
Dark Hero in Tate no Yuusha

Vishwa found himself reborn in an anime world known as "The Rising of the Shield Hero" as a Morsan. At the tender age of six, he was bestowed with a cursed weapon called the Great Sword Tizona, a weapon of legendary status crafted by unknown beings. Due to his deep-rooted mistrust in others and the fear of meeting the same fate as his father, who was betrayed by his supposed friends, Vishwa chose to live as a lone wolf. As he grew stronger, he formed a team of slaves to accompany him and together they embarked on a journey to slay ferocious beasts. Along the way, he even lent a helping hand to the shield hero. *** Author's Note: I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share my initial Fanfic with all of you, as it marks the beginning of my journey towards becoming a proficient writer. Crafting an engaging story is no easy task, but with your support and encouragement, I am determined to improve and create something truly captivating. I would like to extend a special thank you to Mr. Andew, who generously sponsored this fanfic through his Patreon ID: Sir_dood134. Your belief in my writing abilities means the world to me, and I am honored to have your support. Once again, thank you to people with Patreon ID: Grey Knight Lord, Tempest1618, Manuel Chavez, WonderingAbyss, David Aderoju, GigaChad, Grey Knight Lord, Masutatai, Ceyhun Cagirici, and Austin for making this fanfiction possible. For those who are interested in supporting my writing, I kindly request your assistance on my Patreon page under the name of Thot-Slaughterer fanfic writer. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, will go a long way in helping me improve my skills and continue creating content that you all enjoy. Please note that my profile picture would be same as the pic of MC's first slave similar to the girl in this fanfic's profile. Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your generosity and support. Your belief in my abilities as a writer means more to me than words can express. I am truly humbled by your kindness, and I promise to work tirelessly to deliver stories that captivate and entertain you. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Thot_Slaughterer · アニメ·コミックス
63 Chs

Talent for growth

'Huh... seriously?!!'

With his today's earnings, plus his savings, he has little more than 40 silver pieces. 

By using this money, he can buy his first proper weapon, coated with permanent 'Blood Clean'. He's been keeping his eye on the particular short sword for a very long time.

The only equipment he currently had was a dagger which he bought for 3 silver pieces. Procuring a weapon was of paramount importance for him. Without one, he wouldn't stand a chance against any high-level monsters.

A year ago, after his father died, tax collection officers determined that Morsan couldn't pay tax for his father's house due to his age before auctioning off his house. In that auction church of the three heroes, meddled and bought it for a measly amount in exchange for paying off his father's debt and they also offered to take care of him in their orphanage but Morsan refused to go orphanage. He couldn't help but watch the church buying his house for one of their well-wishers. 

With leftover money from selling a house and his daily necessities, he could only able to buy custom-made chainmail which he currently wearing for 12 silver, a dagger, and tools for cooking.

Due to the intense war against Siltvelt a year ago, the country of demi-humans, and an insufficient of funds for war, the kingdom didn't meddle with the Church's actions at that time, since they were providing the major contributions for funding the war.

Melromarc and Siltvelt had centuries of bad blood mostly because of the treatment of racial differences and discrimination based on it. When Siltvelt desired global domination, the King of Melromarc halted their way.

To Morsan's surprise, the King of Melromarc has a decent image in people's minds. Everyone calling him a Wise King.

Because of people's sufferings, the queen of Melromarc tries to mend things with Siltvelt, using peace negotiation by setting up a protected demi-human village in Melromarc while Siltvelt also surprisingly followed her example and set up a human-protected region in their land.

This brought both nations a time of peace. A lot of people don't want their kingdom to wage another war. 

The Church of the Three Heroes has considerable power in the Melromarc kingdom now, they also have full control over the hourglass that helps people to class up. Going against them will put him in a bad spot, and will ruin his plans for getting stronger.

In anime, The Church of the Three Heroes, also named Three Heroes Church or Cult of the Three Heroes, is the former national religion of Melromarc and a major antagonist faction of Season 1. It is a sect of the Four Saints Faith - though branched only into the Spear, Sword, and Bow Heroes, while the Shield Hero is completely left out.

Morsan's past self died in 2020. He watched only season 1.

He doesn't know the follow-up story after that.

Currently, Morsan counting copper pieces that he got from a portly shopkeeper with a bewildered face.

"Mmm.. seriously you're giving me these extra copper pieces?! Something is fishy here. This is the first time, you have given me an extra sum of money in the year.."

Morsan gave a skeptical look at the shopkeeper.

"Haha, don't give me that look. I am just helping you to buy a new weapon. Demands for Usapil furs were increasing because of the upcoming winter season in Faubrey. With your new weapon, you don't have to collect Yellow Balloons anymore. You can hunt Usapils from tomorrow without worrying about your weapon's durability. I am willing to pay you more for high-quality battle loots from now on in exchange for requesting some monster drops and some specific quests in the future. How is it? amazing right?... I bet you also don't want to waste your time on those weak monsters.."

"Ohh!.. then why me though? you can offer this benefit to other adventurers with decent experience. I can't see any reason for using a child like me, it will be your loss.."

"Using you. tsk.. tsk. you need to change the way you speak. Listen here brat, it's called an investment, I deemed you to be worthy enough to put my money on your future growth. I already observed you enough, in this past year. Besides, you weren't even six years old yet still managed to hunt these monsters which even adults were struggling to kill. Trust me... you do have immense talent for hunting monsters.... this is the first time I saw someone as strong as you at your age.. no, you... even stronger than others on the same level."

He was starting to understand as he looked at the shopkeeper's serious face.

When he realized that he was born into this world, he tried to learn a lot of things about geography, political issues, and five major kingdoms. He found interesting facts about the growth limit of a person, such as, that each person has a different level cap depending on their growth potential.

He also found a common thing in all of those high-level adventurers with the help of his father, a lineage.

Yes, talent was a product of genetics rather than the environment. 

Heirs of soldiers and adventurers were always shown superior growth potential compared to people of the same age. They can get skills faster than others.

Morsan's grandfather and father were well-known adventurers, he believes this lineage allowed him to acquire all of his skills faster than others. They also had high stats from the very beginning, similar to Morsan. 

People in this world don't know the knowledge about nutrients in the food but he found out that muscle training, a daily proper diet with high protein intake, and stamina training also gave additional stats boost in this past year.

Morsan's current stats were equivalent to that of Level 5, well-grown, strong adult male's stats.

Another interesting thing he found was, that the requirement of experience points for each level up may differ depending on the person's bonus points they receive for each level up.