
De l'insouciance à l'amour.

作者: DaoistaZ2OC8
Magical Realism
連載中 · 148 ビュー
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What is De l'insouciance à l'amour.

WebNovel で公開されている、DaoistaZ2OC8 の作者が書いた De l'insouciance à l'amour. の小説を読んでください。marriage d'une jeune fille insouciante qui prend conscience des realités de la vie après son marriage....


marriage d'une jeune fille insouciante qui prend conscience des realités de la vie après son marriage.


Lenda Esquecida da Flor Ensanguentada

``` “Viva a vida que você quer desta vez.” Uma assassina sem igual, codinome: Hua, já havia iniciado sua carreira desde criança. Seu histórico de missões era perfeito e quem quer que fosse considerado seu inimigo acabaria morto sem saber por quê. Quando a guerra terminou, ela foi enviada para uma instituição onde era vigiada atentamente. O médico responsável lhe deu um romance wuxia comum para ler. Uma avalanche aconteceu depois que ela terminou de ler. Quando acordou, ela se transformou em Nan Hua, a jovem senhorita de uma poderosa família militar no romance que havia lido. A garota também era a noiva do ex-protagonista, que morreria por obstruir o amor do protagonista. Agora que ela assumiu o controle, quem se atreveria a agir tão presunçosamente ao seu redor? Eles nunca saberiam como acabaram tão miseravelmente! Mas... protagonista, o que você está fazendo rondando por perto dela? Você não deveria se concentrar na guerra iminente e em salvar sua protagonista? Por que você está tentando de todas as maneiras conquistá-la, ah? ... História ambientada em mundo fictício com cultura similar à da China Antiga. Participe do discord para conversar com o autor e outros leitores: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB Agradecimento especial para Jiyen (usuário da webnovel Cookiejiyen) que criou a linda capa *enviando corações* ... P.S: Esta história também está publicada na Amazon, se você lê lá, por favor deixe uma avaliação. Obrigado ^^ ... Sequência: Flor Astral [em andamento] ... Outras novelas: - Flores Desabrocham do Campo de Batalha [completa] - Sob o Véu da Noite [completa] - 7 Caminhos dos Lírios [em longa pausa] - 1 Ano de Início [completa] - Lady Vilã [completa] - Ciência e Fantasia [completa] - 2 Anos de Recomeço [completa] - A Imperatriz Silenciosa [em andamento] - A Gatinha do Vilão [em andamento] ... Siga-me no IG: @sora100518 ```

Sorahana · 歴史
227 Chs

Another Twilight fanfic

WARNING: -Expect drama while reading this, please be patient with me. It'll make sense even if it seems it doesn't. - a lot of swearing/cursing - MATURE CONTENT(kids you were warned) - Gore -GXG/WLW/BXB/LGBT+(just the gays, so homophobes, respectfully... begone please) -Forms of abuse from mental, physical, SA, etc. (It may be mentioned as someone's past or present) - THIS IS AN AU, AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. Certain events might change or would not happen or have happened. Some pairings will have changes. Some facts about the story or the characters might change (Honestly, it's because I'm too lazy to research and watch it all over again) -English isn't my first language, so you will see misspellings and grammatical errors, I might or might not go back to edit them later on. -the frequency of chapter uploads depends on the mood really, so you might get more than one chapter a week or just one. Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT, EVERYTHING ABOUT IT, STORY AND THE CHARACTERS OF IT BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OR OWNER OF IT, THE ONLY THING I OWN ARE MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. I DO NOT OWN THE SONGS THAT WILL BE INCLUDED IN THIS STORY, THEY BELONG TO THEIR ORIGINAL CREATORS (did I do that right?) AN: This is a wish-fulfillment thing. I ran out of stories to read about Twilight, so I made one of my own. I'm not earning anything from this, I still have this boring job and responsibilities in real life, so please don't... please don't pressure me and be mean. For those who are wondering why I even published it here, it's because I wanted to motivate myself to continue the story. Thinking that there may be people wanting me to continue this as well. Basically, means I just don't want to end up forgetting about this. ~~~ This is a story of a woman who was forcefully reincarnated to another world. She was just working, kept thinking of just disappearing, and not existing. The usual shit that sadly a lot of people also think like this. Waking up every day, feeling shit because, well... I woke up. Seeing all this, a ROB plucked my soul out of my body, and just killed my healthy(not healthy, bitch be living like no tomorrow with the junk food and smoking) body and forced me to reincarnate, refusing my original wish to just disappear into oblivion! Told me I should be grateful to be alive and some shit that sounded like a 'live, laugh, love' type of culty thing. Woke up in a hellish situation, don't know which universe he shoved me in, just a clue that it was from one of the things I liked, but that didn't help to narrow it down aa, I liked a lot of stuff... Some weird too... Continued to suffer my hell for a while, cursing and begging the ass face for the sweet release of death and hopefully meet the guy again so I can punch him in the nuts, and suddenly the door opened and when I saw who it was, I now knew where I was. 'F***ing twilight?!'

EmphieIsMe · 映画
72 Chs


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