When your the student council president your in charge of administrating and also managing students. but the toughest one is the latter, if 5 guys were skipping classes, driving motorbikes loudly, smoking, participates in gang fights and doesn't listen to anyone will make the council and teachers go insane! but that is exactly what Gwenalyn Han is dealing with, times 5. after being the student council president she was asked to take all 5 troublesome students in a special tutoring class, the 5 individuals that doesn't care about anything and minds their own buisness not attending even a single class was her top priority as a newly appointed Student Council President, who knew that the task given to her will be the cause of her getting involved in gangfights and much more heart stopping activities outside school! "Ugh! those jerks! Who knew how many bad lucks they bring to me." sighing she glanced back at the 5 un-used classrooms that each of the 5 jerks she was responsible for each occupied "Just you wait, I will straighten all of you to become straight A students!"
"Congratulations! You've been promoted as the student council president miss Han!"
Smiling at the teachers within the faculty room, I Thanked each one of the teachers that called me to announce the great news. Yes! after 2 times of being the Vice president for so long I've finally get to be the president!
"I hope you'd stay longer than the rest though haha" Mr. Michael, A P.E teacher said making the rest laugh with him
The last 2 presidents before me all quit after a week of being appointed and the council president, I don't know why but I'm going to stay as the president! I'm not gonna quit like the rest. Being vice president and watching them work on some school papers for events and other necessities I already know how I would manage everything! I'm so excited
"Ah, Miss Han, How long have you been Vice again? You must be very happy now that you get to be the one in charge ey?" I nodded at Mrs Marshall, an english Literature teacher
"2 years Mrs. Marshall." From Grade 8 to 9 that is! And now that I'm on the 10th grade I'm now the council pres!
All the teachers present nodded in praise, Being a Vice president is also quite difficult as you have to manage the students and help the pres with paper work, especially the foreigners and new students and now I even took in the role of the President, one can imagine how hard it is to maintain position and even get promoted on a higher standing in the council and maintain a straight line of grades of A's.
Yes, I'm a proud straight A student
"But it's just to bad you chose to be a council president.. tsk, too bad you'd be incharge of them"
"Them?..." the room suddenly became silent and everyone looked away from my gaze
The bell rang and I immediately grabbed my bag saying goodbye to the faculty teachers and went my way towards my classroom, shrugging of what the question of the 'them' they were talking about
Classes qent by swiftly and it was time to go home, I hummed as I walk the usual pedestrian lane I always walk with a smile on my face, I can't wait to go home of tell them of the good news! Oh I can't wait! I'm gonna buy cake and ice cream on the way and make a huge surprise to my mom and older brothers.
Just imagining the look they'll give after mocking me of never gonna be able to get the position again, hah! Let's see who will have a smile on now!
"Ooh~ Ice cream and cake~" my mouth is gonna drool if I don't hurry
A loud roaring sound of a vehicle entered my hearing, Turning around to the sound instead of a vehicle I was met with water, a splash of dirty water, a freaking dirty muddy brown water!
"My Uniform!" I yelled in annoyance, this was suppost to be my lucky uniform, ugh and now it's drenched in unluckiness, I'll be walking home like this? How will I enter a store if I look like a troll! Not only my uniform "My bag!" Immediately kneeling down on the pavement I opened my bag and revealed my drenched notebooks, my bag was old and the fabric has thinned over the years, now everythings ruined! My notes! I have a test tommorow!
I looked up, noticing a motorbike and a tall guy in white sleevless basketball shirt on , his face covered in a mask and his black helmet between his arm and torso looking at me "Ya! Mister! Look what you did!" I yelled at the man, sure enough he's the reason for my disaster
He looked at me, just look, then wore his helmet and rode his bike preparing to leave, I stood up and catched up to him "Ya! Can't you atleast apologize? Don't you know it's only right considering you just ruined my mood?"
No respond. He just stared at my hand holding on to his arm so he won't leave, a minute passed and shook his arm and drove of "Jerrrrrkkk! I will make a voodoo doll of you! You hear me?!"
I inhaled a deep breath in anger and tried calming my mind, It's okay, Don't let that jerk ruin your perfect day, right.
I smiled, forgetting what just occured, luckily I brought a jacket with me always incase I get cold. After putting my jacket on I continued my walk towards the sweets shop where everything that has sugar is sold. Just as I enter the sweet aroma of chocolate and candies entered my nose, It's been a while.
I made my way in and straight to the ice cream fridge they have and took a giant tub of strawberry with a half of chocolate, Now the cake! Oh the cake! Today is a tuesday, and every tuesday they got a 4 filling raindbow cake, the cakes base is made of rainbow colors while the inside fillings has 4 flavors layered inside.
It tastes heavenly and also is very cheap!
As I reached the counter i saw the cake I wanted displayed alone, looks like my day is lucky! It's the last one! Their baker only makes a certain amount of each cake since it is very difficult to make and if not sold everything it will go spoil.
"Miss! I'd like to get th--"
"One of this please." A mans hand holding to a card was handed to the register completely ignoring the fact I was the first one in line
"Thank you sir have a good day." I was staring dumbfoundedly at the man for his complete nab on my cake that I only realized he was already leaving witht he love of my life
"What gives!?" I yelled at the man who stopped by the door
"Too slow." Two freaking words and I already wanted to murder the guy, it doesn't help that he wore a grey long hoodie with a 'out of my way' written in big gold letters on his back.
I stomped on the ground and sighed.
I can't do anything now... he already stole my desired cake.
If I ever see him again I will make sure he pays! I now wonder what happened to the world and had two stupidly tall guys piss me off to the extent that I wanna hunt them down.
I can only cry silent tears in my heart as I pay for the tub of Ice cream.