
a date with beauty's

currently at Sebastian's house,

me, barb and pam are a my house watching a movie we are holding hands because is a scary movie.

Sebastian " well that was a nice movie "

Pamela " what no it wasn't why did you pick it "

Barbra " he picked it because he wants use to hold his hands like what we are doing now "

Sebastian " no why would you would you ever think that "

Pamela " ok ok what ever you say hey lets go to the mall do some thing maybe a date "

Sebastian " I'm down Barbra "

Barbra " I'm fine with coming "

Sebastian " lets go "

as me, barb and pam are on a little shopping date we walk into in to a clothing store and the girls are picking cloths out for me.

Barbra " Sebastian this would look so good on you right pam "

Pamela " yea he wears the same stuff everyday it would be nice "

Sebastian " nope this is my style i look great do i not "

Barbra " no you do not "

Sebastian " ok if I don't why did guys decide to date me then "

Pamela " well beca- "

Sebastian " exactly that's what i thought you what I think there's a new movie out lets go watch it "

as we are watching the the movie I put my arms around barb and pams shoulders they lean into my chest and we a good time enjoying the movie as we leave the mall I realise that its night.

Sebastian " my god malady's looks like its night time its not safe in Gotham for my beautiful girlfriends may I escort you two to your houses "

Barbra " yes you may my good sir "

Pamela " wow you to are just never mind yes you can "

as we are walking down the road I stop to check my phone because I got an notification its Alfred he's saying that Bruce is back from the league of assassins but when I look up Barbra and Pamela are gone from my sight.

Sebastian " shit its Gotham never take your eyes of girls fuck "

As I'm freaking out my ears pick up a scream but I don't know where its coming from I stomp the ground and send out tendrils to find them and through my bio mass is see them surrounded by five guys as I see that I put bio mass in to my legs and run as fast as I can I turn the corner into the alleyway I see Barbra and Pamela they see me and scream.

I run towards them and turn my hand in to a blade and slice of three of the guys heads one try's to punch me but I grab his hand and snap it in two I then snap his neck and for the last guy I grab him and brake his back I walk up to the girls and hug them I use my phone to call Alfred and tell him to get someone to pick us up.

currently at Sebastian's house,

Sebastian " Bruce I want bodyguards following them now "

Bruce " ok ok i understand just calm dow- "

Sebastian " no you don't understand just leave the room "

Bruce " look its going to ok jus- "

Sebastian " i said leave THE ROOM "

As Bruce leaves the room I sit next to the girls and comfort them them.

Sebastian " look its going to be ok I will put you two in the guest rooms "

Pamela " no no I think I want to sleep I you room "

Barbra " me too "

Sebastian " ok ok if you want to talk about it you ca- "

They both hug me and start to cry i hug them back as they fall asleep.
