It's still true that "I love you." That's what it says, and I'm not answering his text message.
A monster like myself, how could he still love me? I don't deserve his affection or his blessings. He needs to find someone else to adore. Someone who could make him smile instead of cry. Whom he may cry on without feeling responsible. That I'm not the one for him is something he needs to realise.
I can't be with him since it would only bring him heartache and suffering. Drop the dame!
But I don't know how to tell him that I want him to leave.
In his second message, he writes,
"What gives you the urge to be so quiet?" Make yourself heard. You're starting to freak me out. When did you become hurt?
The blood in front of your house is a mystery. Let me in! Are you bleeding again? Despite your lack of vitality, you seem to be smiling.
Why didn't you seek assistance if you were in such pain?