
Death and rebirth

Madara Uchiha is not human but a Phoenix. Most people don't know if Madara is adopted into the Uchiha clan. Will, of course, they don't. Uchiha loves all things firey. But this story starts off before all that.

Alyssa_Eaton · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs


<p>Fire burns the land as far as the eye can see and behind. What most people forget is that they are much older beings than Kagaya and the sage or Spirits. Far older than chakra is. Gods and Goddesses, Dragons, Demons and Angels, Ghost and Yōkai then the last the Phoenixs.<br/><br/>The gods and goddesses are known for their blessings. They can either being fortune or disaster. While Dragon are mostly known for their knowledge because of how old they are or their treasure that they are protective about. <br/><br/>Demons are known for being all things that are evil, taking the souls of all they come by. Angels are said to guide the souls before it can happen, making sure one doesn't stray from the right path. <br/><br/>Ghosts are the dead who can not move forward in death or life chosen to stay on the earth to either help their loved ones or to hurt the ones they hate. While Yōkai are mischief and rule the night causing truble where ever they go, They love to party and drink where ever they are. The Phoenixs are known for their knowledge and infinite lives, their fire that can burn even a God to ash. <br/><br/>When Kagaya came, the world was in chaos. Gods, Goddesses, and Angels flee back to the heavens. Dragons choose to go into hiding and stay in their caves. Demons and Yōkai run to the underworld, fearing what was to come. Ghosts where turned to ash, having nowhere to go. The pheonix chose to fight the being, and all were killed all, but one. <br/><br/>After fleeing his defeat, the lone Phoenix looked for allys even going as far as the ask the Demons for help but was turned away. Intel, he meant the 2 sons of the being who wanted help with defending their mother. <br/><br/>With the three of them working together, they sealed her on the moon. Splitting the 10 tails into beast.<br/><br/> One tails - Shukaku. Two tails - Matatabi. Three tails - Isobu. Four tails - Son Gokū. Five tails - Kokuo. Six tails - Saiken. Seven tails - Chomei. Eight tails - Gyuki and then the nine tails - Kurama. <br/><br/> After a while, both Hamura and Hagoromo want their separate ways. Hamura founded the Hyūga clan. While Hagoromo kept his mothers last name the Ōtsutsuki clan. <br/><br/>Hamura went to have 3 children. Hina Hyūga, Shin Hyūga and Akio Hyūga. While Hagoromo had 2 children, Indra and Ashura Ōtsutsuki.<br/><br/>The pheonix decided to stay with the Ōtsutsuki clan throughout the years. When the being known as Zetsu tried to manipulate Indra, the pheonix put a stop to it. <br/><br/>Hagoromo named Ashura his hair as the sage of six path but name Indra, the head of the Ōtsutsuki clan, and gave the pheonix his eyes the rinnegan <br/><br/>The day Hagoromo died was the saddest day for all of them. They were all a family.<br/><br/> Joining Ashura and Indras time the Village hidden in the leaves. Konohagakure was made. They asked him to name it, By the time he was in his 3rd life, Ashura had made his own clan called the Senju and had two sons and a daughter. Akimitsu Senju, Akihito Senju, and Chika Senju. <br/><br/><br/>While Indra went on to create the Uchiha clan and had three sons and two daughters. Hikaru Uchiha, Ichiro Uchiha, Rike Uchiha, Aimi Uchiha, Hanako Uchiha. <br/><br/>After the founding, the Hyūga clan joined Still led by Hamura, who was nearing his death. Throughout the times, the tails beast would protect the village along with the Phoenix. <br/><br/><br/>As many years went by, and other clans would join the village.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>