
cybernetic: alien reincarnation

law was originally called Lary, he died in a fire that killed only him. he never lived long enough to get a girlfriend for himself. now he was a robotic alien that can transform into vehicles and have almost never-ending supply of weapons and gadgets. he finds his new life hard, fun, and stressful as both monsters and people see him as an threat, but not an enemy. He starts off on his planet originally hit a war quickly brings his home world to it's end. Sending them to another world.

Oaks_lad · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Adventurer Encounter

"Protect the civilians!"

After hearing these words soldiers dashed in front of law without a second thought. The bots inside made slight squeaks before going silent.


A rocket was shot at the creature and exploded but the creature didn't take a lot of damage. The soldiers started to notice there bullets was doing more damage than heavy artillery and explosions was as the armor couldn't stand against concentrated shots.

A soldier was in front of Law with a shield and a pistol blocked one of the creature's attacks barely. The attack made the man fall to the floor and tear the sleeve on his uniform along with giving him a gash on the arm. The man pointed down the road while looking at laws vehicle and kept moving his fingers and arm in that general direction.



Law wasted no time as his wheels screeched into action as he pulled off and way from the scene. His tires left black marks on the road as they gripped onto the concrete and rolled him away.

As Law was driving 20 feet away from the monster he passed by some people with armor and robes on along with one dressed in casual wear that was running in front heading towards the monster.

The man in front jumped off the ground after a spark was created at the bottom of his feet making him jump higher than that of a normal human he didn't a slight twirl in the air before slamming his left palm into the creature's face.

"IMPACT SJ SHOT!" a concentrated pink explosion blasted through the right eye of the creature making it let put an ear-ringing scratch before it started to rapidly scratch at any object within a 10-meter radius that made noise.



One of the military men tried to get into one of the military vehicles but the sound of the door blaming alerted the monster. Without a second thought, the creature whipped around and snapped at the top of the car taking the window and door completely off along with the head and shoulder of the soldier.

"Fireball!" a short girl yelled before three balls of fire were conjured up in front of them before being blasted at the creature. It had little effect on the creature since it was more or less a wide attack on the monster.

It scratched at the places the fire balls landed as if it was a irritated itch on its body. The feeling of wanting to scratch a itch was replaced with a piercing pain as it looked down to see a sword in its lower stomach.

Gunfire was then once against commenced on the creature it slashed at a car and flipped it towards the men firing at it.

"This bastard doesn't want to give up its life does it?!!" a man with a full set of black knight armor on yelled as it grabbed a tree by the trunk and started to slowly pull it out of the ground.

The man hurls the tree at the creature and it hits him slap in the face and makes its head jolt to the side and towards its back awkwardly. It made a gurgling sound as it did so and one of its hands flopped in the air as if it tried to catch its head from moving any more than it already has.

"GAHAAHAH! Strike!" the man said as he put his fist up in trump before dashing towards the creature quickly and grabbing it's sword that was imbedded into it's lower stomach.



The squishy sound of flesh being moved around by metal was heard very distinctly as the man pulled out the sword and twirled it over his shoulder and into his right hand before dashing back toward the creature.

Blood splattered onto the trees and the ground had a very putrid stench to it as it landed on the ground from the knight twirling his sword.

"You wasn't worth our time!" the man wearing casual clothes yelled as he jumped above the creature and caught its attention as the knight stabbed into its chest. The man's foot ignited into a pink flame and he did a flip before delivering an axe kick to the monster's shoulder.


Flames from the kick wicked around from the area of impact before his foot burned into the monster's shoulder blade.

"Pain doesn't feel to good huh?" the man said as he gave the creature a cocky smile before it quickly melted off his face as he noticed the creature body flickering orange. The openings in his scales turned orange and had smoke flowing out of them like a river.

"A skill?! The records didn't say it could use magic or powers!!" the man said he pulled his foot out offf its shoulder and jumped off the monster the knight released his sword and dashed back before an explosion erupted from the creature destroying cars and trees in the area.

The explosion only reached 20 feet around the creature. It stood there and slowly turned back to its normal color, it heard the groaning of a person and turned its body toward the noise.

The noise was being created by a girl on the ground. The knight had jumped in front of her to shield her from the blast while the other adventurer was holding his burnt and scorched arm behind a tree not too far away from them while biting into his shirt.

"Miss Tia. This was more than we could bite off. At least you have to make it to the capital to warn them of this." he said as he slowly picked himself up with half of the armor on his back melting and slowly hardening back up. His armor was hot and burning the skin on his back but he fought through the pain with mere grunts.

"I'll buy you some time!" the knight said as he started up at the creature the girl got up with a few tears trailing down her face.

"But you shouldn't have to give up your life! This was my choice to come to help them, not yours!" Tia yelled back at him before she was stopped by a hand flinging behind him as the monster seemed to be getting bored with them.

It started to raise up its hand that hadn't been shot off yet getting ready to crush the knight under it.

"Then how will I call myself a knight if I can't protect one person!" he yelled as he raised his hands up to take the force of the hit full on.




But the hit never came instead when the knight opened up his eyes he was met with the creatures head falling right in front of him and the body staying up before falling backward and blood squirting violently out of it's head covering the street in it's stinky blood.

"What? Who did that?" the knight said as he looked around and met the eyes of Tia once again.

"The blast came from that mountain." she pointed at the mountain to their right as they both looked over at it in shock but saw nothing as they were too far away.

- on the mountain-

Law had attached both his arms together and formed a rail gun with them. He was now detaching them from each other and started transforming back into his vehicle form.

"Dumb piece of meat."