
DC: Jackie Chan Adventures

born in Gotham living in a warehouse. after work trying to make a life for himself but who would have guessed that a dragon would crash in and followed by heroes and with their power they banish the dragon only for Alex to get sucked in as well. Watch as Alex Survives and gain powers and come back stronger. All events and stories take place on Earth 16 the young justice universe. All DC and Jackie chan Adventures properties belong to their respective owner’s this is for fun.

DrakeBerger · テレビ
20 Chs


1995: Alex, Z Ander is born in Gotham(the name came from my cousin Jess a play on Alexander)

2003:runs away from foster care and starts living on the streets. Justice League is created

2006: lives in the warehouse since 3 months ago gets broken by a fight between Shendu and batman with Zatara, Etrigan, and John Constantine, and Alex gets sucked into Netherworld. on March 31.

2010 March 3rd: Alex returns to Earth

the rest is the young justice timeline