4 My Garden

Mira sat on the large bed in her room thinking about Lanthier, the dark presence that trapped her here, where ever here was. Even in his dark study she could make out his defined features, when she dared to look at him. He was very handsome, chiseled jaw, long dark hair, his nose was on the large side but it fit his larger frame. Though he was sitting she could tell he was tall. And his eyes, they were like nothing she'd ever seen before. They seemed to pool with different colors and were framed by long black lashes. He was was unnaturally gorgeous. The twisted smile on his lips unnerved Mira. She wanted to think of an escape but her mind kept bringing her back to the evil king. She never met anyone like him but she felt like she had dreamt of him before. He must have been in one of her many nightmares. Mira decided that was where she had first seen him. She had never been in a room like this however, it felt familiar. She closed her eyes and prayed her dreams would reveal a way to escape. If so it wouldn't be the first time her visions had helped her. She could often see danger before it came. She kept wondering why she didn't remember her dreams warning her about this place, this man. She knew she had been here in her slumber but she didn't recall alarm bells nor a nightmare that would usually inform her of danger. Now this self proclaimed king saw her as a threat and wanted to know who she was and where she came from. Was he even aware of the real world or was he insane enough to believe this 1700 style life was all there was. She didn't know how to tread. Would talking about present day things make him angry because they will disrupt his delusions. Who could blame the man? 2020 is a mindf*** anyway. He seemed to kinda sorta be ok with her talking about where she is from but then would get angry all of a sudden. And that smile, she shivered thinking about it. It was like he was lost in thoughts of how to hurt her or something. She got up to look out the large window in an effort to push herself out of her swirling thoughts.

'Come on Mira think'! Looking outside her breathe caught in her throat, it was amazing. The bright sun in the sky highlighted the grounds showing all the flowers, some fountains and statues. She had definitely been here before, she had walked these gardens in a dream. She felt a weird feeling something she couldn't quite put her finger on. She felt a strong desire to go outside and explore. She could smell the gardens from here. Lanthier had told her, no demanded that she go to the room. She gazed outside.

'He thinks I will leave by magic. If I go outside in broad daylight. He won't think I'm trying to escape. Everywhere were I look is surrounded by forest. How could I leave anyway'? That should have made her gulp because escape seemed futile but as she processed her thoughts she felt stupid.

'Mira honey, just admit you want to explore and you might get killed for leaving your room but whatever, you made up your mind because he will probably kill you anyway'! With that admission she left her room quietly knowing the maids would probably not be back anytime soon since they already served her lunch.

Lanthier usually didn't mind dealing with the disputes of his people. He prided himself on being able to see through lies quite easily which helped him to give fairer judgements. When he was cranky his judgements weren't always fair but he was the king so he was right period. Today though, he couldn't get Mira of his brain. He was growing more and more agitated. What was she doing to him. He needed her to get away when they were in his study because he couldn't think. Now that he wasn't near her all he could do was think about being close to her. Her honey silver eyes, her plump lips, he was going mad!

"King Lanthier, that is how I know he is stealing my animals". The king glared at the peasant that had jarred him from his thoughts.

"Yes, he is stealing from you. I will kill him and his wife since they both tried to lie to their king". He nodded at the guards to take away the other peasant in the room and his wife. They cried and pleaded but Lanthier was in no mood. The kings most trusted guard Josias whispered something in his ear. The king smiled and left his throne room. He was headed to the gardens, ready to deliver more punishment today.
