
Yang Baihua's Treacherous Desire

By the time that Yang Baihua was sent to the hospital with the help of Ran Yue, the bruise and swelling of his eyes got bigger. The nurse who first saw him almost jumped in fright. Thankfully, she reigned her shock and dutifully did her work and patched him up.

"Make sure to always apply an ice pack around the swollen area for seven days. Do not by any means do anything that could make your left eye get irritated and don't let anything hit it either," said the doctor who was next to the nurse after checking Yang Baihua's eye. "Come back here after seven days to get another check up."

Ran Yue nodded seriously and asked the doctor who was about to leave, "Will he still see after this?"

The doctor nodded. "Yes, this type of bruises and swelling is very common. However, I advise your boyfriend to avoid getting hit by a dumbbell."

After saying these words, the doctor left without saying another word, trying to examine other patients in the hospital.
