
Cypher/Jett- Back to Back

A beautiful story between a broken man, and an eccentric girl

aLter_Nemesis · ゲーム
1 Chs

Chapter 1

As Brim finished up their mission debrief, he added one final point to the end.

"And also, today we will be receiving a new agent we recruited from Morroco. He'll be one of our new Sentinels. I expect one of you to show him around." Everyone immediately said, "Not it!" Unfortunately, for Jett, she had fallen asleep was jolted awake by everyone yelling. When she looked around, she was met with lots of stares and laughs.

"What happened? Why's everyone looking at me like that?" Jett demanded. Raze decided to break the news.

"You have to show the new agent around amiga. You fell asleep." Raze was pretty much in tears by now. She eventually burst out laughing and everyone left the room. Jett was furious. She was their best frag! Why did she have to show around some newbie who probably didn't even know how to handle a knife.


Jett was sleeping by teleport waiting for the new recruit. When it activated, she fell over and when she looked up, she was met with a sight she was not expecting. The man she was looking at had a mask on with beady electric eyes. He had on a large hat on and when he spoke his accent was definitely noticeable.

"Ah, Jett, the Wind's Assassin. I know much about you. In fact, I know about everyone here. So there is no reason for you to give me a tour." Even though she couldn't see his face, she could tell he was smiling. Then, it registered he knew her name.

"Wait, how do you know so much about us?" The man just chuckled.

"I suppose you know of Cypher? The information overlord. I am him. Valorant recruited me because they think I will be of use. I do not see what I could do here that would benefit me in any way."

"Wait, your THE CYPHER!? My god, I'm going to kill Brim. Why wouldn't he tell anyone we were recruiting Cypher?" Cypher started walking away. Jett ran after him and asked

"If you know so much about everyone, what do you know about me?" Cypher said

"That conversation should be continued somewhere in private. I doubt you would like the things I say to be in public. That being said, it seems the one thing I do not know about this place is where I will be staying." To her surprise, Jett didn't know either. She supposed he knew everything about everything. As if on queue, Brim walked into the courtyard to say hello.

"Hello Cypher, I hoped you enjoyed the tour that Jett gave you. In fact, I hope you get along because you two have a mission tomorrow at 7 AM sharp. Any questions?" Cypher gave no emotion when he asked,

"Where will I be staying for my stay here?" Brim gave Jett a pointed look.

"It seems Jett did not do a good job at explaining. You will be staying with her due to a lack of space here." Jett exploded.

"WHAT! Why is he, my roommate? Does it look like I want my entire life disassembled by him? Why can't I have a roommate that shares my gender?" Brim just laughed.

"The last three roommates you've had requested room changes within 3 days. If you can recall, those 3 were all women. Let's try this one on for size shall we?" Jet was still fuming. Cypher looked as if he was holding back a laugh. He whispered in her ear

"It is funny that you think I do not know everything there is to know about you." Jett lost all color in her face.

This serious is already completed. If you would like to read it all the way through, please visit my Wattpad or a03 @cr0w1eyy

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