on the option.

[Trade Shop]

< Please log in before going further >

A message popped up, telling him to sign-up. He didn't have a problem with signing in but where the hell is the email option?

He was getting frustrated as he could not find where to sign and moved his finger to close the app but.

< Log-in Successful >

< Please set a name! >

"Huh?" Ethan was dumbfounded, he didn't even put his email or other thing but he got logged in.

 Even then he didn't feel suspicious and put a name, he scrolled through the different categories available in the trade shop. There were sections for weapons, armour, artefacts, and various other items that seemed straight out of a fantasy world. 

Chuckling to himself, Ethan thought, "Well, this is definitely more entertaining than I expected." He decided to explore the weapons section first, curious to see what kind of weapons they have. As it was not weird to sell weapons online in this age and time.

1. Primordial Bow of Eternal Skies

   Type: Primordial

   Description: This legendary bow is said to have been forged by the gods themselves. Its arrows soar through the heavens, guided by the winds, and strike with the force of thunder. With this bow in hand, one can unleash devastating storms upon their enemies.

2. Secret Blade of Veiled Shadows

   Type: Secret

   Description: This elusive blade is shrouded in mystery and secrecy. It is said to possess the power to conceal its wielder's presence, rendering them invisible to the naked eye. With the Blade of Veiled Shadows, one can move undetected and strike with deadly precision.

3. Mythical Hammer of Titans

   Type: Mythical

   Description: Crafted by ancient giants, this colossal hammer harnesses the raw strength and power of the Titans. Each swing creates shockwaves that can shatter mountains and crumble fortresses. The Hammer of Titans is a weapon that commands respect and instills fear in the hearts of enemies.

4. Immortal Sword of Radiant Light

   Type: Immortal

   Description: This divine sword is said to have been blessed by celestial beings. It radiates a brilliant light that banishes darkness and purifies evil. The Sword of Radiant Light grants its wielder enhanced abilities, heightened senses, and the ability to channel celestial energy in combat.

5. Primordial Staff of Elemental Mastery

   Type: Primordial

   Description: Carved from ancient trees imbued with elemental energy, this staff grants its wielder mastery over the four elements: earth, fire, water, and air. With the Staff of Elemental Mastery, one can summon raging storms, conjure pillars of flame, shape the land at will, and command the forces of nature.

6. Secret Dagger of Soulbane

   Type: Secret

   Description: The Dagger of Soulbane is a blade feared by all who believe in the existence of the soul. It possesses the ability to sever the connection between body and soul, rendering its victim lifeless and trapped in eternal slumber. Those who wield this dagger must be cautious, for it tempts the darkness within.

7. Mythical Trident of the Abyss

   Type: Mythical

   Description: Forged in the depths of the ocean's abyss, this trident holds dominion over the sea and all its creatures. It grants its wielder control over water, allowing them to conjure tidal waves, summon aquatic allies, and drown their foes in a watery grave. The Trident of the Abyss is a symbol of power and authority over the oceans.

8. Immortal Bow of Celestial Harmony

   Type: Immortal

   Description: Infused with celestial energy, this bow resonates with the harmony of the cosmos. Its arrows carry the blessings of the stars, striking with precision and inflicting celestial afflictions upon its targets. The Bow of Celestial Harmony channels the power of the heavens, connecting the wielder to the celestial realm.

As he scrolled through the weapons, he couldn't help but admire the intricate designs and unique names. 

There were swords embedded with glowing gems, bows crafted from ancient wood, and even staffs that seemed to possess mystical properties.

"They really believed that someone would buy these fake weapons," He thought to himself, it was his first time seeing these types of weapons and nonetheless the rank of the weapons was unheard of.

One particular weapon caught his eye—an ornate dagger with a shimmering blade. The description mentioned its ability to enhance the wielder's agility and grant them swift movements in battle. Intrigued, Ethan clicked on the item to see its details.

<Dagger of the Whispering Shadows>

Rank: Mythical

Type: Weapon

Description: The Dagger of the Whispering Shadows is said to have been crafted by a legendary assassin. It holds the power to grant its wielder unparalleled speed and agility, enabling them to move in silence like a whisper. With this dagger in hand, you will become a master of stealth and finesse.

"Mythical rank?" He muttered seeing the rank of the weapon.

He was also astonished by the rank, in the whole world only one item was of Mythical rank and here this is but thinking of the app. He wasn't that surprised as they were just a bunch of weirdos in this app.

Nonetheless, Ethan decided to indulge in a little bit of fantasy. He checked the price of the Dagger of the Whispering Shadows and found that it required a certain amount of in-app currency called Deity Coins (DC). It seemed he would have to acquire these coins to make any purchases within the app.

He could also trade something else for it.


Suddenly he heard a loud noise followed by the civilian's scream, the bus also stopped.

Confused by what was happening he looked outside the window.

As the crack in reality widened, hideous creatures poured out, causing chaos and panic among the unsuspecting civilians. 

The once peaceful bus ride turned into a scene of terror and desperation. 

Ethan's heart raced as he realised he was now caught in the midst of a surreal nightmare.

Without wasting a second, Ethan's survival instincts kicked in. He looked around, searching for an exit strategy amidst the chaos. 

His gaze fell upon a shattered window at the back of the bus. Taking a deep breath, he pushed through the panicked crowd, determined to reach the window and escape the bus.

As soon as he was about to escape a monster entered the bus by destroying the roof.

The monster looked around looking at the civilians as prey. His gaze fell upon the girl that screamed at Ethan earlier. 

"D-Don't come... near me..." the girl said, scared out of her wits. Even though she was studying to become a hunter, it was her first time facing a monster.

In the midst of the chaos on the bus, a bone-chilling howl pierced through the air, sending shivers down Ethan's spine. 

He turned his gaze towards the source of the sound and his heart sank as he saw a massive, menacing creature standing before him—a werewolf, an E-rank monster.

The creature was a terrifying fusion of man and wolf, with a hulking physique, razor-sharp claws, and glowing amber eyes filled with primal rage. Its fur bristled with aggression as it lunged at the frightened girl who had screamed earlier, its jaws wide open, ready to tear her apart.

Ethan's instincts kicked into overdrive as he realised the imminent danger. Without hesitation, he lunged towards the girl, pushing her out of harm's way just as the werewolf's jaws clamped shut where she had been standing moments before.
