
Dark Eye's

A World with Mysterious beast and Powers gifted from GODS.

LunaRenFA_11122 · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Chapter 8-The Boy with the Cross Eye.

Finally getting to the seats Shoyo waved his hand as Tokume slowly waved back as Hako stilled carried her. Putting her down she immediately began to drink the water next to her an eat the remaining snacks, talking about her fight they asked how she was but without hesitation she replied with she was fine and hungry. As they talked more and more the screen changed into the next fighters.

Both boys but one of them stood out more than the other. It was just one part of his face that stood out especially to Tokume and that was his eyes. Although his wasn't like hers it still stood out by how different they were, a boy with the top part of his black hair pulled back as the rest of his hair went down.

The name that was highlighted in white below him was Kotsu, the most noticeable pair of his eye was the left one.

Round emerald green eyes with a white cross in the middle, on each side of the cross was four small golden triangles, in the middle of the cross was a tiny black dot. His other eye had another circle and inside the circle was a rhombus shape with a small circle of cyan. Outside the circle was a magenta color while inside was cyan, the pattern was the same, the rhombus was magenta until the small circle of cyan. It spoke out to her because all her life she never met another person with different eyes, it may not have been like hers, but it still hit her heart to the point where she almost teared up.

The other person on the screen had oak brown hair with sky blue eyes. Looking down at the ground the screen showed the person up close.


Looking at him almost gave them a feeling of a knight, a blue cape breezed in the air, brown leather pants and silver shoes. Wearing a dark blue long-sleeved shirt, he had his arm crossed as he stopped when he reached the middle of the arena. At the side of his hip was a long wooden sword that almost touched the ground. Eric spoke again in his usually loud excited manner yelling Kotsu's name, seconds turned into minutes as they waited for Kotsu appearance.

"Uhm…it seems like Kotsu isn't appearing right now sooo I guess it's an automatic-."

"WAIT!!" A sudden voice came yelling from the sky.

The camera wondered around until one of the camera men pointed and saw a small silhouette of a person standing on top of the arena. Putting the camera on the silhouette showed someone with their arms crossed what seemed like a jacket blowing with the wind. The next thing they knew he jumped off the roof dropping down to the ground at amazing speed. Kotsu landed in front of Luke, with one fist on the ground and one knee as his other foot was flat on the ground. As soon as he touched the ground it shattered, the wind blew passed Luke making his cape and hair run wild.

"How the Hell!! He just jumped from like 300 ft how is he not dead!!" Tokume yelled out as she and the others felt the wind blew passed them as well.

As he got off from the ground, he brushed off the dust as he was stood and smiled. Luke stared at him as he saw his green jacket but the right side of it was short sleeved unlike his left. Blue pants but it was like the opposite of his jacket his left side of it was gone stopping at his knee while the right was covering the rest of his leg hiding the top of his black and green shoes. His white shirt matched the bandages on both of his wrist.

"Are…are you okay to fight and what are you doing?" Luke asked him as Kotsu just smiled.

"I'm stretching! It's important to stretch so nothing bad happens! Now let's do this!"

Eric stuttering his words started his count down, "IN 3!2!1! BEGAIN!!"

Without wasting another second Luke jumped back putting distance on him and Kotsu but didn't move a muscle. Pulling out the wooden sword from his hip he let go of it, but it didn't fall it just floated in the air, a sudden blue light came from the sword. The blue light started to separate into small dozen little circles, Kotsu still standing where he was waited patiently for what he was in store for him, the light faded away reveling what was probably more than a hundred little wooden daggers. Instantly the small daggers launched at Kotsu, no worries or doubt filled his head, he swiftly and gracefully dodged left to right, up and down through the narrow gaps of the blades.

Getting bored of the small daggers he formed a fist and punched the air. A sudden gust of wind blew threw them all back towards Luke even making him almost lift off of the ground, with a big grin of his face Kotsu wasted no time and ran at him without a second thought in his head.

As soon as he got up to Luke's face a blue light shined from underneath him, looking down he saw the ground slightly rise up.

Getting a chance, he jumped to the side and after that second out from the blue was a sword made from the ground of stone. As soon as he touched the ground the stone sword launched at him, he stood still and took the challenge of what he saw in front of him. As soon as it was almost close to piercing his face Kotsu hand hit it from the side making it shatter into hundreds of pieces.

"Woah careful there! You might actually hurt someone!" Kotsu said.

"Are you mocking me?" Luke had an annoyed face as more blue lights came from the ground forming more and more swords.

"Nope your power is actually really cool!"

Ignoring what he sent more and more swords at him, "Again? Really that's getting really boring!

A real fight should be up close and personal"

He started to jump up and down punching and kicking the air working up a small sweat. Then he stomped on the ground, a rumble came from that stomp almost to the point where everyone felt it even in the stand. A chunk of the ground erupted from where he stepped, all of the swords shattered into pieces as they hit, a worried look came over Luke's face as the next thing he knew the gigantic piece of stone shattered in the air. Jumping throw the dust and rock was Kotsu, with no time to react Luke saw Kotsu leg ready for a kick, an intense amount of pain went across his cheek making him fly back until he stopped himself with sticking a sword into the ground.

Already in his face Kotsu gave him no time to get ready not even time to breath, closing his eyes he prepared for the finishing hit, "Hey come on we don't want to keep everyone waiting." Luke opened his eyes to see Kotsu with his hand out.

Giving a little smile he grabbed it and was pulled up, "Why would you do that? You could've won right there and moved to the other round?"

"That should be simple, I like a fair fight! I don't like to hit people when they are knocked down and plus fights are supposed to be fun!"

Luke started to chuckle and then laughed, and Kotsu laughed along with him. Letting go of his hand Kotsu walked back and asked if he was ready. Nodding his head, they simultaneously rushed at each other. Kotsu started to throw his punches as Luke dodged all of them, sticking his sword in the ground he used it as leverage to hold himself up with a single arm launching multiple kicks at Kotsu.

Using the back of his arm and elbow he blocked each one of them. Luke used his last kick to make himself flip backwards grabbing the handle of the sword he pulled it out of the ground, lifting it above his head he swung it down on Kotsu. Without hesitation Kotsu kicked straight in the air making the sword that Luke held shatter, quickly retracting his leg he readied another one going straight for his head, quickly using the shattered pieces from previous broken sword it reformed again making him use it as a shield.

Dozens of blue lights formed around them, Luke grabbing two swords with each hand he started to put pressure on Kotsu.

Dodging and weaving the swords he could feel the power with each swing go across his face. With each sword he shattered he just grabbed another that formed from the ground. With each minute passed by Luke noticed that Kotsu was getting faster and faster and that each hit he felt from the sword got stronger.

The fight quickly turned around and the pressure was now on Luke, he could feel his Halo Force slowly deteriorate and was running out of blades, as he was about to grab another one Kotsu quickly fractured the ground sending Luke into the air as soon as he hit the ground he rolled backwards.

"I'm running out of Halo Force and there is no way I can go hand to hand combat with him. And he's not getting tired at all…so then I'll give it my all in this next attack!" A revolving blue light came below him making him and the ground radiate.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, removed any and all thoughts from his mind, his cape started to flap as the ground below him started to glow even more. The ground started to shake as the shattered pieces of all of the broken blades and even pieces of the ground started to circle around him, after a couple of seconds Luke stretched out his hand to the side, the pieces started to form around his hand.

Kotsu did nothing but smiled and watched as he started to jump up and down, "THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!! NOW LET'S DO THIS NO MORE HOLDING BACK!!" Kotsu pressed his foot against the ground making it crack and shatter, his jacket started to run wild as pieces of the ground started to float in the air making the wind around him run rapid. Everyone in the crowd felt the wind and air grow heavy, some hats flew, and banners almost came off.

Tokume felt it even thought from where she was wasn't even close to them at all. The materials that went to his hand started to form into an enormous single blade, a midnight blue colored sword that was as wide as a truck transformed into his hand. Kotsu readied a single fist at his side, the two had big smiled across their faces. Using every ounce of his strength he leaped towards Kotsu and swung his enormous sword with incredible speed.

Standing in a single spot a green flare left his left eye while a cyan and magenta color left his other eye. Launching his fist, he directly hit the tip of the blade destroying it into millions of tiny pieces, the air all around them was like a cyclone making Luke skyrocket back hitting the solid wall making it crack. Some people had to hold on to their chairs or metal bars to not fly off into the distance.

After a while everything died down, immediately they put him on the stretcher, but they say a smile on his face even though he was completely unconscious. Like after every battle they all cheered and yelled.

Tokume, Hako, and Shoyo all felt the intense amount of pressure he radiated, it wasn't because he wasn't a serous person but because all that intense and raw power he revealed. Her closed hands shaking as she bared a nervous and quivering smile.

"We-we have to fight that?" Tokume turned towards Hako and Shoyo who face showed how scared they were.

"I don't think he's even human…" Hako replied trying to still keep her cool but it was easy to tell it was slipping.

Fubushi turned around and asked Alicia, "His eyes where different too, is there anything on that. It's the first I even seen something like that."

"It's honestly a first for me too," Alicia wiped her fogy glasses, "this world keeps on surprising me in many different ways. Honestly when becoming a researcher, you try to find answers, but you are mostly only left with more questions than answers."