
Leaving and Parting Ways

"We got our things. Let's get out of here before another Drake appears!" Darram Longhand urged the team.

"Agreed. There might be any unexpected contingencies." Darram Shorthand chirped.

"Yup. If we die now, it won't be worth it at all." Darram Mediumhand pointed out. Though cultivators who soul-bound themselves to the Cathedral of Lights in the cities were able to revive at the city, they would lose their item bags and possessions. They could always come back to the place where they died to retrieve their belongings, but anything could happen within that given timeframe; other robbers might appear or even the Drakes might hoard their possessions.

"Let's go then." Kael said calmly.

The team thus left the cave, leaving the Drake to moan in agony while they travelled along the tunnel.

After 15 minutes of rushing, they reached the entrance of the tunnel, which was the landing spot from the top of the precipice. The blind and injured Drake was still paralyzed at one corner of the landing, moaning in its pain. It seemed to have realized that the team had arrived and it became furious, snorting cold air out of its nostrils. However, it was unable to do anything but to 'watch' them leave the area.

"Vuelo!" The team immediately became light as a feather as they executed the Spirit Art. Next, they took out the picks made from the raw materials of demonic beasts and started climbing their way up the precipice.

It was more difficult to climb up than to rappel down, but they still managed to do it with ease thanks to their reduced weight. After an hour, they finally clawed their way up to the precipice.

Along the way, there were no demonic beasts that came to harass them, despite the draconic roars of the Black Line Drake at the landing spot. Perhaps the demonic beasts were more scared than anything else to explore the territory of the dreaded high ranked monsters.

At the precipice, the team was conversing.

"It's a pity we didn't manage to kill either of the Drakes. Their raw materials are worth much and their monster cores are worth even more. It will definitely be very beneficial to our cultivation if we manage to ingest their cores." Darram Shorthand lamented.

"It's one thing to injure and cripple them, but quite another thing to completely kill them off. Their close combat abilities are pretty scary and intimidating. One swipe was enough to send us back to the Cathedral of Lights. Besides, our spoils are large enough. Both sides have one Ice Artifice each. We can call this a good expedition." Kael replied.

"Mate. This is all thanks to you and your wondrous abilities. Hahaha! It's a pleasure working with you!" Darram Longhand was in high spirits.

"No problem. With that Ice Artifice, though it's a Common Rank Item, it is probably useful to Herald Rank or even Guardian Rank cultivators due to its special Ice element attribute. It will fetch you a good price; enough to buy cultivation resources that will boost all of your cultivation by one level!"

"That's what we are intending to do. There's a bounty on this item, and we are selling it so that we can purchase other items. Also on our agenda is to upgrade our firearms, or maybe even buy Spirit Arts that are compatible with our Sniper profession! What about you mate?"

"Me? I'm not selling this Ice Artifice. I'm going to cultivate with this item. Furthermore, I'm planning to incubate the eggs I've stolen using this Ice Artifice. When the hatchlings emerge, it'll be easy for me to brand them with my spiritual energy, making them my servants and pets!"

The trio looked at each other and laughed awkwardly. This fella was really extreme. To keep Drakes as pets? Only high ranked cultivators would have such a habit, and yet this human who wasn't even at the Commoner Rank was talking about breeding and training creatures with the draconic bloodline? It will definitely cause a furore within the lower tiers of the Hundred Realms if news of this spread.

However, though they were thinking this way, they didn't dare to slight Kael. After all, he had proven that he had the capabilities and powers to make the impossible as possible.

"So where are you heading to next? If you have nothing better to do you can always join us in returning to Fairview City. It's about the same size and level as Fledgling City, but it's definitely more prosperous then Fledgling City due to the huge volume of traffic it gets due to its strategic location." Darram Longhand had thoughts of recruiting Kael into his team, making their bounty missions much more effective and fruitful if he ever joined.

Kael pondered for a brief moment. Indeed, going to Fairview City was a viable option. Besides, Fairview City would be able to provide more cultivation resources to him as compared to Fledgling Myriad Institute or the City Lord's faction. However, for some strange reason, he felt an inexplicable feeling telling him to return to Fledgling City. He thought of the people he met there, including Mirana and Thrump, Richard Duran and Patten Eagle, and the expedition members that went to the Whitemoon Mines for his first mission after reviving in a different body…

On the other hand, it could be said that he had established a friendship and bonding with the Darram brothers after going through this hazardous bounty mission together. They had worked well as a team as well. It wouldn't be a bad idea to go along with them and explore the Myriad Domain through Fairview City.

After weighing the pros and cons of going to either city, Kael still decided to trust his gut instincts in the end. His instincts was what helped him survive many battles and wars as the Invoker, thus he naturally decided to trust it in this time around.

"Apologies. Thank you for your offer, but I think I'll return to Fledgling City as I still have some unsettled business to attend to. May we cross paths again in the future. It was a pleasure working with the three of you." Kael cupped his hands towards them, signalling that it was time to part ways.
