
Chapter 35: Takeover

It took us a while but Air, Fal, and Luna finally took us to the previous home of Bach it looks like your run of the mill mansion with a front lawn and everything.

Although it would be nice to live in this place it will probably bring in his problems to me but for now, though taking this place of everything would do.

We all enter the front gates as we view the inside of the home seeing that everything in order Fal asks me in an annoyed tone, "So then sir what exactly are we going to do with the place? Rob it?"

I already replied perhaps too quickly as I open the door as placing my palm forward, "Actually yes, and don't worry let me handle the heavy duty."

That got Air, Fal, and Luna to be surprised as they each reply with a, "What/Huh/Excuse me?!!"

Next, I activated my [Yami Yami no Mi] showing my hand turns to darkness as a vortex of darkness forms begins to absorb everything inside the mansion into my personal [Dark Space] at a very fast pace.

The three girls seeing this were very shocked seeing my power and why should I hide it anyway?

I personally don't mind showing off if the situation calls for it like this case since these three are with me for a while and I hate to go about the roundabout way to explain my powers.

Just show it and be done with it just don't show it to the wrong people.

After all, they might try to manipulate me or others.

As I was done using my power, I hear Luna's voice in shock clearly not used to witnessing something new, "That… is impossible he sucked the place dry of everything! Is our new Lord a Magician perhaps?"

Glancing towards her I smirk at her remark as she backs away from the earlier comment but with that done with it was time to search for Aria.

Looking at Echidna I asked her in a gentle tone to search for the person in question, "Alright now with that done with Echidna can you find out where the Aria family is at?"

Echidna opens her [Gospel of Wisdom] to search for the answers I wanted while she expresses her curiosity, "Ok give me a quick second… Ah! Here it is chapter 8966 The family in question are the two were Aria's parents and a very wealthy and well-respected family in the Capital. Posing as humanitarians, their true nature was vile and sadistic…"

As I was listening in, I glance over to see Beatrice uncaring about it but there was a hint of clear annoyance in her eyes.

As for the three countryside girls that were sold…

They are clearly enraged to hear this family due to people like them.

Echidna continued to speak without skipping a beat no filtering in her words as what I assume, she reads the book, "When deceiving their guests, both were presented as well-mannered, humble and affectionate people. However, their true nature was vile and sadistic, as they took pleasure, along with their daughter, in torturing and killing naive and trustworthy citizens they took in, predominately people from the countryside who sought out a better life in the Capital… well this family is certainly something now isn't it?"

Yeah like I knew before this place is rotten to the core luckily it will get better in a few years.

But shaking my head a bit I asked Echidna where is there location in a serious voice, "Echidna is there something about their location is at in your book?"

Echidna nods her head as she began to search while Fal grits her teeth in clear rage sensing her emotions so I reassured them in a calm voice, "I won't worry so much about them because I'm going to pay a short visit to them."

Luna looking at me with a curious eye she asks me a question on how "Were going to meet these people Lord? Are you going to do something to them?"

Glancing over to the trio I merely smirked at them as Echidna finally finds out the information I need, "Here it is the location of the family home I can lead the way for you there Tatsumi so then shall we go."

I swear Echidna is a lifesaver finding information and good company to have around.

Now it's time to prepare our new 'home' shall we?

~Third POV~

Currently, it's the later at the sunset as Aria the daughter of the noble home finally has gotten home with a frown on her face with her guards escorting her home.

Aria a cute young girl and she had blonde, shoulder-length hair topped with a fluffy light blue accessory and blue eyes.

She wore a white long-sleeved shirt, with a light blue ribbon on her neck, and above her shirt, she wore a sleeveless light blue dress, with a black bodice, and white frills also wore a pair of white boots.

Aria was disappointed to not find any good citizens to torture as she was in a foul mood but a bit happy as she has new clothes with her money.

Aria looking at her guards and Gaurry her personal guard as she asks them in a cheerful voice while the guards express their tiredness, "Guards you are to put my clothing to my room and be sure to make it quick. Gaurry you are coming with me to my parents after all my family pays you for your service."

Gaurry a fit, young man of average height with black hair, gray eyes, and a short beard.

He wore a standard white guardsman uniform, with black boots and gloves that stretched up to his knees and elbows, and a helmet with a white cloth hanging loosely from the sides to the back of his head, and his weapon of choice was a large cleaver-like blade.

Gaurry sighs at this as he agrees but is happy that he isn't the one to carry off the young Aria clothing.

As they enter inside one of the maids clearly not seen for the both of them is Luna showing them clearly surprising the duo.

Gaurry was more surprised to see a female maid here with long blue hair was actually Luna as she escorts the two, "Hello mister Gaurry and Lady Aria our Lord wishes to discuss an important matter with you immediately."

Aria was showing a surprised expression while in reality she was frustrated beyond belief to see a maid with more beautiful hair than hair but kept her appearance since her father and mother wanted to meet.

With that, the two of them went to the family living room to see her parents signing in the agreement of something to a young man from the countryside as Aria was getting confused the same with Gaurry.

Aria views Echidna's white silk hair in jealousy and tried to say something only for her to be chocked by Echidna's unseen hand.

Gaurry seeing this was about to act before Tatsumi replies to him to stop in a gentle tone, "I wouldn't do that if I were you Gaurry unless you want to lose your job to your new Noble Lord now wouldn't you?"

As Tatsumi's words left his mouth he was surprised by the claim as he also views another girl next to Echidna with twin drill hair and two other maids behind the trio setting on the couch.

Aria managed to speak although have difficulty speaking with clear rage in her voice, "I… Impossible… how is-s a Lord… Mama… P-papa help…"

Tatsumi seeing this he places his hand towards Aria father hand as they begin to shake as he gives Tatsumi his Will surprising Aria of what is happening in disbelief, "Here you go young man from this moment forward you have all of our Nobel rights and my Will that you inherit everything once we perish as well as the copies in your possession."

As Aria heard this her heart drop as the parents began to get their daughter as they held her tightly and gagged her as her mother says to Aria in an emotionless voice holding syringe, "Ah! Aria I'm glad that you arrived I was wondering when you would arrive now we can finally leave in peace."

Aria eyes grew more worried as what her mother meant as she injected the family with her syringe as Aria eyes began to worry more as her father speaks the same tone as the mother emotionless, "Now then Aria we will go somewhere far and happy away from the Empire don't worry it will take a few minutes for the process to be done."

Before Aria could cry out she was knocked out by her father as they 'happily' drag her along somewhere to die off in their basement that kept their previous 'guest' where they will experience their final resting place.

All of this was already planned ahead of time by Tatsumi using his Semblance [Final Command] on Aria's parents by giving them the order to give everything they have to him and kill themselves in the basement where they tortured the other people, they held captive.

The people poisoned in the basement were already fully recovered with the efforts of Echidna and Beatrice healing them with their [Water Magic] from the Re: Zero worlds since its ability is a link to life healing itself.

Currently, these people are asleep for the time being after being malnourished for a long period of time or simply restarted them with Tatsumi Semblance for the ones who lost their minds for far too long.

Tatsumi could've done the same for the family and restart them but doesn't since it was their fault for bringing these people to this point, so he didn't bother sparing the family.

With that Tatsumi ordered Gaurry his first order with a gentle voice to calm the man, "As you heard and seen Gaurry this family has left their title and land to me so by that logic I'm your new boss so for today I want you to dispose of that family by burning them once they died to the poison and I will discuss what your new job is ok?"

Gaurry seeing the drastic change to his life could only agree and did as he was told.

After all, this is his duty to serve and get paid it didn't matter who since he was willing to turn a blind eye to keep his job.

As they left Echidna was holding Beatrice as she petted her much to Betty joy as Echidna talks to Tatsumi in a curious voice, "Ok so we have taken control of their funds and lands what is the next step to take here Tatsumi friend?"

Tatsumi enjoying a candy in his mouth he orders everyone with a smile on his face giving Air and Fal a worried look of who he ask will come, "Ok Fal and Air I want you two and the rest of the guards to clean up the place because by tomorrow we will have Night Raid join I just want to talk to them."