
Death call

hobiyoonmin · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Death Master

Adir looked at the corner which Killian was hiding. His eyes were opened wide in shock. Killian wanted to jump into the scene but Adir shook his head.

Adir turned to his dad who was smiling so hard that his jaws were drawn so perfectly. Adir bit inside of his mouth to keep himself from saying a snarky comment.

"Oh, Sam you won't believe what happened!" Mr. Hayes said while getting closer to the duo. Mr. Zeth smiled brightly at his friend's excitement.

"Psychiatrist community contacted you? That was your dream from first-year Ferouz!" Mr. Zeth said when Mr. Hayes was finally in front of them.

Mr. Hayes nodded excitedly and looked at his son who had a confused look like his friend from the hiding spot. Upon seeing that confusion in his son's eyes he grinned and touched his shoulder.

"I'm finally getting off your shoulders son! I'm going to London today... I think I will be coming back home at weekends... I just wanted to tell you that before I drive there!" He said feeling and sounding so proud of himself.

Adir gulped and blinked several times.

"Do you have to drive there?" Adir asked feeling scared that whatever Killian saw will come true.

Although he is not on good terms with his father, he knows that he loves him and he loves his father too. Also, what will his mother be if his father dies?

Mr. Hayes scrunched his eyebrows in confusion but then smiled.

"Well, son! You know there is no direct flight from here to London! You want me to go through all troubles to Edinburg for what? Don't worry I will be okay!" He said and turned to his friend continuing to talk about his promotion to the psychiatrist community.

Adir's hand dropped in defeat and turned to Killian who had the same expression. He held the gaze until Killian looked away from himself.

Was there no way he could stop whatever that was bound to happen?

He looked at his father who was so bright talking to his friend, clueless of what disappointment that happiness hold. He clenched his fist and bit his lips in thinking.

"I will go with you!" He suddenly blurted and the duo turned to look at him in confusion while Killian came out of his hiding and shouted no!

Their fathers turned to them in unison.

Mr. Hayes smiled. And patted his son on the back and shook his head.

"We didn't discuss your punishment for skipping class! How can I allow you to go with me?" He said taking a serious look again like any other father.

Adir glared at his father until his father flinched.

"Did that sound like a request to you? I told you I will go with you! There is no other way you are getting rid of me..." He stopped and looked at his suit. He sighed and looked back at his father's still silver eyes.

"..not when you are wearing that suit!" He said and went out.

Remaining people were just as petrified as Mr. Hayes. He looked back at his friend and laughed awkwardly. He nodded his head pitiful.

"I guess you won't be able to tell who is the father can you?" He said still laughing awkwardly. Mr. Zeth shook his head.

"No, Adir is just worried about you! I'm sure he will come back when you are settled!" Mr. Zeth paused and turned to his son who had mixed expressions look.

"Go with them and make sure Adir comes back today!" He told his son who was fidgeting behind them. He looked up abruptly that his neck cracked.

"You are being unreasonable Sam-"

"For you! I will be unreasonable forever Ferouz... You know that! Call me when you get there! Congratulations once again!" He said and looked at his son sending a message with his eyes which unfortunately Killian couldn't decipher..

Pathetic humans! Do you think you can sabotage me?

That weird voice again!

Killian walked behind Mr. Hayes slowly and full of fear of what the journey will going to unfold. Well, it's not like he doesn't know. but now that there is a change of scenario..he doesn't know what will happen.

Outside in the parking lot was Adir waiting in his father's car, tapping his foot on the floor impatiently. He looked up and saw Killian following his father.

He impulsively stomped toward them and took Killian hand and went aside. He pinned him on the wall, their faces only a few inches apart. Adir was breathing heavily with rage.

"Why are you dragging your pitiful ass there? Can't you say no?" Adir literally shouted at Killian who just looked down pitiful not knowing what to do in times which Adir is filled with rage like that time.

Adir stared at his friend and sighed. He removed his hands from both sides of Killian's face and helplessly paced around.

He suddenly turned to Killian making the poor soul to yelp in shock. He looked up with his big blue eyes which melt the other boy completely. He held the gaze for few seconds before looking away softly.

That being the first time Adir started to look away.

"You better pray nothing happens! Or else I won't be able to forgive myself!" He said and without giving the shorter boy a glance, he walked away from the flustered boy.

Killian scolded himself for blushing at that moment where life is on line. He breathed in and followed the taller boy in front of him.

Mr. Hayes was waiting for them in the car. When he saw two boys coming his way, he smiled.

"Will you guys stop your lover quarrels and save them for the other day? I will be late for my first meeting!" Mr. Hayes said opening the driver door and went to start the car.

Killian looked down blushing at the comment that Mr. Hayes said. Adir looked at his friend and saw the red ears. He sighed and opened the door for himself in the passenger seat.

Reluctantly, Killian followed and sat obediently in the back seat. The journey started.

If he might say, that was the most boring 5 hours of his life. Adir slept, woke up, listened to music on his phone... But nothing was interesting. Just Killian and his father talking about medicine.

With several breaks and food stops, they entered London early that afternoon. His father parked outside the apartment he will be staying in. Killian complimented the place and he was having a great time with Mr. Hayes.

"These three cars are mine! So don't worry about your father's idol image! I will be changing cars frequently!" Mr Hayes said to Adir and pointed at the other three cars parked right beside the one they came with.

White CR-V, black Audi and black... Uhm, Toyota mustang.

Killian and Adir exchanged glances and Killian looked at the proud Mr. Hayes. Adir sneered.

"Don't act like we are close I told you! I don't care about your idol image! What number will you stay?" Adir said keeping his poker face.

Mr Hayes opened his eyes in shock and opened his mouth to say something but Adir just passed him and went inside without them.

Killian looked away embarrassed while Mr. Hayes was still shaking. He looked at Killian and he laughed uncomfortably, Killian just gave an awkward smile.

"Sometimes I wonder where did I go wrong?" He said still laughing. Killian chuckled and turned to look at the black mustang that was parked there. He gulped and followed Mr. Hayes who quickened his steps.

At the reception, Adir was talking with the receptionist who was looking at Adir with those hungry eyes. Weirdly, that irritated Killian so much.

He stomped towards Adir and snaked his hand around Adir's waist. Adir was shaken that he staggered back but Killian secured him.

Killian flashed the receptionist a smile which was greeted back with a glare from the receptionist. She looked back at the computer and went through the guest list.

She took a key with number 1287 and gave it to Adir who pulled himself from Killian's grasp and stomped to the elevator. Killian ran to him and went in leaving Mr. Hayes outside.

Adir looked at the display that was changing numbers of floors. Killian gulped and tried to talk.

"Don't you dare say anything!" Adir snapped at him making the poor soul bit his lips in silence. When the elevator reached the 12th floor, it gave a ding and the door opened.

Adir went out without giving Killian another look. Killian disappointedly followed Adir who stopped in front of the door with 1287 written on it.

"Please stop provoking me! I don't like those little hopes you throw towards me!" Adir said leaving Killian outside with questions churning inside his head.

Another elevator gave a ding and Mr. Hayes came out of the elevator with a grim look. Killian wondered why is he look like that too.

"Are you gay?" Mr. Hayes straightforwardly asked Killian who choked in shock. Mr. Hayes patted his back softly his expression never changed.

"Uhm no!" Killian answered with a little cough. Mr. Hayes nodded and patted his shoulder.

"Just as I thought! Stop doing what you are doing to my son Killian! That thing is as fragile as he can be! Stop those small gestures because they hurt him! You know how he looks at you! Please do me that favor!" Mr. Hayes said and went in.

How did this turn that Killian is the bad guy here?

He inhaled and exhaled and went in. Adir was giving him a look that says stay away bitch! He gulped and went beside me Hayes who was looking at his son.

"Are you satisfied?" He asked Adir who inspected the whole house by now. Adir was still looking around the house living room. He nodded and his eyes landed on his father's suit.

"I will wait here! Go wash up and give me that suit!" Adir said and made himself comfortable on the couch. Mr. Hayes choked and coughed in awkwardness.

"What's wrong with my suit? You have been eyeing it since home-"

"Didn't mom told you blue doesn't suit you? She-"

"What are you talking about? Your mom chose this specific suit-"

"Then give it to me!" Adir said in his final tone. Mr. Hayes sighed and went into his bedroom. Killian looked at Adir who was looking at nothing.

Moments of silence later...

His father came back with the suit in his arms. Adir stood up and snatched the suit from his arms. He will burn that thing so it can go to hell. He checked his wardrobe and there is no blue, any shade of blue suit.

Pleased with his protection, he made his way to the place where car keys are hung. He took a key for Toyota mustang and showed it to his father.

"Killian will drive us there tonight," he said walking towards the door.

"Stop this stupid act! I have had enough!" Mr. Hayes said walking towards Adir and turned him over meeting his son's grey eyes that always had an angry look...

They had tears of relief!

He flinched and staggered back shook. He looked between Killian and his crying son. He sighed.

"Is there something you didn't tell me Adir!?" Mr. Hayes said softening. Adir wrapped his arms around his father.

"I love you! So much!" Adir said his deep voice broken with sobs.

Mr. Hayes wrapped his arms around his sobbing son not knowing what went over his son.

"I love you too son! What's going on?" Adir didn't say anything just pulled himself from the hug and ran outside.

Killian just nodded at him and ran after his friend.

Mr. Hayes just stayed there shook within 15 or so minutes. He wondered what happened. He snapped from his thoughts when there was a doorbell.

He ran over and there was a delivery guy. He signed and went in.

Upon opening the package, it was uniform for the psychiatrist community.....

Navy blue suit and polka dot tie.