

"well that was awkward" two men flew as fast as a blink of an eye, space distorting around them from the extreme speed, chasing after each other as the two kept pushing themselves to move faster, one of them was an old man with black hair, white beard, a green robe and a staff, he had a scar on his left eye with an ugly expression on his face, one would say that if he didn't look like he was on a mission to kill thus explaining his killing intent and chilling expression, he would look like a kind old man that wouldn't hurt a fly.

The other was a black robed skeleton with tattered cloths and a huge feather under its feet that was moving at an extreme speed with colored runes under it.

"you should really stop now and give me the ring, you know you can't escape from me this time M" The old man shouted as his voice reverberated like thunder shaking the air around it.

"Hehehehe Shouma, you were always full of yourself, what makes you think this time is any different" a creepy voice came from the skeleton as he moved his hands and weird symbols kept forming under his feather pushing its speed to new limits. "Dammit, I will not let you escape even if I have to give up another eye. The old man's face had an ugly expression with beet red color as he was exerting himself to increase his speed trying to catch the skeleton.

"M you motherf*cker, once I catch you, you are heading straight for the pin and I'll make sure you stay there forever." The old man was furious as he took out a bow out of nowhere and kept sending arrow after arrow after the skeleton while the other kept dodging.

"Come on Shouma, you can't really believe I will just sit there waiting for your old wrinkly as* to catch up, do you?" the creepy and grating sound came from the skeleton as the arrows whizzed by and as time moved by the old man's face was getting even more red while the light from the runes under the feather kept dimming and the its speed lessened a little drawing the distance between the two nearer and nearer from a few hundred kilometers to a few kilometers and kept shrinking.

"Just you wait, Lets see how long you can keep running for, you better just give up and accept your punishment, if you stop now, at least I won't melt your bones and make a soup out of them, you'll just lose a few years in imprisonment"

"Oh how sweet old man, let me guess, the few years will be under your care in the pin while you have some fun on my expense" the grating sound of laughter kept ringing as it threatened to pop your eardrum.

The old man didn't answer as he gathered his energy and accelerated shrinking the distance to less than one kilometer, "Shiet, Don't push me too far, you know you'll regret it" the skeleton sounded anxious as it shouted, some of the runes popped and floated around like broken glass losing their luster.

As the arrows kept getting nearer and nearer to their target and the distance in which the skeleton could move in decreased, one of the arrows found their mark in the thigh bone and passed right through shattering it in the process, more followed in the split second the skeleton lost his focus hitting his collar bone, chest and waist shattering them as well.

The feather dived and zigzagged trying to lose the arrows but it was like they had eyes on their tips as they whizzed leaving the space torn in its wake and the old man following closely by.

They were mere meters apart now when the skeleton turned its head and looked at the old man for a moment before saying "Well that was fun, but I don't want to play anymore" the movements of its hand kept getting faster and faster then all the broken runes congealed and formed a bigger rune but it didn't attack the old man nor did it join the rest of its kind to increase the speed, it moved forward and left both men in its wake as it flew in front of them.

The old man felt something wrong immediately and increased the amount of his arrows injuring himself in the process as he pushed to the limit. As the arrows hit the skeleton shredding most of its bones to pieces, the rune in front of them stopped as if it was caught by something then the air cracked like glass and a storm formed in an instant, the rune kept pushing and hitting the air like there was something blocking it and the crack kept getting wider and wider.

"ARE YOU INSANE" the old man lost his cool as if the scene terrified him, "You will destroy the entire space of this galaxy to simply escape a couple years of punishment" the old man's face was blood red now, either from exhaustion or anger as he slowed down "Stop what you're doing right now, or it won't simply be a few years" the old man threatened the skeleton.

Snort "Don't worry, I checked beforehand, nobody lived here so there won't be much damage, well at least not to anybody I know, just tell whomever owns this that ... you know what, I was never a good person so it is really just for experimenting and I needed a stable one so goodbye Shouma, say hello to the kids for me" the skeleton ran into the crack and disappeared like a stone falling in mud.

"Dammit M" the old man Stopped in place and watched as the space kept distorting around him threatening to shred him apart as storms increased to the point that it could shred iron like paper let alone the space itself.

"I don't think they'll let you go this time M, why are you always this insane" Shouma was hovering in the air, he took something from his pocket that was shining in pulses then he crushed it, a circular formation appeared under him as the space tears stopped a hundred meter away from him, in a sphere of a hundred meters, everything was calm except for the pulsing formation under his feet, the pulses kept getting faster and faster till it formed a bright light and then he disappeared leaving a torn disrupted space in his wake.

I'd like to thank you for trying this story and I hope you like it.

Silent_Killcreators' thoughts