
The Beginning

"What I am does not matter, what truly matters is if you'll accept my offer. said the voice

"Ok so what's your offer?" I said

"I'll bring you back to life on the condition that you will rule every universe with yours being the last one after that you'll destroy the heavens and hell and become the ultimate ruler"

"And how do you expect me to do that?"

"I'll grant you 4 wishes and give you the ability to speak to all creature living or dead"

"Ok well my first wish is to see everything like a video game and my second wish is to have the ability to regenerate from anything within 1 minute and the ability to absorb abilities and traits such as body shape and functions also their knowledge and that I be reincarnated straight from the womb of a poor human in a world of magic and that my parents aren't human but are humanoid." I said

"Very well now until we meet again goodbye godly mortal!!!"

sorry from now on I'll type Zach's words as if they were mine and sorry I was on hiatus

Eyepatched_Demoncreators' thoughts