

Why the hell DC? that too why Gotham of all places? ------------ Inspired by Cornbringer. Totally didn't just copy him

I_Like_that_thighs · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs



Disclaimer: I own nothing. This story has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

"The more you fuck around, the more you find out"

-Probably Harambe.


It took me about an hour to walk to John's house. It was in a dingy and suspicious apartment and I'm sure a group of thugs were cooking meth on the way. Unlike before I knew to mind my own business and just went into John's house.

And this guy is fucking rich. Why the hell did he even try to steal while having 3000$ in cash with him?

I searched for some money and soon collected up to 1000$ . I only took about 1/3rd of his money though, knowing America's medical system he's gonna get those stolen when he visits the hospital anyway. I ate some of the snacks and cup ramen he had. I also stored some of his clothes and his couch in my inventory, just in case I need to sleep on the streets. 

"Should I really do this.." I was seriously considering whether to take his pokemon card stash with me. Maybe it's because pokemon cards aren't that expensive now, but I'm sure that this Shadowless Blastoise 1st edition base set card is more than 20 grand.

*Tsk* In the end I didn't do it, no I couldn't. I wouldn't stoop that low.

I took some deodorant, soaps, knives, a PSP and a taser too. This world is really advanced, this PSP looks more advanced and sleek than what we had. Who owns it? It was goddamn Wayne again, seriously what is that guy not in? Probably just Porn.

Knowing Batman's alternate persona, 'Bruce Wayne' is a total playboy he probably has one or two porn videos too.

"No." I shook my head and put the phone on the table again. I can't and won't search for Wayne porn in a Wayne phone.

Anyway I should leave now and search for some motel to stay in.

I checked the house if there are any things that I missed and sure enough I did miss one, I took a torch light I missed and left the house after locking it and leaving the lock at the door. I looked up at the camera and smirked, I don't care if I get caught, my face is not registered in any database, where will they even search me?

In Gotham? The first thing I'm doing is leaving this goddamn hell hole.

*Swoosh* By sheer instinct, I managed to dodge the punch barely.

"God fucking-" I turned around to see a huge man who just tried to punch me. He was huge, like comically huge, almost 7 feet tall.

"What the fuck man?" I asked while looking around to see if there were any other dudes, and thankfully there were none.

"Ya knock out John and steal from his own room!?" He asked while cracking his knuckles. Is he that guy's friend? Did he seriously wait here till I came out? 

"Will you leave me if I give the money back?" I tried to argue with him knowing that I still would have his furniture and food with me.

I didn't really want to get hurt and there's also a chance that this guy could be a small-time villain with superpowers. 

"Adorable" He chuckled. "Let's have it your way…" He looked at me in a weird way.

"I can tell that I beat you up to my boss" He wiped his lips.

"Wait? Boss?" I asked him in confusion.

"So you didn't know huh?" He chuckled again, "John is my boss, Baldwin's son. He was tasked by my boss to steal from someone or kill them when he turns 18 and you were the unlucky guy."

He suddenly unzipped his pants, "Why don't you bend down now? You look cute enough."

"Eww!" I immediately slapped his hand away and summoned the taser on my hand and shot it at him.


*THUD!* He fell down with a loud thud.

[Killed LV.3 Adam Walker

Reward = 600 Exp

Level Up! +4 stat points

Level Up! +4 stat points


"What the fuck? He died!?" I went closer to him and turned his huge ass 400 pound body around and saw it, the crucifix on his chain pierced his throat and probably killed him. But then too, didn't he die too soon? Shouldn't he suffocate or somethin?

I tried giving him CPR and even fractured his rib in doing so, but his heart wasn't beating again. 

"Sucks to be you man." As a form of respect, I closed his eyes and took his wallet and stored his body in my inventory. I found out that I can store anything dead and if I try to store something, it will immediately die after entering my inventory but I have 2 conditions to fulfil though. I have to physically touch the thing I want to store, and if it is alive, then it should have a WILL stat less than 10% of mine.

 "Blame your boss and John, Adam." I was about to leave again. 

"If John's father is a mafia boss he should be rich right?" I changed my decision and took all the 3000$ John had along with his TV and pokemon stash.

'I'll sell it and become rich and make crypto currency, finally become the next Logan Paul.' I entered the lift and waited for it to reach the ground floor. At that time I opened my stat window.


Name = Alex Walker

Occupation = The Gamer

Level = 4

EXP = 100/800

HP = 250/250

MP = 100/100

STR = 12{+4}(- +)

VIT = 13

DEF = 12

DEX= 11

INT = 13

CHA = 8

WIS = 12

WILL = 17

PER = 12

LUK = 91

Stat Points: 8


So killing gives me more Exp than knocking them out huh? This thing is pushing me to be a killer. And some of my other stats went above. Why? I can understand WILL because I just killed someone and stored their body but why is VIT and HP going up? Is this something that comes with levelling up?

Will I kill more and more from now on? I felt no remorse in killing a dude. Mostly because they all seem like comic book characters to me. Yet it feels really wrong, I still haven't opened Adam's wallet, just in fear that he would have his family pic there.

Well considering that he told me to bend down I don't think he's a good guy… yet…

"Haaa… why the fuck is this hard?" I muttered to myself, I feel… like… I can't even find the word to describe how I feel now. The closest I can say is, I feel like shit. 

"Why can't I be like a chin*se protag? Shrugging off everything and accepting a new reality?" I went out of the lift and quickly made my way out of the building. "I even have an overpowered system for god's sak- Ouch!" 

I looked at my hand to see it being scratched and bleeding. "What the fuck?" Looked around to see if there were any sharp edges around but there were none. 

"Weird.." I wiped the blood and put all my stat points on VIT. I believe it makes me heal a bit faster than usual.

It took me about an hour to reach a nearby motel and I booked a room for 7 days. It cost me 300$. The economy in 2003 sure is nice. 

Currently, I'm on my bed looking through the features of this system when suddenly a new screen appears.

[ *Survive First Night* - Quest Completed.

Objective= Survive your first night in Gotham.

Reward= Chain Quest started, 100 Exp, 2000$ in cash

Accept- Y/N?

Chain Quest- *Get a house in Gotham*

Reward = Class features unlocked, 200 Exp, Next chain quest

Accept- Y/N?


It's already morning? Fuck…if I had known this I would have waited outside the motel till the day ended and got a extra night here.

Obviously I accepted both of them but really? Just 100 Exp? But 2000$ though.. Thank god my PC's not here, otherwise I would have bought something stupid.

 It's my first day and I've been robbed and I killed a guy too. Like how in Robert Downey Jr. 's ass is this possible? Gotham really is a cursed man. Why didn't I get dropped in Star City or Metropolis? Aqua City would not have been bad either. I probably got some disease from the scratch too.

Who ever dropped me here, I curse-

"I should probably stop and just sleep." I don't wanna anger whatever being that put me here.

 I pulled up the blanket and turned off the lights. I wanna go to pee but I'm too lazy. 
