
DC: Absolute Survival System

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Author: A guy goes to the DC verse with the A.S.S. Reader: Come again? Author: He goes to the DC verse with the A.S.S- Oh, yeah, I hear it. I think it would be better to just call it the Absolute Survival System from now on and not to abbreviate it. True Synopsis will be made at a later date. Outside of the MC, I do not own any character from DC or any other source of fiction that will be used in this fic. English is not my first language so there will be grammar error here and there. Cover Image I made in https://www.imagine.art/

5 タグ
Chapter 1Chapter 1: Absolute Survival System

[AN: I wrote this fic a while back, came back and rewrote it a bit I figured I would post it before anyone else has the same idea and post it before me. Hopefully I am not too late.

P.S. You should read the author's note at the end.]

[Main Character's Point of View]

I found myself in a white space. If I had to descript it, I would say that it looked like the place beyond the door of truth from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Now you might be wondering why am I here? No, I did not sacrifice myself for someone else.

I was USED as a human shield! It is the typical story of the wrong place, wrong time with thugs and a damsel in distress. The only difference is that instead of running towards them to put her behind me while facing the thugs, I ran away... or tried to run.

The damsel was stronger than she looked. She YEETED me in front of her. I was shocked, like if you had enough strength to throw me towards those thugs then why would you be asking for help? The last thing I remember hearing was gunshots then I woke up Skyrim-style.

"Welcome young soul."

Said the being in front of me to which I replied with.

"I died, didn't I?"

It nodded. By the way, it looked like the truth from the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood anime.

"You are correct, you have died. I have calmed your mind so that we can have a proper conversation."

I should be worried that he messed with my mind, but I am completely fine with this. I should be scared of this realization, but I am fine with this as well. I am certain that this classifies as mind control but here I am completely fine with this.

"First of all, my daughter wanted to reincarnate someone. It was meant to be her first try. I had helped her with a few tips to make it look convincing, but the rest was all on her. She was planning on reincarnating you with a gift after you saved her and then sent you to another reality/universe."

The Truth look-alike said causing me to mutter a question.


"It is one of the many steps in her formation to learn to use her powers. When she saw that you weren't going to "save" her, she got mad and threw you to your death and broke the rule of making your death seem believable."

The look-alike explained before I asked another question, still calm even though I should be angry.

"Couldn't she have changed the minds of the thugs and everyone else who saw my death?"

The look-alike sighed before explaining further.

"She did but when I say believable, I meant you. You doubted your death and thus broke the rule."

Maybe it was because I was calm but I asked a question that I would normally have no reason to ask due to it being a low priority for someone in my situation.

"Is there a reason why that rule exists?"

"Yes for you see, there have been a lot of complaints among us, which humans have classified as R.O.B., that many of the humans we reincarnate tend to act differently once they know about us which ruins our entertainment."

The R.O.B said before I chimed in.

"Act differently, how?"

Once again, it sighed before answering my question.

"Some are relieved that there will not be any consequences for their action in their new lives thanks to us changing their lives thus they become the most powerful being in their region and act solely on their lust or as you would put it build a harem composed of even married or underaged males or females."

Well, I read a few fan fiction that were heading in that direction. 

"Others doubt us about our non-interference and act solely on how they think we would want them to do. After a majority voted for the rule, it was put in place plus this gives us the freedom to choose the gift as long as it is not too weak for the world we chose."

It added before I finally asked an important question to which the R.O.B answered almost immediately.

"Now, that the rule was broken, what is going to happen to me?"

"Well, I did say a majority voted for, and the minority that voted against decided to just wipe the memory of the human after they chose their wish thus, I will do that as my daughter is too upset to see you. What is going to happen is that I will tell you the world, you get one wish then I will send you there."

I nodded since I did not know the alternative and would rather accept his offer. I am eighty percent sure this is due to mind control but what can I do?

"Excellent, you will be sent in a world similar to the One Piece world that you know of. Now what is your wish?"

The R.O.B exclaimed while I was still calm... too calm... now I am sure that he mind controlled me, at least I can still think on my own. I took a few minutes before answering.

"I wish to have Yhwach's power called The Almighty with no weakness concerning the way I obtain it or the negative effects that may happen to said power."





"FUCK! I can't undo this! SHIT!"

The R.O.B yelled after about a minute of silence causing me to ask another question.

"Hm? Is there a problem?"

The truth look-alike looked at me before speaking.

"*Sigh* I thought you would wish to be an overpowered ability within the limit of that world but you just had to ask for an ability which would get the others' attention. I guess, I can't scam my way out of this. *Snap*"

When he snapped his finger, I suddenly felt something was off. The fucker mind controlled me, I was killed by his daughter who broke a rule and I only get a wish while being mind controlled. I could not help but to yell.

"You mind Cosbying mother fucker! You were tricking me!"

"Yes, now undo your wish and I will give you three wishes on top of sending you to the world of your choice."

That fucker admitted it and tried to make a deal with me which got me even more mad.

"I refuse, you R.O.B ass piece of shit!"

Confuse by my refusal, the fucker spoke.

"Why? I am giving you a better deal, two more wishes, and a selection of where you would be going, why would you refuse that?"

What the fucker said had logic but it also had one critical flaw to which I pointed it out while yelling.

"Because there is nothing that is stopping you from mind-controlling me again after I undid my wish and make it so I can only wish for something that won't get anyone's attention."

" ...I would never do that again."

The fucker said after a pregnant pause which pissed me even more.

"Yeah right and why should I believe you? I MEAN THAT FUCKING PAUSED DIDN'T INSTILL TOO MUCH TRUST IN YOU!"

"Because we will make sure he doesn't screw you over again."

A new voice, that sounded like a dozens of people talking at the same time, echoed through the white void once more. The fucker seemed to be happy as he spoke once more only for said happiness to face.

"See, the high committee will stop… me… from... !? THE HIGH COMMITTEE!!"

"You have violated not one but two rules this is a severe crime."

The new voice said to the R.O.B before I spoke.

"Wasn't it his daughter that broke a rule?"

The R.O.B glared daggers at me even if he did not have eyeballs, I could feel it, but I did not care. She killed me and you mind control me, if I'm going down, I'm bringing you along with me.

"Yes, she has but the fault goes to him for his negligence though we suppose this makes three rules he broke. You already know the first but the second is that he did not report the violation of the first rule and the last rule broken was his abuse of power while reincarnating you."

The high committee or whatever exclaimed which cause the R.O.B to tremble as it spoke only to be interrupted.

"I- I- I can explain-"

"No need, we were watching the entire thing. We allowed you to process after freeing a bit of this human's mind to see how far you would go. The rest is known by all parties involved."

I inwardly smirked before the new voice addressed me.

"Human, as part of his sentence he will grant you three wishes upon which you will go to the world you would like to go the most... right after your memories regarding us have been erased. We know you will not wish for the same wish... That is why we have taken the liberty to select your all wishes and for your information, the world you want to go the most is the DC universe."

"All my wishes?"

I said this skeptically. I mean, I get the DC Universe part cuz I am a huge fan and I was going to choose that verse but that was with the implication that I was the one that was going to chose my own cheats.

"Yes, it is a system called the [Absolute Survival System] with a welcoming package, which will consists of your two remaining wishes, like most system within the fictions you have read had. *Snap*"

Something appeared in front of me. It was a light blue transparent screen.

[Connecting to host 0.2%... 0.5%... 2%... 5%... 8%... 14%... 25%... 30%... 45%... 57%... 69%... 77%... 85%... 96%... 100%]

[*Ding!* Absolute Survival System has successfully been installed into the host.]

[Greeting Host]

"What does it do?"

I asked while looking at the transparent screen in front of me.

"The Absolute Survival System is a system that will give you OPTIONAL missions or quests as you humans called them, and with every quest comes certain rewards. Those rewards come in different such as equipment, knowledge, technology, power, Gacha ticket or Absolute Points, the last can be traded for ANYTHING as long as you have enough of it."

This sounded enticing but I needed to know more about the system and as if they read my mind it or they... continued.

"The reason why it is called the Absolute Survival System is because everything obtained from the system is in its absolute form thus the weakness has generally been removed and the only thing left is the upgraded version of itself.

It is expected that you will need this to survive in the DC universe thus survival was added in. The system also passively protects you from mind control, reading as well as cloning, power theft, and mimicry. The rest would need to be bought or earned."

I see. This is enticing as well as maybe too good to be true. As I was pondering that, I remembered that I also received a welcoming package to which the voice, which was like an amalgamation of voices, spoke once more.

"Due to the nature of the welcoming package which entails name and appearance selection with the added bonus of selecting two of the available skills. Due to many of us who have voted for said ability to match the level of the Absolute Survival System, you will receive its upgrade in exchange for all of your knowledge regarding the DC verse as a whole.

If you choose to refuse this offer merely select the abilities in their base form. Also you might be worried that due to erasing our presence in your mind, you will forget some if not all of your cheats. Rest assured that you will remember all of them."

I decided to have a look before deciding.

[ *Ding*

Select your name:

Select your Appearance:

Pick Two skills:

-Viltrumite Physiology (Base/ Absolute Form) (From Invincible)

-Invisibility (Base/ Absolute Form)

-Sonic and Shadow's abilities (Base/ Absolute Form) (From The Sonic series)

-X-Ray Vision (Base/ Absolute Form) 

-Underwater Breathing (Base/ Absolute Form) 

-Decay (Base/ Absolute Form) (From MHA)]

I have to say, the hardest part was picking my name and my appearance. I mean, literally, while I still have my knowledge of the DC verse I know that you need either strong hax or plot armor to survive the constant hero versus villains or invasions or any other Deus Ex Machina of a threat.

For the skills, Invisibility, X-Ray Vision, Decay and Underwater Breathing either does not boost my chances of survival or not versitale enough to help me in more then one situation... That last one is mostly aimed at Decay. 

My pick was completed as soon as I saw Sonic's name. First of all, people want to be Kryptonian but failed to realize that controlling your strenght will be a bitch and a half while from what I saw Viltrumite have no problem controlling their strenght.

I mean, Mark got the hang of his powers like in a week. Granted he had Nolan to teach him but I never saw him break a door by pulling too hard. As for Sonic and Shadow, I do not need to explain myself. 

If I had to oversimplify it, Sonic has super speed while Shadow has chaos control among other things such as hand-to-hand combat. Adding that to Viltrumite Physiology and there is not many villains on Earth that can pose a threat to me.


You have chosen your name:

- Idris Alaric Richards

Select Your Appearance:

-I would like to be a handsome dark-skin man with a lot of rizz like Chika Shihōin.

You have chosen your skills:

-Viltrumite Physiology (Absolute Form) (From Invincible)

-Sonic and Shadow's abilities (Absolute Form) (From The Sonic series)]

I kept my first name then decided to add the first two names that I could find. Nah, I am just playing. I kept my own name. Hm? Why am I, a black guy, named Alaric? Well, long story short, my parents were fans of The Vampire Diaries series. 

I said Chika Shihōin because he has that rizz, plus he is the only Shihōin outside of Yoruichi who was in the Bleach anime and who could throw hands while also being able to rizz anyone who witnessed them. Yoruichi's little brother sadly does not have that rizz in him.

"Now that it is done, you are ready to be sent to one of the universe in the DC verse. You should get the two skills you have selected at the age of fifteen years old. And once again, you will not remember this conversation but have no fear, you will know what your cheats are via false memories will be implanted into you to fill in this conversation."

As soon as that sentence ended, I started to feel a sharp pain in my head which lasted for a few minutes but felt like half an hour then everything went dark.


[AN: Here are the so called false memories.]

Have you ever had a weird day? I do not mean normal weird as in something odd happened but something improbable happened. I ask that because someone sent a send virus to all my electronic devices. A message appears on their black screens.

[If you were to be reborn in the world of DC with a system, what system would you like?]

Yeah, I know that this is a red flag for being isekai so I tried to deny it as to be isekai you have to die which... I am afraid of. I ignored this message until 10 PM as I needed to start and finish a project due by 11:59 PM. I deluded myself into thinking that maybe I was wrong, and someone was just fucking with me.

{I like to have the Absolute Survival System.}

As I was hoping to regain my electronics, another message came.

[Please specify what you mean by "Absolute Anime System".]

I was done at this point and just wanted to get this shit over with thus I continue with my answer as if I was going to be isekai in DC then I would rather be Overpowered than weak.

{The Absolute Survival System is a system that will give you OPTIONAL missions or quests as you humans called them, and with every quest comes certain rewards. Those rewards come in different such as equipment, knowledge, technology, power, Gacha ticket or Absolute Points, the last can be traded for ANYTHING as long as you have enough of it.

The reason why it is called the Absolute Survival System is because everything obtained from the system is in its absolute form thus the weakness has generally been removed and the only thing left is the upgraded version of itself.

It is expected that you will need this to survive in the DC universe thus survival was added in. The system also passively protects you from mind control, reading as well as cloning, power theft, and mimicry. The rest would need to be bought or earned. It also comes with a welcome package.}

I finished and hoped that this was a prank as I did not feel like dying. I sighed and closed my eyes when the screen of my phone returned to what it was. When I opened my eyes, I received a message from an unknown number, and I felt dread as I read it.

[The Absolute Survival System request has been accepted. Due to the versatility of the system, your memories of the DC universe will be erased as the system is already giving you an over-the-edge advantage.]

As I finished reading the message several men in black suit barged into my apartment room and pointed their guns at me before one of the said the one of last words I would hear in this world.

"Mr. Popo sends his regards."


I was riddled with bullets and fell to the ground. As my consciousness faded into darkness, I heard them talking.

"Hum, Boss I don't think this is the guy we were supposed to kill."

"What makes you say?"

"Well, for one the guy we were supposed to kill was not black but an old white guy from Finland."

"SHIT! You're right!"

"Boss, I think you should stop wearing extra thick sunglasses inside-"

That was all I could hear before everything went dark.


[Noah Baxter's Point of View]

I am Noah Baxter, and I am a scientist slash co-founder of the Baxter Corp in Metropolis with my wife Elaine Richards. We used to be known as the scientific trio along with our now estranged friend Lionel Luther.

We started our company around the same time as him and made it flourish. It became the most well-known company in the country. We yearly got funding from the government and enjoyed the success we had worked for.

Lionel's company barely made the top ten while we always made the top three. I do not know why but Lionel started losing his wits and it caused his downfall. It got to the point that Lionel's company started failing and went bankrupt.

However, all that changed when Lionel's teenage son took over what was the remains of his company after he died and renamed it Lex Corp. That twerp started inventing things every week and brought his company up to become the best company in the Country.

That bald bastard acted like he owned the world which pissed us off. He started buying us out of the business. As time went on, our company had less clientele we even lost our yearly government contract. It was estimated that our company would go bankrupt in less than two decades years.

Elaine and I became desperate, so we dug into our research to try to find something to bring us back to the top. We focused on energy building and tried to make a self-sustaining generator but could not manage to get the self-sustaining part.

We became so focused on our research that we hired a butler slash assistant named Obadiah Jarvis Stane to make sure that we stay healthy, and that our health does not deteriorate due to overwork. Jarvis became a great help around our house. He quickly became a friend.

Although with Jarvis, our lives lighten up that was for a short while as our inability to produce results ate us from the inside out. Years went by and that twerp kept rubbing it in that we were no longer in the top ten company of the country.

Honestly, we thought it was the end of our company, our baby, and our dream. Elaine and I could not conceive a child so the company took that place which is why it hurt us that the company was not doing good BUT everything changed one day when a small Rocketship flew through our limo's window and almost took Jarvis' head off before getting stuck in our wall.

We could not believed that such a piece of junk could have flown like we saw it do and our inner scientist kicked in. In that rocketship made of junk and spared parts, was a circuitry that amazed us. The Rocketship's circuitry gave us the final piece we needed to build our self-sustaining generator.

It had taken a couple of weeks of studying the circuitry but we did it. We called it the "Ark Reactor" and thanks to that Ark, our company regained a piece of its splendor. But upon regaining said piece of splendor, we simply had to know who made that Rocketship.

Lucky for us, Jarvis who had not been obsessing over the circuitry had manage to learn who made the Rocketship. It turned out that the one who had made it was none other than a six year old boy named Idris Alaric Richards who lived in an Orphanage in Gotham before coming to Metropolis on his own.

He is an orphan- no even better, he is a nobody and upon learning that, we decided to adopt him, partially out of gratitude but mostly because we knew even back then that regaining all of our company's past splendor was impossible for us.

We were getting old and by the time we made a decent amount of progress at improving our newest invention, our minds may not be sharp enough to avoid mistakes, so we decided to impart our knowledge to the boy that gave our baby, its splendor back.

Thanks to our connection, we were able to adopt him without much trouble. Him having the same last name as Elaine gave us a good public relations advertisement along with a few baseless gossip which all helped our company into getting advertised.

Idris showed intellect in many fields of science. This was the proof we needed. It was a sign that he was destined to continue our legacy. Elaine, Jarvis, and I personally taught him everything we knew from science to etiquette and social manner.

Elaine and I made sure that Idris did not waste time with distractions. There were a lot of distractions, especially such as those pesky Superheroes and villains. After Elaine's death on Idris' tenth birthday, I double-back on our efforts.

Our efforts paid off as we had to his Intelligence quotient (IQ). His Intelligence quotient came back a whooping two hundred and ten at the age of eleven years old.

Seventeen points below Lex Luther but Idris still had time to grow. This was once again a sign that my efforts were paying off and I triple and quadruple down. He was just eighteen points away from beating Lex.

a few months before Idris' twelveth birthday, I fell on the floor in my laboratory. I was in the middle of making Idris' birthday gift, a hundred mathematical equations series each harder than the last... that he would need to solve in less than three minutes each.

Jarvis rushed me to the hospital. That was when we heard the sad news that I had cancer, a brain tumor at that. I thought my headaches were due to lack of sleep but unfortunately, that was not the case. There was no treatment, and I was not about to spend the rest of my days in a hospital bed.

I spent the next month preparing for my departure and made sure that Idris would inherit Baxter Corp. I told him to not let Baxter Corp fall and ask Jarvis, my closest friend to look out for the company by making sure Idris fulfilled his purpose.

With nothing left to do, I was going to take the pills, I had Jarvis ordered when I learned my time was coming, which would allow me to leave this world. I was about to welcome my end with a smile but Jarvis convinced me to postponed that for at least a couple of months.

He told me that I should at least spend some time with Idris outside of teacher and be an actual father figure to him. He said that I should not leave any factor that might caused Idris to drive my company down the mud out of anger towards me.

I found it preposterous as Idris owed Elaine and I a tremendous debt which he could only repay it by managing my company as it was the sole reason why we adopted him but what Jarvis said still made some sense. So I decided to take Idris on a vacation in Egypt on the day of his twelveth birthday.

As we were arriving in Egypt the private plane that I owned had some complications and was going to crash. I rushed to get the parachutes when I found out that the plane had none. Instead of Parachutes, there was electronic screen that had a message on it.

[Don't worry, I will take good care of MY company!]


As I finished reading the message, I understood that Jarvis had done this but I could not do anything else as the screen exploded, causing me to be sent back until I hit the wall of the planes. I felt half my ribcage breaking, the open wound on my stomach and from the amount of blood I was loosing, I will die within a few minutes.

"Looks like the bald bastard showed his true colors. I would have warned you if I thought you would have listened to me but even now we both know that you would not have done that. You would have brushed my warnings off and Obadiah would have changed his plans to ensure that I die with you instead of being a collateral."

Idris said as he walked towards the exits with his backpack. He opened the exit door and yelled something as his backpack started to morph into a jetpack before jumping out of the plane.

"Don't worry, I will take back the company... eventually cuz that's the thing I should worry about first and foremost, right?"

My vision was blurry as I lamented on the betrayal that I was experiencing and chuckled at the irony that was before me. I almost cursed him for leaving his dying father only to realize that I had never once acted as a Father to begin with. This was probably karma.


Another explosion occured as the plane crashed and everything went dark.


I am currently trying to finish a chapter of my other fic called DC: Atlantean Alchemist and I am suffering a minor writer's block which led me to rewrite this old fic hoping that would help me get out of it. The chapter for that DC fan fic is basically done but I feel like it is missing something ergo the writer's block.

Just letting you known that I will be focusing on finishing that chapter I am stuck with before posting any other chapter in any one of my fan fics but I would like some constructive criticism and your imput on this fic. The more comments, the better.

Want more? Like Thanos, I want those STONES!!!]


Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Vahn was an atypical youth. Due to a rare mutation, his blood had the potential to target and attack ailments within the human body. Touted as a universal cure, people had elevated his status above the norm and given him the classification "Panacea". In the media, he was hailed as a great hero who would usher in a new era or human wellness. However, behind the scenes things weren't so bright. Being a unique individual, Vahn spent his entire youth locked up in a lab with various scientists and research teams using his body and blood to perform endless amounts of experiments. The only solace in his suffering was the various anime and manga made available to him between experiments. He often imagined himself as the protagonist in a world of his own, finally in control of his own destiny. For years he nurtured this desire, until at the age of 14 he died when an organization had tried to kidnap him from the lab... "Finally, I don't have to suffer anymore..." This was Vahn's last thought as he faded into the endless black abyss... "You poor soul." Author's Note: If you would like to support the author and the team behind EPIC and future projects, feel free to check out libraryofakasha.com. There, you can find extra chapters and several other novels posted by myself and a few people from Discord. Cover by Sinlaire, Edited by Frozen: https://www.deviantart.com/sinlaire https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh New Patreon~! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=14397149 This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Danmachi. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content.

Einlion · アニメ&漫画
2365 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
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  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定
