
The Witches

late night started to hear voices of people chattering

but as usual I ignored it now it was hard for me to go to sleep because of the people's chattering.But eventually I went to sleep.Woke up at 6 o'clock to get ready for school I went to the bathroom and showered and dressed and brushed my teeth and hair went down stairs and ate cereal and packed my lunch mom made for me The bus came at 7 o'clock my school started at 7 30 then when I reached school which by the way is Crystal high school it was my freshman year and I sorta got lost and I was a bit late to 1 of my class

but apart from that it was pretty good and I think I just got my self some friends for they r u never know when they turn against you or when they become your real real friends but when I was going home I heard the same voices voices of children like my age but then a thought came to my mind that today is school day I mean when I looked around I couldn't see anyone I was the only one walking on the street and the shops they were closed so who could it be was I dreaming but then again I didn't care and thought about homework it was a long day I was thinking when I got home and while I was showering.Lets skip to Friday night I started hearing those voices again this time I felt like they were in the room with me then I saw someone who ever it was it was wearing a Dark Purple cloak which I thought at first was black but there wasn't only one there were 4 more then I slowly backed when the first one took of her cloak she was a beautiful girl and then she said 'Hello there I am Amanda I come from a different realm and we r here because we were sent by Madam Linda she is the headmistress of Beckwood High school and you are a witch we will explain everything to you and a mail will come giving you an adress to which you will go to and informing your family that you are expected at beckwood academy in California though it is not for from here and don't worry about money we will handle it it was nice meeting you and here is my number if you want answers then call or message me bye'