
danmachi and its unhappy si

Joe woke up into a new world, watch as he struggles to make a living and try and search for a way home disclaimer. first story I have ever written so feedback is appreciated. not writing a gary stu, he's gonna struggle and experience a bad time. patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=74959776 if ur feeling charitable ;-)

lunaticmoo · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Sad Training Montage

I awoke in the middle of the night, disoriented and frustrated by the fact that the soft embrace of my comfortable bed was replaced by the unfamiliar surroundings of Miach's home. The moonlight spilled through the window, casting a silvery glow on the room. Glancing at the clock, I realised it was far earlier than my usual waking time. A sigh escaped my lips as I grumbled about the disruption of my sleep.

Despite the initial annoyance, I found solace in the quietude of the night. Orario lay silent outside, a city yet to stir from its slumber. An idea crept into my mind – an opportunity to make the most of this early hour. I slid out from the makeshift bed on the settee, careful not to disturb the peace that enveloped Miach's home.

As I stood by the window, gazing out at the sleeping city, the streets bathed in a soft moonlight, a decision took root within me. I would use this time to train, to strengthen my body and hone my skills for the challenges that lay ahead in the dungeon.

Dressing quietly to avoid waking Miach and Naaza, I slipped out into the cool night. The cobblestone streets felt cold beneath my feet as I set off on a brisk run. The rhythmic thudding of my footsteps echoed in the silent streets, a lone traveler in a city that had yet to awaken.

The cool air filled my lungs, and with each breath, frustration and determination mingled within me. The run became a cathartic journey, a physical manifestation of my eagerness to adapt to this unfamiliar world. But as the distance stretched, I couldn't ignore the evident truth – I was out of shape.

Gasping for breath, I slowed to a walk, hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath. The night seemed to mock my feeble attempts at physical exertion. Yet, in that moment, staring at the silent city, I made a silent vow to persevere.

The moonlight gave way to the soft hues of dawn as I pushed myself to continue the run. Each step became a testament to my determination. I had entered this world with uncertainties, and now, in the solitude of the early morning, I sought to forge a resilience that would carry me through the challenges that awaited.

As the first light of dawn painted the sky, I found myself back at Miach's shop/home. The exhaustion in my muscles and the sheen of sweat on my forehead were signs of a training session that went beyond the mere physical. It was a declaration to myself – a commitment to face the trials of the dungeon head-on.

Entering the shop, I encountered a surprising sight. Miach and Naaza were already awake, preparing the shop for the day ahead. Their dedication mirrored my own determination. After exchanging brief pleasantries and explaining my early morning training endeavour, I excused myself to continue my regimen.

Pushups became the next item on the agenda. I dropped to the floor, each repetition a conscious effort to build strength. At first, I managed about 30 before my arms protested, necessitating a brief respite. The cycle continued – pushups, rest, pushups again – until I reached a total of 140. My arms felt like lead, aching but resilient.

The training session shifted to squats, a seemingly more forgiving exercise. The repetitive motion became almost meditative as I surpassed 200 squats, the burn in my legs a testament to the newfound discipline.

In the midst of this monotonous routine, I couldn't help but reflect on the irony of training. In stories, training montages are often portrayed as dynamic and exhilarating sequences, accompanied by uplifting music and rapid progress. The reality, however, was far from glamorous. It was a gruelling, repetitive endeavour that demanded not only physical strength but mental fortitude.

But there was a purpose to this seemingly mundane training – a necessity born out of the understanding that the dungeon would demand more than just magical prowess. Physical resilience was equally crucial.

The morning progressed, and the city began to stir. The rhythmic sounds of Orario waking up provided a backdrop to my training. Sweat-soaked and fatigued, I knew this was just the beginning. I needed more than pushups and squats; I needed a comprehensive approach to ready myself for the unpredictable challenges within the dungeon.

Now, faced with the practicalities of recovery, I contemplated the potential role of potions. In this fantastical world, where magic and reality intertwined, the prospect of magical aids for muscle recovery seemed plausible. A silent hope nestled within me as I envisioned the prospect of bouncing back from today's exertions without the need for extended rest days.

With a determined stride, I returned inside, the smell of food now mingling with the early morning air. Miach and Naaza, ever attentive, noticed my return and the state of exhaustion etched across my features. Their eyes held a mix of acknowledgment and curiosity, silently acknowledging the dedication that fueled my early morning endeavours.

A simple exchange of pleasantries followed, and I briefly explained my intention to continue training my body before venturing into the dungeon. The supportive smiles on their faces spurred me on as I delved back into my training routine.

The next phase involved a series of exercises targeting different muscle groups. Despite the monotony, I pushed myself to the limits, determined to make the most of each moment. The practicality of these exercises overshadowed the initial boredom. The need for a well-rounded physical preparedness became my guiding principle.

As the morning unfolded into midday, my body had become a testament to the effort invested. Fatigue clung to my muscles, a constant reminder of the discipline I sought to instil. The city outside the window buzzed with life, seemingly unaware of the internal battles waged within the walls of Miach








I've found a way to avoid robotic speaking. lol just don't speak to begin with. I'll try to incorporate it more in the future. It's just that it always looks wrong so this will have to do, tried going into more descriptive style but it doesn't look right either. But it's my first try so I suppose it's to be expected

Slow updates forever unfortunately, gotta work and pay rent. But yeah reviews appreciated. power stones worshipped lol.

Patreon if you're inclined: patreon.com/user?u=74959776