

Waking up in his bed he stretched his arms and then jumped out of the bed.

After bathing and eating his breakfast he again went towards the grassland to practice and after practicing for 4 hours he breakthrough the the 2nd level of martial arts.

Now he is a second level martial artist, after the breakthrough he felt his power increased significantly and with his present 250 clones he tried to summon more and successfully formed 50 more clones so now he can summon around 300 clones which can work as a mini army for him this actually gives him more training speed then before.

After that he again reached in the courtyard of the mansion with his bag containing nothing but a pair of clothes and when he reached at the courtyard as expected all of his siblings are already present their with a luggage bag with them.

At the corner of the courtyard their were two demon beast carriages their held by two Iron skin bull, these bulls are actually silver colored and are two times more larger than normal bulls, they are specially used for the traveling carriages because of their low food consumption and high speed during traveling.

In the courtyard their were two carriages especially arranged by the clan leader to escort his kids towards the academy.

Even with these iron skin bull carriages it will take them about a year of journey to reach the divine academy so basically they still have one year of time left to train to get a good job at the divine academy.

Actually one needs a lot of money to learn martial arts and the divine academy in not like our normal academy where one can learn from their teachers after entering the academy, in contrary even after entering the academy one needs to pay the teachers to learn something from them although free lessons are always available their but they are not as great as the premium lessons.

After all of them are gathered their, clan leader said "kids from today you will start your journey towards the divine academy and in approximately one year's of time you will be their, although the path to reach at the divine academy is full of dangers but I have complete faith in you that you all will succeed in your journey with your two uncles going with you", as he said that everyone's eyes rested upon two middle age males standing besides on the both side of the clan leader.

Both of them wearing the red robes, one of them steeped in front and said "kids I jin long and the brother kai long will escort you all on your journey towards the academy", listening him all of them bowed at the same time except Ray, actually he noticed quiet a bit latter that he has to bow in front of these two men and after noticing that all of his siblings had already bowed he awkwardly bowed, seeing him acting disrespectful he glared at him fiercely but deadpool didn't noticed his glare and continued to listen the next few words from his father.

After clan leader completed his talk all of his cousins took up their bags in their hands and started walking towards the two carriages standing their, seeing them moving deadpool also quickly started moving and just when he was about to step on the carriage standing in the front a voice ranged in his ears "this carriage is only for the talented peoples and the trash like you should go in the carriage standing at the back".

Listening to the voice deadpool turned his head around to detect the source of the sound and it was none other than his uncle Jin long....

[ Now their are only three ways he can come back alive from this journey first is to kill me and that is not possible, second he touch my feet which he will not do because of his ego and third is call NASA to leave this planet ]

........ younger brother of his father and according to the deadpool's memories he is a level 16 martial artist so naturally deadpool did not done anything because he knew that fighting him now will do no benefit, although deadpool can fight with him until he get tired and then kill him but the thing is that his father is still watching him so he did not want to create any commotion in front of the only member he can trust in this world.

[ Hey guys I think this author has something with me, he never let me fight anyone ]

He turned his head down and sigh a little while thinking that "you can guide a horse in the water but you can't make him THINK" and turned around and sat in the carriage at the back.

When he entered the carriage he saw his four sisters already sitting their arranging their luggage and seeing him coming one of them said "hey trash where do you think you are entering"

[ uhhhhhh... author let me fucking kill them all ]

[ guys comment fast and I deadpool the great will give you a kiss ]

roll_the_musiccreators' thoughts