
Danmachi - The Queen of Destruction

When a girl with a complicated past and a tragic death is given the opportunity by a goddess to be reincarnated in one of her favorite works with abilities that could make her the strongest figure. Intelligent, powerful, cunning and with great destructive skills she waltzes across the battlefield spreading destruction to her enemies... a true queen of the battlefield... the queen of destruction. PS: I do not own either Danmachi or Fate series. The only thing I own is Morgana and her story line. Images are also not mine. All are taken from Pinterest and I give credit to each author. I don't have specific dates to post the chapters. I will update the story when I can.

Merezinea · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 1 - Arrival in Orário. (Edited)

Slowly I feel the light fading from my vision, and the first thing I see is a seemingly ancient wooden roof. My hands feel around and I discover that I'm lying on a bed. Looking around, I see architecture and furniture reminiscent of medieval times. A small smile forms on my lips. So, I really have reincarnated...

Beside the bed, on a small dark oak desk, I see a worn sheet of paper and a dark brown linen necklace braided with a small white stone. I get out of bed, go to the table and pick up the newspaper. Paying more attention to what is written, I see that it is a small letter left by the goddess.

[ Dear Elizabeth, if you're reading this letter, you're probably a little confused why I left it. Firstly, I want to say that I gave you another small gift. This necklace on the table is a special artifact I made for you. Leaving it on your neck, you can view your 'status' whenever you want. There are two reasons for this: The first is so you don't have to always go after updating your status with your goddess whenever you want to know your improvements. And the second, you will know after using the crystal. Just say 'status' after putting it on.

I hope you're okay. - Your goddess. ]

After I finish reading the letter, I leave it on my desk and pick up the delicate necklace. Despite being rustic, it is very beautiful. I quickly place it around my neck.

'Status'. I think in my head. After all, the goddess probably left that option so I wouldn't have to keep saying it and accidentally bring my secret to light.

Right after saying it, a small one appears in front of me. The design is certainly very beautiful. It is white with some gold vine details surrounding it.

Name: Elizabeth

Race: Half High Human/ Half Heroic Spirit

Level: 1

Strength: I 24

Resistance: I 47 

Dexterity: I 39

Agility: I 83

Magic: I 0 (200)

Spirit Power: 200


Commander: Your mind remains calm and centered, no matter the occasion. As a side effect, it strengthens your mind against magical and mental attacks.

Perfect Warrior: Your skill in weapon handling is near perfection. As a side effect, weapons in which you are not yet proficient become 5 times easier to learn.

Queen of Battle: The amount of excelia gained in battle is multiplied by x5. The more disadvantageous the battle, the more excellence is won.

HeroesWill: Ancient heroes leave their legacy to you. Their weapon skills and battle experiences are passed down to you.


Weapons Cemetery: Where the weapons of ancient heroes rest. But as you possess their will and desire, you can summon the weapons you desire from the beings who rest on the hero's throne. The greater the strength and quality of the weapon, the more magic you will spend to summon and maintain it.

Ps: These are your statuses brought from your previous life to help you in this beginning, but as soon as the message is received, they will be 'invisible' in it, but they will still be there.

Ps2: After seeing their statuses, you must have noticed the 'spirit power'. Well, basically this will be your 'mana' used to summon your weapons, maintain them and use the Noble Phantams. Yes, each weapon has its user's respective Noble Phantams. This 'mana' grows the more you use the summoned weapons to kill monsters. The stronger the monster, the greater the amount increased.

Initially, I'm impressed with the abilities my goddess has granted me. In fact, some of them carry characteristics from my previous life. But the ones I truly loved were those based on the Fate Series anime. The multitude of powerful weapons I could wield brings a warm excitement to my heart. Of course, it would depend on good training, as the ability says, it takes a lot of magic to summon and maintain them.

After that, I decide to explore more of the house and see where I really am. Stepping out of the small room, I walked through the house and after exploring, I saw it consisted of a small bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen. It was basically a small cabin, but I was happy.

Stepping out the front door, I find myself on a small street made of very rustic and worn stone bricks. Looking around, I quickly realize it must be on the outskirts of the city, where the poorest people live.

I initially set some goals. First: Find the guild so I can become an adventurer. One issue is that I'll probably need a family and, at the stage I'm in, that's really problematic. Second: train my skills, both physical and magical. And lastly, get a monetary means to sustain my food and clothing. The good thing is that the little house, apparently, is already in my name, so I don't need to worry about rent, and because of my Armory of Souls magic, I don't need to worry about buying and fixing weapons.

Well, let's start with goal one. First, checking my clothes, I wanted to see if I was dressed in a way that would stand out, which for now was something I didn't want, as I was still weak. On my body, I was wearing a basic black t-shirt, dark blue jeans, black combat boots, and a black leather jacket as well. It was something different, but I think dark colors wouldn't make me stand out as much. At most, it would look like I just arrived from another city. After seeing that everything was okay, I started walking through the streets towards the apparent center of Orario. Probably when I get to a place with more people, I'll ask where the guild is.

Slowly walking, I begin to arrive at what seemed to be a commercial street. Several small stalls with various types of products ranging from food to clothes.

Continuing to walk to see if I can initially find the guild without having to ask anyone. I suppose it would be in the main zone of Orario due to its importance.

Walking a little further, I end up seeing a large and beautiful building mostly in dark blue. Reminiscent of the anime, I suppose that would be the guild.

I walk up to the building and enter. Looking around, I see that there aren't many people there yet. Probably because it's still early. That's good for me. I go to the counter where I'm greeted by a girl with reddish-brown hair and animal ears. I presume she's Rose.

"Hello. Welcome to the guild. How can I help you?" I hear her say in a polite tone and with a stoic facade on her face as she finishes arranging some documents in her hands, without looking at me.

"Hello. Good morning. My name is Elizabeth and I recently arrived in Orario. I would like to register as an adventurer if possible," I say in a soft tone. I remember Jeanne D'Arc Alter's voice being somewhat more 'angry', but I think that changed a bit to fit my personality. I see a slight look of surprise on Rose's face as she looks away from me. I think she was a little surprised by my appearance. Jeanne's appearance is really beautiful. The way I look now, actually.

"I see. Could you fill out this form, please?" I hear her say, handing me a document. Offering a small smile in response, I gently take the sheet from her hand and a pen that was stored there on the counter.

'Name... age... family... experience... skills and magic...'

I guess it's not the smartest thing to provide my skills in a way that could easily leak to people with less than good intentions. Of course, I trust Rose, but there are many suspicious people working in the guild, in my opinion.

I fill in almost all the information and hand the document back to Rose. I see her checking the information and a crease appearing in her eyebrows, probably due to lack of family.

"I'm sorry, but without family, you won't be able to get the adventurer's license. The guild doesn't recommend that people without family enter the dungeon due to previous accidents," she says with a slightly guilty expression.

That brings a small smile to my face. Not because of the guilt on Rose's face, but because of the apparent concern for me. Despite her stoic appearance, she's really caring.

"I understand... do you happen to have any families looking for new members that you could recommend? My specialization is combat with weapons. Perhaps that would help," I say offering the girl a small smile.

I see Rose pick up some documents from under the counter and after checking some, she looks at me again.

"Currently the best I can recommend that is available is the Loki family. Although you will go through a selection process, they are a very solid, friendly, and strong family. And the nearest test is scheduled for tomorrow," she says, offering me the document of requirements and the date of the test conducted by the Loki family. Reading the information, I hand the document back to Rose again.

"I understand... so in case I take the test. Thank you very much... Rose. My name is Elizabeth, pleasure to meet you," I say first pretending to read the guild badge to find out the guild's name. Of course, it would be very strange to just say her name out of nowhere.

"The pleasure is mine, Elizabeth. I wish you good luck in your test and your return to finalize your registration," she says offering me a small smile which I return.

I politely bow to Rose as a sign of respect and leave the guild. The test for the Loki family would be in the morning, so I still have time to explore the city a bit and return home to test my skills.

'Family... it was something I initially wanted to avoid, but there's nothing I can do. I'm lucky to be from a good family, at least.'