
Day 2

once upon a time, there lived a couple of newlyweds. the husband and wife loved each other very much, to the point of obsession. however, from obsession, came possessivesness. neither of them wanted to see anyone from the opposite sex talking to them so they decided to live in a secluded cabin in the middle of the forest. they were independant from the system, and they were satisfied with their current life.

then the storm of the century came. the two were separated from each other in different realm. one was alive while the other was not. the husband fell into despair as he got no chance to see his wife again.

from night to the break of the dawn, the husband would be walking around the forest, praying for any entities to help. the village folks once told the pair that in the forest, a dark entity lived there. they needed to be careful and avoid the spirit.

using that information, the husband decided to roam around the forest unceasingly, wandering around aimlessly, hoping to be found by the dark entity.

"Oh the son of Adam. Why are you going against your creator's will? Why dont you just accept her death? Though, I am ecstatic that I found you, the son of Adam whose heart is black beyond repair"

the husband was greeted with a dark and shapeless matter, followed by a very foul stench of blood and rotten flesh.

"Oh creature of fire, help me gain back my wife. i love her so much and i know i am unable to live without her. i am sure she is suffering right now and i want her to live a longer life with me."

the dark spirit laughed heartily.

"Are you able to give me everything I wanted?"

"yes i am very much able. anything for my dear wife."

the darkness let out a shrieking haunting laugh, and disappeared.

from the shadows, it appeared in the shape of a man with an unpleasant face. his eyes were glowing red, penetrating deep into the husband's soul.

"Let's make a bet. If your wife stays faithful to you, I will mould a body for you, from the greatness of fire, the same fire that I was created from. You will have the power of controlling fire, and will be invincible till the day you die. However, if your wife has already forgotten you,"

the man stopped, a chilling wide grin plastered on his terrifying face,

"You belong to me until the end of the world. Dont worry, it shall not be too long."

The mysterious man performed a ritual, right in front of his face. there is smoke everywhere and the air was heavy with stench of blood. the husband knew what he did had defied his creator's fate. but he loved his wife too much to let her go. he was unable to forget her, even in her death.

"My my my, is this the son of Adam whom my creator has ordered me to kneel in respect? Such weaklings do not deserve my attention,"

the creature of darkness sneered.

with a drop of the husband's blood on the ground where the polygon was drawn, the ritual was commenced.

all the smoke gathered at the center of the drawn lines on the ground, shaping into the stature of the wife. the husband yelled for her, declaring his undying love and his worries for her.

"my beloved husband, what a fool thing you have done. if i die, i stay dead. my spirit has left my body. i was being questioned by the angel in my grave, yet here you are, defying our creator's orders and rules. what youre doing is unacceptable even in my eyes, how about from our creator? you disappoint me, dear. i guess we will never meet in heaven afterall."

And she vanished.

The husband was trembling out of fear and humiliation. Yes he had just realized he signed up his life for an eternal life in hell.

The man from the darkness howled in glee, his claws and fangs came out to play.

"Congratz, you are now my slave until the death of the world and will be accompanying me in hellfire for our punishment !!"