
For God's sake!! VI

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Chapter 103: For God's sake!! VI


It was all white, just snow and ice all around, but with immaculate vision, one would see a golden city far away, isolated between the mountains.

On the far top of one of those mountains sat two people. Amidst the falling snow and cold breeze, they had their backs to each other, comfortably sitting in an environment where no human can survive.

"He arrived," Raven stated, canceling the purple brilliance in her hands and preparing to stand up. She was adorned in casual black clothing with a purple coat on top.

"I know," Ian responded as he stood up. Another year passing allowed his hair to become even longer, reaching beneath his waist. The strange thing about him though is the little facial hair on his face. Ralf would be proud.

"You do? How?" Raven curiously asked. She has only exited her isolation about four months ago, and he didn't show her much of his progress in anything.

"I have my ways." Ian shrugged.

Raven let a pout of dissatisfaction though one could faintly notice her good mood. It's been like that since her resurgence. She must've achieved something notable.

She extended her right hand, taking his hand into hers before vanishing a moment later. She has indeed become incredibly powerful, seemingly tapping into her limitless potential.

They appeared almost instantly in an isolated area with no one in sight, still in the middle of snow.

Everything was already set in motion, so Raven did as planned and released an outburst of magical energy.

Soon enough, a magical portal appeared before them, a man coming out of it without a shred of cautiousness in his eyes.

He was a middle-aged man with smooth dark hair, several white hairs testified to his age, or perhaps experience in life.

The man eyed Raven with a frown, "The demon is in her, right?" That was a rhetorical question as he continued right away.

"But I have to say. The way you invited me is quite interesting, a test for someone like me? I do want the knowledge you're providing though, so I didn't mind."

The man stood right before Ian, his hand still in his brown coat pockets.

All the good mood Raven had seemed to have vanished long ago as she looked very depressed and down, "Just get it over with."

The man shook his head in dismay, "Children these days, right? I'm curious though, how did you attain such knowledge even I don't have?"

Ian released a brilliant smile, seemingly about to state words of the gospel, "Charity."


Raven on the other hand just rolled her eyes, looking elsewhere in what appeared to be dissatisfaction.

"Sometimes, the solution to everything is thinking in reverse... Anyway, let's hug, shall we?" Ian further added much to the man's confusion, but the former didn't give him chance to respond as he pulled him into a hug... That was a distraction.

The art of distraction has yet to disappoint Ian because as the man was in confusion, Raven crouched down, her palm touching the ground, initiating something considered dangerous by the man, or by the thing within him.

Her other palm went to touch something else that suddenly manifested beside her, a massive glass tank with a concentrated stone of pure magic.

Things were happening too fast, but not fast enough for the thing within the man to not respond. The man started looking a bit distorted, his face seemingly transforming into something else, something dark.

"Stooop..!" The man screamed, not at Ian but at the demon within him much to the latter's confusion.

The man's resistance allowed the magic circle to take effect as something akin to a three-dimensional structure manifested around them, mostly concentrated around their target though.

"It's gonna be okay, so trust me," Ian whispered in the man's ears, still holding him in his place... It wasn't okay as the staff of all things manifested in Ian's hand, going directly through the man's stomach.

Yet the man just smiled at Ian, seemingly feeling no pain, "No wo.. AHem!" He was barely able to speak as he coughed blood, weakness spreading all over his body.

"No worri...es. If we fa...il, then feel no responsibi..." He seemed dazed by the end, seemingly on the brink of losing consciousness as his hair turned completely white.

The staff was doing what it does best, devouring life force as if it's in constant starvation.

"Well, Jason Blood, if we fail, then I'll bring you back to life sometime in the future." If Jason wasn't so dazed he heard nothing, he would've certainly passed away in shock.

"NoooooooO!!!!!!" A hoarse voice reverberated throughout the entire mountain, a vile voice speaking of wrath, "You'lll regret this!!"

An illusionary figure manifested above the duo, a horrifying demon with unbelievable rage written on his face in clear alphabet.

"Perfect," Ian murmured as he leaped back, and despite his immaculate martial arts and nimbleness, he found himself stumbling back slightly on a clump of snow.

As a result, he narrowly avoided a horrifying punch from the illusionary demon, "Huh?" The demon wasn't confused for long as his mouth puffed for a split second, seemingly in the motion of releasing something.

Not just that, hellfire manifested itself on the palm of his hands, annihilating every speck of snow just with its mere presence.

The demon's power was terrifying, but a bit weak for one of his stature. Well, how can he release his powers when his host is practically dying? hanging by a thread?

Moreover, most of his power was focused on separating from his host, with the intention of escaping. His illusionary form was in distortion, seeming in pieces.

Something else Ian was counting on was the fact that the demon can not stay far from the host. There seemed to be a specific area where he can move.

Despite the danger, Ian's eyes brightened as he murmured, "Now!"

Raven whose palms were still on the ground reacted instantly, and the spell finally took effect.

All the magical force within seemed to produce sparkling blasts of energy, and what seemed to be magical lightning surrounded the demon, binding him for a single second, but that was more than enough for Ian.

In what seemed to be like an instant, Ian vanished and appeared behind the demon with his staff in hand. It sparkled with orange flickers as it moved at a dazzling speed, instantly coming in contact with the illusionary figure.

Ian didn't have the speed to move the staff that fast, it just moved under his conscious control, his life force continuously flowing into it just as the staff started devouring all of the demon's energies.

Ian's bizarre plan just started to unfold itself as space around him started to experience several twists, several things appearing all at the same time.

The first a cup of water Ian used his other hand to hold and pour on the demon. The second was a crucifix that was controlled remotely by Raven the moment it appeared, making sure it always stays in contact with the demon.

The third was a phone connected to a pair of speakers. The latter released an ear-piercing high-pitched voice the moment they appeared though they were a bit far away from the demon.

It all happened in an instant in the moment of the demon's vulnerability. The collective effect of the three things only went on to paralysis the demon further, earning a deafening scream out of him.

Ian flashed his vast wings from his back, instantly enveloping the demon in their embrace, keeping him in place.

That was followed by orange lightning constantly spurting from the staff, traveling through the demon-like a current.

The spear-like staff was already stabbing deep in the illusionary but solid body, a testament to its unbelievable powers.

It was already incredibly strong due to the charity of demons, but with Ian constantly giving it his life force, it has become something else entirely.

Unfortunately, all of his methods only gave him a minute. He used it fully, and it was more than enough to acquire what he wanted considering the prowess of the demon before him.

The demon's screams stopped in an instant, and Ian could feel burning heat starting to radiate from the demon.

An air of chillness instantly surrounded the area despite the demon's body seemingly burning with hellfire, slowly melting into nothingness.

Before he vanished though, his deformed head twisted, his horns contorting with it. His demonic eyes gazed directly into Ian's, "I Etrigan, son of Belial, hereby swear with my demonic blood that I shall hunt you! To the end of the earth!!!!"

Ian narrowed his eyes, horror surfacing on his face as his angelic wings were retracted, enveloping him instead just in time to protect him against the incoming blast.

It was a devastating burst that went on to annihilate the entire area, creating a vacant space of hundreds of meters in the mountain.

Even the snow far far away melted just due to the heat that overwhelmed the entire mountain.

Raven had it easy as she just teleported away, but Ian was sent way back, rambling through the ground like a ball though strangely the burst had little effect on the wings, remaining intact and just as spotless.

"Dammit Constantine! This is not how you told me it's gonna go!!" Ian's shout resounded throughout the area as landed on the ground, gasping for breath with anger on his face.

His eyes could catch the little specks of fire remaining in the area quickly fading.

Raven instantly appeared before him and teleported him away, and the first thing he said was, "God, Constantine is such a good friend, isn't he?"


3rd place in the rankings= 1 extra chapter!

2nd place in the rankings= 2 extra chapters!!

1st place in the rankings= 3 extra chapters!!!

I don't think it's possible but here it is...


VQuintessencecreators' thoughts