

  After your extremely nice picnic with Gabe, the two of you headed back to the bunker, promising to come back soon. You walked through the door and down the stairs and before you could do anything two arms pulled you against toned abs.

"Hi Dean." You said, your voice muffled by his flannel shirt. He pulled away, seeming to be inspecting your body.

"Where were you? Are you okay?" He asked, not taking his hands off your shoulders.

"Dean, I'm fine, I just went out with Gabriel." You said.

"Went out with Gabriel? The Angel? You went out with Gabriel the Angel?" Dean questioned.

You shrugged, Gabriel coming to stand by your side.

"So are you guys a couple?"

You and Gabriel looked at each other before bursting out laughing. Dean looked at the two of you, confusion on his face.

"No, he's my guardian angel. Has been since I was born. He's more like a brother or best friend." You explained, and for some reason Dean looked relieved.

"Anyways, how did your thing go? Was it a hunt?" You asked.

"No, it was our friend Bobby, he needed us to help him with something." Sam said, walking in the room. His head was hunched over a book, a cup of coffee in the other hand.

"Hey Samsquatch, that a good book?" Gabe asked.

Sam shut it, setting it on the table.

"No. It's a book filled with Latin spells and curses." Sam said, his voice dripping with boredom.

"Well I don't know about you but I need to shower. I'll be in my room." You said, leaving the three men.

You walked into your room, stripping off your shirt and pants as you made your way to the bathroom. You took off the brace, but left your bra on. Turning around, you looked at your back in the mirror. The bruises seemed to have gotten worse and the scars were pretty gruesome.

"Is that all because of me?" You turned around to see Dean in the doorway, guilt written on his face.

"Dean, no. It wasn't your fault." You said, forgetting about your lack of clothes.

You walked up to him and he finally turned his eyes up to your face.

"I promise you I don't hold anything that happened against you. Truthfully, I kinda like it. It shows that I'm a survivor." You said, while picking up your shirt and sliding it on. Your jeans were too far away so your panties were the only things covering your legs.

  "You don't need scars to show that you're a tough girl. At least I don't need to see them to know that. Plus you're beautiful, smart, funny, caring, and kind. All the things I'm not." Dean muttered.

"Dean, that's not true. To be fair I think you're very handsome. And someone who wasn't caring and kind wouldn't have stayed by my side at the hospital. Plus, even though Sam is the brains you are very very good with knowledge on all kinds of stuff. And you're not funny? You made me laugh so hard at the bar I spit out my drink!" You exclaimed.

   A small smile played on Dean's lips before he looked down at you.

  "You think I'm handsome?" He asked. You blushed and nodded, looking down. Dean grabbed your chin gently, and lifted your head up. Then, he pressed his lips against yours. You were shocked, frozen at first, but soon warmed up and kissed back.


"So Sam, does Dean have feelings for Y/n?" Gabe asked, walking around the library.

"I don't know. He's been really vague on everything about her." Sam replied, sitting at the long table.

"Well we need to figure it out, Y/n deserves to be with a man that can make her happy." Gabe replied.

  "You really care about her, don't you?"

"More than my own life." Gabe replied.


  Dean kissed you, his hands threading through your hair. Your arms were strung around has neck, pressing yourself as close to him as possible.

You pulled away and spoke, "What was that?" You asked, as has words rang through your head. 'Like a sister.'

   "I'm sorry, I thought maybe you felt something for me." He said, letting you go. You immediately missed the warmth.

"Dean, no. I do. It's just you said that I'm like a sister so I'm confused." You explained.

"Damn it. I knew when I said that it would ruin everything. My mind was messed up, I felt horrible about you being in the hospital and I was worried. I just blurted that even though it's not true." Dean explained.

  You walked over to him and took his giant hand in yours, staring into those apple green eyes you fell in love with.

"I want to be with you. And I hope you feel the same." You whispered.

"I do, more than anything." Dean replied.

You smiled and pecked his lips lightly.

"Then that's settled, now leave so I can shower." You said. He pressed his lips against your forehead before walking out, and you walked back into the bathroom, smiling in bliss.

After your long and relaxing shower, you put your back brace on and a tank top with some sweatpants.

You were heading to the kitchen when you heard voices.

"I promise I just kissed her, that's it." That was Dean.

"I swear if she tells me anything different I'll destroy you." Gabe growled. You held back a laugh and kept listening.

"Gabe, I really like y/n. I wouldn't do anything without her permission."

A hand touched your shoulder and you turned around to see Sam. Pressing a finger to your lips to tell him to be quiet, you kept listening.

"If I hear that you hurt her, you'll be dead before you can blink. Do you understand?" Gabe growled.


You decided now was a good time to walk in. You kissed Dean's cheek before turning to the coffee machine.

"So, what should we do? We all can't just sit around all day. And if I'm not hunting, no one is. At least for today." You said. 

  "How about a movie night? Y/n and I could go for a supply run then we could just relax." Dean suggested.

"Yeah, let's do that." You agreed.