
Danmachi- Merchant of Orario

A reincarnated man sells his stock of items. Some nick nacks, other bells and whistles. And a couple of items that could change the world forever. BTW this was originally from Wattpad but this is made with the authors full permission, because I am the author.

Snow_Golem · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs


Walking up for the next day Domnus realized that he wakes up much earlier than Bell does. Something that Bell kill needs to change once he becomes an adventurer. Writing a quick note that just said where Domnus was and to meet him at the fountain at 8:00 again, Domnus grabbed his bag and set off for the dungeon to set up the stand for another day.

Getting to the front of the dungeon after a short time he began to set up. This time he was here when the big rush of adventurers come in, he was late last time thanks to talking to Bell. This time Domnus had a new tactic to start selling more and more, make one thing he had in high supply on a high discount. People looking at the discounted item would also see the rest of his wears, possibly buying more.

Looking at his supplies, Domnus knew that he couldn't sell something too good or too out of the ordinary, so no guns or ankh shield for now. So grabbing a simple cobalt shield he decided this would be the discounted item. Grabbing one and putting up for display with a note saying discount.

As adventurers started to flow into the dungeon, Domnus idea worked quickly with a line of two people coming to look at his stand. It might not be much, but two people at the same time brought happiness to his heart.

"So, what is the shield al about" the first adventurer asked pompously.

It was clear to Domnus that the man in front of him had his whole adventuring career planned out by his very rich parents, meaning it was a perfect mark for Domnus.

"Well I'm glad you asked good sir!" Domnus said playing to the man's ego, which already seemed to be working, "It is called the Cobalt Shield!" Domnus said trying to make the shield look as good as it can be.

"Yes, well how good is this shield," the rich man asked while knocking on the shield like he owed it.

"Why don't you try it out?" Domnus said to the man picking the shield off of its holder and passing it to the man.

The adventurer then tried the shield on seeing that it fits and is relatively light weight.

"And that's not all!" Domnus said pulling out everything he can to get the man to buy it, "It also lessens any impact making you take less knock back!" Domnus finished with a cheerful smile.

"How much is it" the man said about to buy the item.

"Well usually it is eight thousand seven hundred fifty valis," said Domnus with the man starting to take the shield off, "But right now it is worth two thousand nine hundred valis! Domnus said putting the final nail in the coffin by putting it

"Deal!" the man said slamming the money on the table and leaving happy with their purchase, then the person behind him came up.

"I want my refund!" the first customer Domnus had said wanting his money back for the potion.

When he proudly showed his friends they laughed at him for buying into a scam. They made fun of him for believing Domnus could have such a powerful potion for sale.

"Oh I'm sorry," Domnus said, "Did the potion not work?" Domnus asked the upset customer.

"No, because I didn't drink it because how obvious it is that it's a scam!" the customer said accusing Domnus.

"I can't refund it until you prove it doesn't work," Domnus said shaking his head, "But if you drink it now and it doesn't work then I can give you the refund." Domnus explained pointing out the potion the customer still had.

"Fine then!" the customer said taking out the potion and chugging it, which immediately sent him to his bed.

For a few moments the customer just stood on his bed, potion bottle in hand, wondering if the day until now was just a messed up dream.

"Heh" Domnus let out before recomposing himself.

The adventurers began to get less and less, and Domnus began to get bored. Just to look at something Domnus pulled out something that he shouldn't have. It was a small plan case holding a die. What die? The Infinitely Sided Dice. Extremely dangerous, extremely cool to look at.

"What's that" someone in front of Domnus asked. Looking up while closeing the case Domnus saw a girl with red hair, a blue tank top, blue boots and long black leggings. She couldn't be an adventurer though Domnus, then he realized who he was speaking to.

"What does a goddess like yourself have to do with a humble merchant" asked Domnus to the unknown goddess.

"You're new here aren't you?" the goddess said, making Domnus think she was an important goddess, "I am Loki, now what is that?" Loki asked wondering what was in the case that Domnus closed.

"Something not for sale, but if you wish to look at my other wears," Domnus said trying to change the subject and put away the dice.

"No, I want to know about that,"  Loki said pointing to the case in Domnus's hand.

"One thousand valis of you want to know about it," Domnus said after a moment of thinking. He hoped this would get this goddess to go away.

With a small huff Loki turned around and went back to where she came. Domnus started to pat himself on the back, before on thousand valis was put onto the table by an adventurer with Loki next to them.

"Now talk" Loki said with a smile as the adventurer next to her left most likely to do anything better.

With a sigh Domnus pulled out the die and opened it for Loki to see. Her eyes immediately fixated on the changing sides.

"This is the Infinity Sided Dice," Domnus started snapping Loki out of her hypnosis by the die, "If rolled literally anything could happen," Domnus said grabbing the case once more, "I rolled it only once on accident, and man" Domnus said closing the case, "I really don't want to talk about it,"

Loki stared at the case for a few seconds longer as if it was still open. Before trying to make an offer for it.

"How much, for it?" Loki asked feeling as if she needed it.

"Not for sale," Domnus replied while putting up the box, "Now if you aren't going to buy anything please leave," Domnus firmly said.

As a goddess Loki could see through all lies and deception. So Loki knew that Domnus meant when he said not for sale, so she turned around a left. Thinking of a way to get the dice all for herself.