
Dear uncle, thanks to you I found love

I'm Aurora a beautiful girl who has always dreamt of taking over the Salvatore's business empire. I'm the heiress of the empire but my dreams were shattered and my world began to crumble after I lost my dad to the cold hands of death. I lived a miserable life thanks to my uncle who hated me and my family. Uncle decided to take me out of the picture in other to take over the business empire. He married me off to Leonardo Armando a Ruthless Mafia Lord who frustrated my life and made life miserable. He never loved me. I didn't know which was worse; being a Mafia Lord's wife or the fact that I lost everything that matters to me.

Victoria_Gabriel_8814 · 都市
6 Chs

Chapter 6; He loves me

Catherine and I were walking down the hallway after a long and stressful day. We had a lot of lectures today and all we needed was a nice rest. We decided to visit Morris at his hostel and check up on him. I looked afar and saw Raphael standing at end of the hallway, perhaps waiting for me? We made an eye contact and he placed his phone in his pocket and waved at me. I walked quickly to meet him, leaving Catherine behind. We hugged and inquired about each other's day. He requested we take a walk while we talked and I agreed immediately without a second thought and forgetting about Catherine.

Raphael stopped walking and turned to me.

"Seems like you don't want to meet me anymore" Raphael said

" Who do you mean? I do wish to meet you. Why say such?

"Well, for the past two days, I haven't been able to meet you and it made me kind of sad. When I came to check up on you, I was told you already left"

" Uh...yes, uhmm... Morris is sick so, Catherine and I do visit to check up on him and we're going today"

" Morris? Your boyfriend?

"No. He's not my boyfriend but my good friend. More like a big bro. He's always there for me. Though he's a nerd and an introvert, he's the best thing that has ever happened to me"

" Wow! Sounds like you're in love with him"

" What? In love? No way. Morris and I are just good friends. No strings attached"

" And him? Does he see you as just a friend?

"Of course. What else? He sees me as a friend and a sister"

" If he asks you out would you say yes?

" No I won't"

"What about me?

" What about you? Oh my! Are you asking me out?

"Uhh...not really... Do you wish to be my girlfriend? You know I'm super hot and lots of girls want me"

" Bragger. No thanks. My own man would find me, someday, it may take a while, I may not be able to know he's the one but I know one thing, I will eventually fall for him cause he's the right one"

" What must a guy do to win your heart?

" Well..I don't know"

"Okay. Let's just say what can make you pick interest in a man?

"Well, hmm, good looks..."

"Wow! I'm good looking"

" Aurora! Catherine called out from behind and I turned back immediately.

"Yes Catherine, oh there you are"

"You're crazy you know. We're going somewhere important and you just abandoned me. What sort of friend are you?

"Hi. My bad for stealing her"

"Yes, that's all you do. Steal her, especially at the wrong time. Catherine let's get going"

" I could join you girls to meet this Morris of a guy?

"Why so? He's not your friend. Aurora, you invited him?

"No I didn't"

"She didn't. Just that Aurora spoke so highly of him and that made me kind of jealous you know"

I turned back to Raphael and stared at him. He's jealous of Morris? Why? I was surprised when he said so.

"You... you're... jealous? I stuttered

" Yes I am. I want to meet my competitor. Where does he live? You ride in my bike Aurora"

" No. We'll be going in Aurora's car. Have a safe ride in your bike. Let's go Aurora" Catherine grabbed my hand dragging me along.

"Just follow us. See you all soon"

We arrived at Morris hostel. He was looking better and stronger. He was reading a novel when we walked in. We dropped the gifts we brought along, Raphael got him a snack bar. Morris was surprised to see Raphael with us and was curious to know who he is and whether we have replaced him with Raphael. Raphael introduced himself to Morris and told him how highly I spoke of him that's why he decided meet him. Morris exhaled and offered him a seat.

We had fun together and played some games. Catherine made dinner which we enjoyed. We bid goodbye and goodnight to Morris hoping to see him tomorrow. I offered to drop Catherine off at her house. Raphael grasped my hand and pulled me closer and we looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds. He slowly touched my face and I blushed. He smiled at me . We broke off from each other's arms.

"I hope to see you tomorrow. It's Friday, so we should be doing something lovely together" Raphael smiled

" Really? As what? We ain't dating"

"I know but can't friends hangout and have fun? Let's just say we're going on a date"

" So you're asking me out a date?

"Yes I am. It's not our first date. So, I'll be seeing you tomorrow for our Friday date?

"Hopefully. I should get going"

"Yes. Safe drive"

" And you too" we waved at each other and I left for my car with Catherine.

Catherine noticed I was smiling and blushing at the same time. She tried to ignore it but couldn't. She turned to me and began to question me about my relationship with Raphael. She never believed me when I said we were just friends. She was determined to find out more. I dropped her off at home and left for mine.

Morris attended classes today and I was really happy to see him. Catherine planned for a little party for the three of us to celebrate Morris speedy recovery. I wish I could attend but I have a date with Raphael. I apologized to them as I have to bail on them and left to meet with Raphael who was waiting for me at the library. I walked in and searched for him.

I saw him leaning against a shelf with a book in his hands. I rushed over to him and apologized for being late. He placed the book back on the shelf and held my hand and led the way. He insisted that I ride with him on his bike. He handed over a helmet to me which I put on and got on his bike. It was my first time riding a bike and I was really scared. I held onto him so tight and my head was on his back, I wasn't willing and ready to let go. He was the only one enjoying the ride as I was so close to him. He asked me to slowly let go and spread my hands like the wings of the bird and enjoy the ride. I refused to do so. I'm not ready to take chances.

We arrived at the beach side. He had planned a lovely dinner date. A candle light dinner which was captivating. We enjoyed the lovely dinner and he insisted on dancing with me.

He placed his hands on my waist and mine were on his shoulders and we danced to the lovely song playing, locking eyes. He touched my face and brought his face closer to mine and the next minute, I felt something sweet on my lips. My first kiss. He looked into my eyes and I turned away from him blushing. He hugged me from behind and asked while I turned away from me. I broke off from him and walked few steps away from him. He smiled and approached me with a flower. He came before me and knelt before me, quite surprising and impressive.

"Aurora Salvatore Miss, would you be kind enough to bless my life by accepting to be this crazy guy's medicine"

" What?

"I mean to say...will you be my girlfriend?

I could hear my spirit screaming from inside. I really want to shout yes but then I have to act as if I'm not into him.


"No? Why?

" I'll think about it and get back to you"

" Okay. So ... I'll be waiting for your reply"

" I hope you ain't mad at me?

"No I'm not. Just surprised. I mean no girl has ever resisted my charm"

" Oh really? Want to start up with your crazy story about girls throwing themselves at you"

" Yeah, you've got me there. Well, it's okay. I'll wait"

" Sure, wait and I'll get back to you"

"Since our date has ended, may I drop you off at your house?

"Oh no. My chauffeur followed us here. He'll drive me home"

" What? Not fair"

" Hey, don't worry. I know someday, you'll get tired of dropping me at home"

" Is that a green light that you'll be accepting my proposal?

"I never said so. I'll get going"

"And a hug?

"No. I'll leave now"

"Hey, you almost left without your bag" he picked up my bag and reached out to me. I rushed bag and laid my hand on my bag trying to take it from him. Raphael pulled me closer and we hugged.

"See, I get what I want"

"You cheated. Goodnight and drive safely"

" I will and you too"

I bid goodnight and left for my car. I got in and shut the door. I can't believe this. Raphael actually asked me to be his girlfriend. I feel like screaming on top of my voice and tell the world that Raphael asked me out. I'm still not sure about how I feel for him, do I love him or merely crushing on him? I don't want to start a relationship I can't see to the end.