
Defying the Stars

Elle was drawn to the wonders of the human brain. She wanted to prove that she's not making it all up. The tiny voice of the monster has been persistently bothering her since she was six. Diagnosed with several mental illnesses after a traumatic brain injury, she has to suffer from the consequences of being indifferent, her late parents criminal record and the man whom she refuses to fall in love with while in the course of chasing her dream. Perhaps she never lost herself at all. She only had herself from the beginning and the dream as distant as the stars did not really die the moment she denied its existence.

riverlia · 若者
5 Chs


The terrible car accident kept me in bed for about a month. I was in a coma. I heard the police telling my aunt how the accident happened in detail. My dad was driving so fast it felt as if we were riding one of those bump cars. But being in the theme park was fun. That night was totally different. I did not enjoy the ride at all. My mom and dad were shouting things at each other while dad was driving. I can't even understand what they were saying. But the air was filled with rage and resentment. It penetrated deep down my skin. The six year old me was wondering why they were mad at each other when they said they love one another. They are a mom and dad. They were supposed to only give love. I was confused why we were in a hurry while the night was already deep. I asked them where we were going when they woke me up because I and my teddy had just finished our tea party and was about to sleep. "The bad guys are coming, we must hide'' they responded.

While on the road, dad keeps on swaying the steering wheel from left to right. And then a bright light collided with our car. I remember red drops going down my face. It smelled like iron. It was absolutely painful. I hated it there. It was so dark. I hate the dark. Monsters can take me away. Who's going to take care of teddy? And then my mind went blank and black.

I was trapped under the flipped car, it took the police and rescuers to get me out hours. The accident was all over the national television captioned "Advance fee scheme scammers dead on the spot", "Car shoot out on the Layhigh main road" and "Big scammers shootout incident".

I was only six. Just woke up from a coma. It was only then I came to realize that we were not chased by the monsters all along. I was with them. The bad guys were my parents. I did not want to believe it.

They said if someone was in a coma for more than eight hours, the brain damage will be considered irreversible. I just recently found out about how the thoughts form, how our minds are real only leading to building genetic expressions on our brain thus growing the thoughts in the brain. I was reading this article about a coma patient recovery at such a young age. It sounds so familiar as if it was my own story. It is said that the patient, who is a young girl, caught up with her peer's study even after staying in the hospital for 8 months. She managed to close the gap between the fourth grade level she is in after the traumatic incident with the 12th grade her peers are in. She successfully finished school and graduated with a degree.

This girl chose to control her mind. It is proven that after a traumatic experience, the IQ level of the patient is expected to go down by around 20 points because of the damage in the brain injury. But this young woman proved it wrong by not decreasing her IQ level but actually managing to increase it by 20 points from a hundred before the accident to a hundred twenty post accident. Talking about the cognitive side, this only means brain changes. Our thoughts form in the tree branch looking neuron. This was proven until the late 90s through the help of brain imaging technology. Neuroplasticity simply means that our brains can change coming from two words neuro meaning brain and plastic meaning change. Our brains are bound to change.

But it has to be constantly stimulated over the time. This also leads to mentioning neurogenesis where we grow new brain cells. Nuero meaning brain and genesis meaning new birth. The more we grow new brain cells, the more the brain grows. The more we create new branches of neurons extending towards each other, the more the brain grows. Scientists assert that our brains are limitless. In order to fill up a human brain, some claim you have to be 3 million years old. Infinite brain capacity is yours and it is not limited to anyone. It never discriminates against people with mental disorders. It is us who controls our brains by directing it towards positive thoughts. If you build positive neuron branch connections through thinking positively then it will have a positive impact on your brain. If you choose to think negatively then it impacts the brain negatively. Our brain does not control us. We can't control the outside stimulus but we can command our reactions. We can control how we react towards various situations. Remember the more we choose to keep learning new information, processing it through thinking deeply, neurons will form, the more we train our brains to be intelligent.

Aunt Molly, Auntie Molly and Baby Molly, who is by the way already 5 years old when I was six, affirms that I have always been the reason why he had a hard time as a kid. Auntie Molly would always ask him to read the Three Little Pigs, The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Where the Wild Things Are whole day everyday and when he gets one word wrong, he will be punished. Aunt Molly would always ask Baby why the hell can't be read a mere children's book when someone like me, with stupid made up mental illness, gets to read the books at ease. Baby has to do well always because he'll be compared to me.

And that made things even harder as if everything in my life hasn't gone wrong. As if the accident and me suddenly being an orphan is not terrible enough.