

In a tech-dominated society, Xander, once a bright young man, is reborn as the vengeful cyborg, the Steel Reaper, after his scientist mother is killed by heroes threatened by her innovations. Saved and enhanced by the same organization who were after his mother, Xander's new mission is clear: to annihilate the heroes who wronged him and avenge his mother's death using his newfound cybernetic powers.

F4V0_101 · SF
13 Chs

*Xander's first heist*

{Third person's POV}

The van drove the villain team to the neotropolis central bank "All security systems are down" Xander said to Predator the commander as he had completed hacked the bank's security systems. "Good" Predator replied

"The vault it made with about a 100 pounds of titanium steel, it can only be opened by inputing a special code into it, Xander which means you'll have to come in with us to hack it" Predator said "Okay" Xander replied to him

They stopped a block away from the bank, then two members of the team Vortex and Nebula came out of the van first and they we're heading to the bank first, while rest of us trailed behind them.

In front of the city bank, a few people casually enter and exit, completely unaware of the impending chaos.

Suddenly, Vortex and Nebula emerged from the shadows. Vortex, wearing a dark cloak and mask, turns to his companion. "Are you ready for this, Nebula?" he asks. Nebula, dressed in armor adorned with electrical motifs, nods confidently. "Always, Vortex. Let's give them a show they won't forget."

With dramatic flair, nebula sends a wave of dark energy towards the bank's entrance, causing the ground to tremble. Following suit, Vortex launches a bolt of electricity into the sky. "Thunder's fury!" he declares, and the bolt strikes the bank's clock tower, sending sparks flying and triggering alarms. Panic engulfs everyone as people inside the bank scream and duck for cover.

"What the...?! I think we're under attack!" shouts Bank Guard 1, rushing out with his weapon drawn. Bank Guard 2 joins him, and they both scan the area for the assailants. All the guards came out of the bank to face whatever was happening, they came out to see two villains about to face each other "Two villains are battling, Call the hero organization!" said Bank Guard 3

Seizing the opportunity, the other villains, stealthily approach the bank's side entrance since all the security was down. "You three, go and secure the people in the bank while we go loot the vault" Predator whispers to the others. They nod and quickly move towards the entrance. Once inside they started locked all the doors and made sure no one came in or out of the bank.

While the others went straight to the vault and started to break into the vault. "How long will it take before the vault is open?" Predator asked "Give or take, five minutes" Xander replied "That's good enough, the rest of you guard him and I'll take out any other guards who are still inside" Predator gave a command.

Meanwhile, two heroes had arrived outside engaging in a fight with Vortex and Nebula taunt and drawing their attention away from the real operation. "You'll never catch us!" Vortex jump high as he dodges the villains strike. he grins, evading another attack. "We've only just begun!"

Inside the bank the bank, the others were already looting the vault as the vault had already been opened by Xander.

Outside, the fight intensifies, drawing the attention of bystanders and further diverting both the guards and the heroes focus focus. Through a hidden communicator, one of the other villains signals their success to Vortex and nebula "We're in. Get ready to move out!" Then vortex and nebula nod to each other, creating a smokescreen with a final burst of energy.

In the confusion, they vanish into the crowd. The heroes, disoriented and outnumbered, can only watch helplessly as the villains escape. "They got away... but they won't get far!" One of them pants, frustrated. As the dust settles, the grim realization dawns on the guards: while they were preoccupied with the spectacle outside, the real threat had infiltrated the bank and completed their mission.


{Xander's POV}

I finished unlocking the vault and then we started to gather all the money from the vault. We loaded as many bags as we had brought with us with large amounts of bills.

Immediately we were done unloading the vault, they spray painted our logo on the walls of the vault to let the heroes know and then we hurriedly went to the van, a second can was parked next it and that's the van we loaded the loot with. When we were done we informed the others that the heist was completed.

In a few minutes they arrived at the van and we drove off quickly back to the tower

We got to the grim tower and then we unloaded the money which was in the van. We took the money upstairs to the fifty nineth floor were the rest of the team lived. We went into a large room room and then counted the money, it was a total of 306 million dollars.

"Hey calm down everyone" predator said trying to calm the room "As the leader of this heist, I've created a precise I plan in laundering of $306 million

Firstly, we'd split the stolen sum into smaller, inconspicuous fractions, each 100 thousand dollars or less. These would be funneled to a vast network of individuals, which I've already assigned to deposit their share into various bank accounts, ensuring a decentralized and complex trail.

To avoid arousing any suspicion, each participant would be tasked with opening multiple accounts across different banks. This step would further scatter the funds, making any detection attempts by authorities extremely challenging.

I have recruited a reliable network of accomplices for this operation, which means they would also get a share these individuals would be the linchpin of our operation, ensuring the smooth flow of transactions. We'd employ a strategy of layering and integration, the money would be shuffled between accounts and banks repeatedly, creating an intricate web of transactions, nearly impossible to decipher; Not even by heroes.

If we incooperate cryptocurrency into the mix, it would add an additional layer of webs. Converting the cash into digital currency and back to real currency would further muddy the waters, making it impossible to trace the money's origin.

Offshore accounts would play a good role in our scheme. Depositing fractions into these accounts would further veil the funds' trail, adding a global dimension to our operation. To blend the stolen money with legitimate income, our accomplices would be instructed to mix the stolen money with genuine earnings, such as wages or business profits, making the deposits appear genuine.

Utilizing "money mules" would introduce an extra layer of anonymity, paying them to transfer the money between accounts, shielding the main culprits from direct involvement. To further complicate the paper trail, some of the funds would be withdrawn as cash by our accomplices and then re-deposited into other accounts.

Finally, after the funds have been laundered, we'd consolidate the money into a smaller number of accounts or convert it into other assets, such as real estate or investments, which could be more easily liquidated and deposited into our personal accounts.

In this brilliant scheme, after paying our compliances we'll be left with 260 million and we'd have the money in our accounts in let's say three months." Predator explained

He was so precise in his entire plan, from the actual heist to even how the money was going to be laundered and shared. "All of you should leave your names and accounts and your money will be sent to you in three months" He said .We all did and then started to leave

"Hey you wait up" Predator called just as I was about to leave.

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Your faithful author


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