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As Achyls opened his eye he realized that he couldn't see anything."I'm surprised I am even able to think I thought I would just stop existing after I died."He looked around and realized the void was really a gift in disguise.

He was all alone and in the dark where he felt the most comfortable.He didn't know if time was still a concept in here so he just relaxed and looked back on his life.

Achyls thought there was things he could have done differently but then remembered he was raised to be a good person and his morals would have stopped him.So he decided to just enjoy the void without any resentment.

(Apophis POV)

"Interesting this soul has not called out to some god to save him.I am quite curious to why it seems as if he is not fazed by the isolation this realm has on lost souls."Any other soul would have wished to cease to nothingness and gone insane."Yet he clings to existence just to enjoy the void.What a odd soul."

After much consideration he thought how he could use achyls to further his goals."I think I will use him to bring chaos to that particular universe especially after he used my realm to relax.It's only fair that he does this much for me."
