

作者: Gift_Graced
Fantasy Romance
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WebNovel で公開されている、Gift_Graced の作者が書いた DEATH'S CINDERELLA の小説を読んでください。On the Night before She Was brutally Raped And Murdered,Veil the Assassin had dared Seducing the Devil. Veil bit her lips hard and Closed her eyes,the Sudden Wave of Cold vehemently hitting against h...


On the Night before She Was brutally Raped And Murdered,Veil the Assassin had dared Seducing the Devil. Veil bit her lips hard and Closed her eyes,the Sudden Wave of Cold vehemently hitting against her Pale White Skin,Pushing her to the realization that she Was Cold and Naked..A tool Meant for the Devil's pleasure. Veil bent her head and Gulped hard,She was just a Mere tool sent by the underworld to Assassinate the Devil before her...She hated the Fact that her Dignity as a Woman had to be trampled upon like Dirt under the Feet of a powerful man. Anger Rose in her heart as She stood Naked in the Cold,She was gonna Make them Pay,If only She could get her Twin Sister Out of the Clutches of the Underworld...If She had to Dance and kill to pay a Price,She Wouldn't hesitate in Ripping Out the heart of those Who had turned She and Her Twin into Dogs. The big devil's Dark and Frosty Eyes trailed Amusingly at the Angry Weakling before him,Her skinny body was an unexplainably Attractive,Small perky boobs that Could Fit the Size of his palm Her Silk Dark hair Cascaded down her bottom,Tempting his Fingers to go Wild, Her lips Were full,Plump With the Stain of Grape,Silently beckoning his desires to get drunk in her taste,Scribbling down her Features in his Mind,He felt Amused and Triggered,This Silently Angry Woman before him was Incredibly short. He Compared her to a Sickly Rabbit,His vast Mind Adapting to her Looks and charm.She Was Naked and Exposed, the Only thing He hadn't seen Was her eyes. He felt Disappointed,He felt curious,How beautiful Were this Woman's eyes?...And how Dare She hide her eyes away from him?? Veil Fondled her Skin,Her eyes tightly Closed,She Couldn't See but his hot gaze pierced her Like a Stray bullet...She Wished she Could Run,No!!She Wanted to Disappear. A Cold Sexy voice Finally Rang through the Room, Finally breaking the Silence. "What's your name?.."He questioned her and in response Veil Flinched, Tightening her eyes in Fear "Veil.."She responded Wryly "My Name is Veil" Her voice hit him Suddenly and He froze, Reminiscing Her Accent and Name in His Memory box... "Veil?.."He repeated After,Veil was silent,She didn't try to correct or confirm her Name and it infuriated him,For the First time A woman Made him feel unwanted,A sickly Low class at that..His pride was hurt. He hated to Continue "How Old are you?.." She didn't Open her Eyes "Sixteen!!" He Chuckled,She was just a teenager,it dawned on Him that She wasn't trying to crawl into his bed..Someone was controlling her. His Fists balled and Clenched at the thought,Who on Earth had the nerves to take advantage of a teenager. Veil felt the Silence Again,Maybe she had Said something to Offend him,She hissed feeling discomfort,She couldn't Afford to be thrown out..She Would lose her head if She Failed in her Task. She gulped hard,Raising her head up Slowly,She bit her lips and Clenched her Fist before Slowly Taking Steps towards the bed. The Devil Widened his Eyes, Unable to Move,She Came Closer and Closer until Spaces between them Were flipped into the Sky He Adjusted,Opening his Mouth to Speak but Just as he did...Veil opened her Legs,Spreading it Against his Laps, Before looping her hands Around the Nape of his Neck. He was Stunned "You!!..." She stole the Words out of his Mouth With a brush of her lips Against his,As soon As her Lips Swallowed his,Veil opened her eyes,It's radiance visible and beautiful. The Devil Froze at the Colour before him,It was beyond beautiful,Stunned and Shocked,His Mumble left a trail. "LAVA!!!..."


No Otaku con Harem System (Versión Español)

Un joven con una vida problemática encuentras mas problemas después de conocer a un hada molesta. "¡Hey Listen! ¡Es hora de comenzar la aventura!" "¡Una maldita mosca gigante, tengo que matarla!" "¡Espera espera, estoy aquí para guiarte!" Mira las aventuras de Luis y la mosca Navi en su camino para volverse un Rey del Harem. "Rey del Harem suena problemático" "¡Hey Listen! ¡Puedes conseguir mucho dinero y poder!" "¡¿Que esperas?! ¡¡Vamos por ese harem!!" -------------- -------------- -------------- Escribo esto por diversión ya que necesito relajarme o moriré de estrés. Es una novela de cumplimiento de deseos con un harem masivo así que no esperes mucho. Me gusta construir personajes con mentalidades extrañas y waifus locas así que cambiaré algunas cosas de los personajes y animes que ponga, si me equivoco en algo es porque soy muy vago para revisar la wiki y solo pongo lo que me parece conveniente. Aviso: Los primeros 45 capítulos son mucho monologo interno ya que eran mis comienzos escribiendo una novela, lo siento si resulta molesto para algunos lectores pero espero que puedan darle una oportunidad a mi trabajo después de ese punto. Los animes y juegos que aparezcan pertenecen a sus propios autores, solo soy dueño de mi protagonista. ----------------- ----------------- www . patreon .com / Bukaro Para capítulos avanzados. ----------------- https :// ko-fi.com /bukaro Si te gusta mi trabajo apoyamé con una pequeña donación

Bukaro · アニメ·コミックス
405 Chs

Reincarnated as a Side Character: Who the *Beep* is an Extra?

After getting herself killed in a stupid car accident, all because of a game, Louise finds herself reborn as Aria Tealeaf in an extremely famous Otome Game. However, instead of getting herself in the shoes of the Machiavellian villainess, or the pure and innocent heroine, she became a side-character that appeared just a single time. Alas, the Gods were wrong when they thought they could play with her – for Louise Lancaster, now Aria Tealeaf, was never one to get satisfied with second place. It is just that… “Why don’t I warm your bed tonight?” The future empress asked her in a seductive tone. Hm… did the crown prince’s favorability hit -100? “Sister Aria, can you go on a d-da-date with me?” There was nothing wrong with the sweet voice of the naive priestess, yet why was it that the savior was glaring at her with such ferocity? Huh? Why were those devilish handsome boys staring at her as if she stole their wives? Eh? She did? “Hey, hey, what can I do? I am just that great!” Fuck those boy toys, shit sisters and stupid stepmothers, this time she was going to live like a queen! —————————————— The art in the cover does not belong to me, and all resources used belong to their respective owners. Credits will be given out as soon as I find out who they are. If you are one of the owners, feel free to hit me up and ask to remove it~ Release schedule: 1~2 chapters per week.

Allchemic · ファンタジー
10 Chs


云栖暮,一个精神力太过强大导致身体崩坏,却非常欢乐的进入退休生活的大佬。 种田、钓鱼、做做小饼干,小日子过的倍儿爽的等待死亡降临。 然而她又活了,还回到了八大王权者并立,帝国还未统一的异能大爆炸时代,成为了大贵族云家傻小姐,才刚清醒过来就被投放到流亡星叫她自生自灭。 云栖暮表示:我是大佬我无所畏惧! 黑吃黑,踹暴兽,垃圾堆里找宝贝,还有小弟端茶递水,这样舒舒服服的咸鱼躺小日子它不香吗! 然而主脑扼住了她命运的后颈皮,非要逼她搞建设。 于是脏乱差的流亡星上悄悄的多了一方净土,名为“地球”。 地球村标语:你想过上有酒喝有肉吃的好日子吗,只要跟魔鬼做交易你就能拥有了! (温馨提示:这不是骗局,这绝对不是骗局,错过血亏!) 云栖暮拍拍手写完招人广告后就开始了“矜矜业业”的基建经营,开局一间小木屋,渐渐的扩大成一个村,又从村变镇,从镇进化成城,最后扩展到整个星球。 自此咸鱼的好日子一去不复返,身边还多了个霉运罩顶的未来霸主,死乞白赖的偏蹭着她。 男人的腰匀称劲瘦,肤白貌美,一双漆黑魅惑的眼睛迷的她神魂颠倒。 算了,看在他长的好看的份上,收了! PS:一对一,星际经营基建文!

阑珊留醉 · 一般的
669 Chs


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