
Willing to Be Tortured and Killed

Demi-humans are beasts with human-like features, and they usually have unique skills that are only available to their species.

They are not an uncommon sight in this world and can be found almost everywhere. However, there are some rare species out there such as the man with the bird wings behind his back — a Birdman — with highly desirable skills.

"Please… save us…" The Birdman said, his voice hoarse-sounding.

There wasn't any reason why I shouldn't break the cell open and let them free, especially not when they are fellow prisoners who had been wronged and kept here for experiments.

And thus, I answered his plead for help by tearing down the entire jail cell, freeing everybody there.

After breaking the cell, I began walking towards the stairwell without giving them a second glance.

It wasn't surprising, but when I walked, they also walked, following behind me like a group of afraid puppies following their master.

Some were injured, and some were even clearly limping, but despite the pain, they clench their jaws and endured it.

This was their only chance of freedom; there is no second chance — that is what they believed.

After climbing the stairwell, I was greeted with a nostalgic scene.

The only path was blocked by reinforcements, again.

"He's here! And there are also the other experiments behind him!"

"Not even the 3rd floor was able to stop their rebellion?!"

The prisoners behind me retreated a few steps upon seeing the massive group of people blocking their way.

I don't blame them; they must have experienced enough traumatic events to instinctively fear them.

I know very well how they felt… I was the same before…

The reinforcements also noticed their fear towards them, so they grinned widely.

"Hahaha! Capture all of them! If they resist, kill them!"

As the one who seemed to be the leader declared, I also took my step forward.

"Blow him up with ranged attacks! He can't die, so there is no need to hold back!"

Arrows and magic suddenly covered my view, and where I stood exploded into a fiery mess.

<Perfect Regeneration activated>

It is a pity, but these kind of weak attacks from them are unable to kill me any more and only activated my Perfect Regeneration.

"If you… cannot… kill me… then… die!"

My communication skills are lacking because I rarely spoke in here, only screaming during torture sections until my lungs hurt.

I ran towards the startled group, and I began my assault.

Blood rained, and limbs flew as I tore apart these people like I would forcefully disassemble toys not meant to be taken apart in my younger days.


"My arm!"

The place shrieked with terror.

A river of blood quickly appeared, reaching even the stairwell where the prisoners trembled at the scene, feeling the warmth of the blood as it flowed downstairs.

I'm sure they are all wondering why someone as strong as me would be locked up in this place.

In actuality, I could've left this place long ago, but I wanted to increase my Death Count, so I endured it and willingly stayed for a few more years.

Since I became immune to pain after five years of imprisonment and constant torture, I didn't mind staying for another year or two at the time. But these worthless trash no longer killed me as often after the ninth year mark.

It was mainly because they have already exhausted their experiment materials after nine years of nonstop experimenting, so they were forced to slow down the progress.

But I had realized that fact a year too late, hence why I am angry and releasing my anger by killing these people in the most gruesome way possible — things I have already personally experienced.

After the last body drops to the ground lifelessly, I turned my head to look at the cell beside me.

I wasn't surprised to see more prisoners, but their condition did make me wonder some things.

Inside the cell was obviously more prisoners like the ones from the previous floor, but they were also in worse shape than the ones from the previous floor.

Many of these prisoners are missing an arm or leg, while others are half-dead, and some had already begun rotting away as a corpse.

None of the ones from the previous floor was in such a poor shape since they were at least all alive with complete bodies.

Why is there such a difference in the treatment between these two floors?

After looking at them for a moment, I found my answer.

These prisoners are not as rare and as valued as the ones from the lower floors, so they are held with less regard and importance, hence the harsher treatment.


I tore away the entire cell from the wall like I did with the previous floor, and I continued walking towards the stairwell.

Even if they cannot stand to walk, even if they might die halfway to the exit, I will still give them a chance to survive, but whether or not they are able to leave this hell today and live long enough to tell the tale is none of my concerns.
