
Deep Reset

WARNING !!! R+18 Mature Content will be listed. Following triggers. BDSM, FFM, MMF, Tentacles Every fantasy creature with a human in some way shape or form. Symbiotes, and Just different stuff....You have been warned...Its LITRPG also so ENJOY! And now... Now with that. Said let's get. To the. Story. This story is for a mature audience and will include sexual situations with Fantasy monsters. You have been warned. This story is about a Symbiote who teams up with a Priestess in a unique world where anything can happen. The Epitaph of The End In the digital abyss, I conversed with an angel, Offered a choice, my fate at stake. "Paradise or reincarnation?" he asked, I chose trust over trickery's embrace. The celestial beings, surprised by my wit, Their brows raised in disbelief. A laugh escaped the angel's lips, Acknowledging my unconventional belief. From nothingness to a humble bacterium, I journeyed through existence's span. Consumed by darkness, I traveled the stars, Crashing on a world, my journey began. Feeding on the first, I took its form, A shape-shifting slime, yet aware of my norm. Different from the consumed, my essence transformed, An epitaph of a rebirth, in a world reborn.

ELE_Reed · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Magical Girl

Aria, the Priestess, stood amidst the chaos and carnage, her torn clothing barely clinging to her worn body. Her staff, a symbol of her faith and strength, lay broken at her feet, shattered like her hopes of survival.

Desperation etched across her features, she tried to cast heal from a distance, her voice a mixture of screams and cries as she attempted to reach her fallen friends. But it was too late. They lay motionless on the ground, their life force drained by the relentless onslaught of the goblins.

With a trembling hand, Aria reached out to the Mage, her last hope for salvation. But before the spell could be unleashed, a Goblin Captain emerged from the shadows, his presence striking fear into her heart. With a swift and brutal motion, he subdued the Mage, his grip tightening around her throat, crushing her ability to cast.

Panic surged through Aria as she realized the impending doom. Summoning every ounce of strength she possessed, she cast Barrier, a protective shield forming around her. With a sharp slice, she managed to sever the Goblin's hand, freeing the Mage from his grasp. But the exertion was too much, the barrier shattering into shards of light as it dispersed.

As the dust settled, Aria found herself surrounded by the remnants of battle. The cave echoed with the sounds of death and destruction, the stench of blood and decay hanging heavy in the air. Goblins, some dead, some still clinging to life, littered the cavern floor, a grim testament to the savagery of their attackers.

As the Goblin Captain screamed and growled in pain, Aria and Rikku seized the opportunity to make their escape. With every step, fear and anxiety clawed at Aria's heart, threatening to overwhelm her fragile resolve.

Her body ached with every movement, the wounds she had sustained during the brutal battle throbbing with each step. Limping alongside Rikku, she struggled to keep pace, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she fought to push past the pain.

The sound of the Goblin Captain's tortured cries echoed through the cavern, a constant reminder of the danger that lurked behind them. Aria's heart pounded in her chest, the rhythm matching the frantic beat of her footsteps as they hurried toward the faint glimmer of daylight ahead.

With each passing moment, the fear grew more suffocating, threatening to consume her whole. The darkness seemed to press in from all sides, its oppressive weight bearing down on her weary shoulders.

But despite the overwhelming terror that gripped her, Aria pressed on, fueled by a fierce determination to survive. She couldn't afford to falter now, not when freedom lay just beyond their reach.

As Aria and Rikku neared the threshold of safety, their hopes shattered like fragile glass against the cruel reality of their situation. Before they could grasp the promise of freedom, the goblins struck with ruthless efficiency, their ambush swift and brutal.

Hands snaked out from the darkness, seizing their ankles with a vice-like grip, dragging them back into the suffocating depths of the cave. Aria's heart hammered in her chest as the horror of their predicament washed over her, fear twisting her stomach into knots.

The assault was relentless, a tidal wave of violence and depravity crashing down upon them. Aria fought with all her strength, kicking and thrashing against her assailants, but their numbers overwhelmed her. They tore away her remaining shreds of clothing, their leering faces twisted with cruel amusement as they groped and pawed at her exposed flesh.

Every fiber of Aria's being screamed in defiance as she lashed out with fists and feet, desperation lending her blows a savage intensity. But amidst the chaos, she felt a pang of helplessness as she saw Rikku, weakened and defenseless, fall victim to the goblins' merciless onslaught.

Tears stung Aria's eyes as she watched her friend's torment, her heart breaking at the sight of Rikku's suffering. She reached out, a futile gesture of solidarity and support, but her efforts were in vain against the tide of darkness that threatened to engulf them both.

In that moment of despair, Aria's world narrowed to a single, stark reality: they were alone, trapped in a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape. As the goblins continued their assault, their laughter echoing through the cavern like a cruel mockery of their pain, Aria knew that they were at the mercy of the goblins. She knew very well what goblin males did to females. They impregnated them. 

Aria's heart pounded in her chest as the Goblin Captain returned, his twisted intentions written plainly across his leering face. The sight of his exposed member sent a shiver of revulsion down her spine, but she knew she was powerless to stop him. Resignation washed over her, her eyes closing as she braced herself for the inevitable.

But then, the sound of violence shattered the silence, and warm blood rained down upon her, startling her from her resigned stupor. Opening her eyes, she witnessed a scene of unexpected carnage unfolding before her.

A figure, barely able to keep its balance, wielded a dagger with deadly precision, dispatching the goblins with ruthless efficiency. Aria's mind struggled to comprehend what she was seeing. Was this creature, who moments ago seemed barely capable of standing, now fighting to save them?

Confusion and fear mingled within her as she watched the figure's erratic movements, unsure of its intentions. Was it trying to save them, or was it simply lashing out in a blind frenzy? Aria's heart raced as she realized that she had no way of knowing, and the uncertainty only added to her growing sense of dread.

Aria's hope flickered to life as the unexpected intervention of the mysterious Goblin seemed to turn the tide against the Captain. With renewed determination, she watched as the Goblin grunt launched a fierce assault, striking blow after blow against their assailant.

But her hope was short-lived as the Captain, enraged and determined, fought back with brutal efficiency. Despite the Goblin grunt's valiant efforts, he was no match for the Captain's strength and skill. Aria's heart sank as she witnessed the uneven struggle unfold before her eyes, her sense of horror mounting with each devastating blow.

She could only watch helplessly as the Captain mercilessly beat the Goblin grunt into submission, his blows raining down with a sickening thud. The sound of bone crunching beneath the force of the Captain's attacks echoed through the cavern, sending a chill down Aria's spine.

Tears welled in her eyes as she witnessed the tragic demise of their would-be savior, his life snuffed out in a cruel display of violence. The Captain showed no mercy, his relentless assault leaving no room for escape or reprieve.

Aria's heart broke as she realized that their chance for salvation had been extinguished, replaced by a sense of profound despair.


As I slithered away from the broken body of the Goblin grunt, frustration and desperation gnawed at me. This form was no longer viable, and I needed a new host quickly. However, all around me lay the lifeless bodies of the fallen, none suitable for my needs.

My translucent slime shape oozed along the floor, my thoughts consumed by the dire situation. The Mage and the Priestess were both in bad shape, making them difficult targets for possession. But I couldn't afford to dwell on my regrets now. I had made a choice, and I had to see it through.

As the Captain finished off my former host body, the Priestess looked down at me with a mixture of hope and desperation. "You... tried to help us, please don't leave," she pleaded, her voice trembling.

I hesitated, torn between my survival and the chance to aid them further. But in the end, I knew what I had to do. "I can help you, but I need your body," I explained, my voice filled with urgency. "I've never tried to control a human before, but I believe I can do it long enough to kill the Captain or at least get us both out of here."

As I waited for her response, a pang of guilt and uncertainty washed over me. Would her Shin, her deity, allow such a violation of her body? It was a risk I had to take, for both our sakes.

As the Priestess begged for my help, desperation etched into every word, I knew that this was our only chance. She pleaded with me, promising anything if only I could save them. Her words pierced through me, stirring a sense of determination within my formless essence.

I moved closer to her, sensing her willingness to trust me. As our beings touched, I flowed into her wounds, seeking to take control of her body. But I encountered a barrier, something within her resisting my presence.

"You have to let me in," my voice echoed in her mind, urging her to trust me. She clenched her head, the pain evident on her face as she struggled against the intrusion.

"You have to let me in, or we will both suffer," I implored, feeling her resistance weakening.

She cried out, tears streaming down her face as she fought against the force trying to control her. The Captain's laughter mocked her suffering, his cruel amusement fueling her fear and desperation.

"Trust me," I pleaded, my voice resonating with sincerity. "I tried to help you. I could have run, but I chose to stay. Trust me, please."

And finally, after what felt like an eternity, she relented. She trusted me. With a final surge of will, I merged with her, our beings becoming one.

As our essences merged, I enveloped the Priestess's entire body, our forms intertwining in a dance of light and shadow. I covered her in a shimmering cloak of translucent slime, our energies intertwining and merging into a single, unified entity.

She gasped and moaned, her body reacting to the intense sensation of our fusion. Her skin flushed red, her breath coming in ragged gasps as the transformation swept through her.

"What are you doing?" she asked weakly, her voice filled with confusion and desire, her moans punctuating her words.

"I don't know," I replied, my confusion mirroring hers. This was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. The sensation of melding with a human was foreign to me, and I struggled to comprehend the depths of our connection.

We were both lost in the whirlwind of sensation and emotion, our minds and bodies merging into a single, unified consciousness. It was a strange and exhilarating experience, unlike anything either of us had ever known.

And then, as quickly as it had begun, our fusion reached its climax. With a surge of power, we emerged as one, our minds and bodies united in purpose and resolve. Together, we faced the Captain, our newfound strength fueling our determination to end his reign of terror once and for all.

we stood before the Captain, our forms shimmering with residual energy. The Captain, annoyed and angry at our defiance, snarled and lunged at us, a dagger in hand.

We moved with a grace and agility that surprised even us, dodging his attacks with ease. But we could feel our fusion faltering, our connection weakening with each passing moment.

As the Captain pressed his assault, we seized the opportunity to strike back. With precision and speed, we disabled his arms, rendering them useless. Next, we targeted his legs, rendering him immobile and helpless.

With a savage determination, we plunged our thumbs into his eyes, gouging them out with a viciousness that shocked even us. The Captain howled in agony, his once menacing demeanor reduced to a pitiful wail.

As our fusion reached its breaking point, a powerful shockwave of force erupted from our combined form, sending us hurtling in opposite directions. With a final burst of energy, our unity shattered, and we reverted to our separate selves.

I stumbled backward, my form trembling with the residual effects of the fusion. My senses reeled as I tried to regain my bearings, the disorientation of the separation washing over me like a wave.

Across the cavern, the Priestess lay sprawled on the ground, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she struggled to recover from the ordeal. The Captain's lifeless body lay nearby, his reign of terror brought to a swift and decisive end.