
The Slip Up

People call me a lot of names: "Jace the Ace", "God's gift to women", "Mr. Darkside", "THE Assassin" among others.

I pride myself in being the best in my business, you may think it's dark and dangerous - well, it is but it is just a job and I'm fucking good at it. I kill people for a living, but I don't kill just anyone, like any other person I follow a code: Get paid before doing the job.

You can't imagine how many fuckers have tried to give me the slip after I did the job for them. It's just messy when I have to kill the target AND my customer. It gives me bad rep especially when people speculate that I kill my customers just for fun. I don't. I don't kill for free or just because I want to.

I won't bore you with the details of my kills, but it is impressive I have to say, I'm not kidding when I said I am the best.

My weapon of choice is my Katana, I like the feel of swinging it, the sound it makes and wiping the blood off my blade when I'm done. The Katana is light, just like me, quick despite my six-foot, hundred eighty pound frame.

Aside from my impressive skills I'm gifted with good looks, I mean, if you're going to get killed wouldn't you want the last face you ever look at to be this handsome mug right here? I've got light blue eyes, long lashes and dark hair - like a freakin' angel of death if I may say so myself.

Now, people have asked me if I sleep soundly at night when I know how many lives I've ended, the thing is when you're me, you always have to leave one eye open because there are a lot more worse people to be afraid of.

We live in a time when being divided is the only way we get along. Earth, or what's left of it is divided into five cities: Crystal City, the place where the wealthiest live, their city is built of crystals and glass. Stone City, the place where all the knowledge of the human existence is preserved, they are the keepers of our history and live a peaceful life. Fire City, the place where energy is made to power up all the other cities. Fuel City, where I live is the only source of fuel to keep the Fire City up, without us and our resource the Earth will be clothed in eternal darkness. Ice City - well, it's full of darkness and ice, no one really knows what goes on there, at least no one dared to go to find out. It's really creepy. And the last piece of earth with any source of food and water is beyond the Crystal City - that's why they're the wealthiest of all the cities - they have the food. We live relatively in peace, because everyone has purpose in this circle of life. Even the low lives.

Anyway, our city is the most notorious of them all, because here, people kill to survive, we live in a city built in metal and rust and like I said we have all the fuel left on Earth. But fuel isn't the only thing we trade to other cities, we also have the best fighters and best assassins, and in my city, I am number one.

Some people want to take my status at number one. How do I know I'm number one? The board says so. Seriously, we have a board. I've seen it. And I've been at the top of that list since I was sixteen - the youngest assassin to ever make it to the Top 10 Assassins in Fuel City.

Ever since then I've had a target on my back because they feel like I didn't deserve it and I'm taking all their business. I was fast, quiet and neat. The older assassins were freaks. They were messy, vulgar and they enjoy killing way too much. I mean they kill people just for fun, I think that's a waste of my skills and effort so I do it quick and clean.

What about the parents you say? Where are they when this was happening to their little boy? Well, I've got no parents, don't even remember having them. I've always been in the company of my fellow assassins, they taught me everything I know but when I grew up and got better than them, they tried to kill me too. So now I work alone. Well, I tried to.

Back when I was around nineteen I met a weirdo named Grizz, he's an orphan just like me and around my age and he said he wanted to learn the tricks of the trade, I kicked him out of my home literally hundreds of times but he keeps coming back, like a puppy. And that did it, he actually brought home a puppy, I have less to zero sympathy for humans but I'm a sucker for furry animals. So I took them in, against my better judgement. I named the puppy Glock and fell in love. That's usually how it ends right? How normal people die? You fall in love and the next thing you know, you're on the floor of your bathroom, bleeding to death.

Well, that's what happened to me anyway. Yes, here I am lying on the floor bleeding to death just because Glock pushed the soap out of the counter and left it on the floor. I slipped, banged my head on the tub and now I'm just waiting for death to claim me.

Number One fucking assassin of Fuel City.

Death by soap.

What a fucking way to go.
