
Cursed with Infinite Rebirth in the Apocalypse (Dropped)

An unprecedented apocalypse dawned on Earth, pushing humanity to the brink of extinction. Monsters appeared out of nowhere, killing and destroying everyone and everything along their path! Guns? Useless. Atomic Bombs? A good way to make the monsters sweat. Amidst hopelessness and chaos, a saving hand appeared. The Hero Creation System! Allowing everyone to gain enough power to fight for themselves, letting them have random, unique skills upon binding! In the center of it all, a single streamer became the only hope for humanity. His powers? The Curse of Infinite Rebirth! But wait... "Why would I bother saving the world? Let it burn!"

ChronoQuill · 都市
35 Chs

Knowledge is Power!

Moments later, I opened my eyes once more. The same familiar ceiling, the same room, the same revival. However, something was different; there's no pain, at least. But the dread was eating up my limbs, turning them ice-cold.


If it's this much, I think I could tough it out. After all, there's no pain, so my mind could stay clear. I sat up, moving to the edge of my bed, and began to think.

"Thankfully, I managed to gain more information this time..."

The level-up mechanism, which rapidly strengthens one's body and abilities, and the impossibility of causing damage to monsters using normal weapons.

"So at the start, only magic-like abilities such as controlling elements can deal damage to monsters..."

I should discuss this with my viewers and see if we can think of a solution together. Just as I was about to stand up and go to my computer, I recalled the reason for my second death.

I pulled out my phone, dialed 911, and reported that my neighbor was waving his gun around dangerously. In under five minutes, just as his gun was shot (I was lying on my bed just in case), the police came and apprehended them. Why do I know this? I could hear him shout angrily, after all, with his wife bawling her eyes out.

With that out of the way, I moved to my PC and turned on the stream with the same title as always: "Discussing Special Abilities." As soon as I went online, one immediately entered; it was Garuda as always.


I recalled my last moments during the previous loop. I was the one to die first, so I was completely unsure of what happened after that. Did everyone manage to survive? Or did they follow after me soon?

"Welcome, Garuda!" Pushing such thoughts to the back of my mind, I quickly put on a smile and greeted.

"Hey, Hvir! I'm actually wondering about my ability, so this stream is perfect."

"You mean about your pyrokinesis ability? Don't worry, I know it's effective against monsters up to medium size."

When I answered her doubts before she could even express her concern, the chat went silent for a moment. She must be thinking about how I knew her abilities. While she was staying silent, others began to jump in too. When 50 viewers made it in, I could already see the three names from the previous loop, my three most avid viewers and supporters, and the ones with me at the Pine Mall's 10th floor underground.

While I was greeting the newcomers, Garuda's follow-up chat finally came.

"Are you able to see the future? Something like foresight?"

It was the same guess as last time! Well, it's not accurate, but it's pretty close.

I gently shook my head and said the correct answer. "No, my ability is to revive infinitely. You were together with me during the last death, along with two others, so I know about your abilities."

When they heard me talk about my abilities, the usual dissing began.

"Revival? My ability is to kill anything I look upon!"

"That's so OP! Are you God?!"

"D*mn, can we switch abilities? I only have the Look Good ability, and I'm not even sure what to use it for..."

"To the commenter above, you can use it to seduce the monsters! :lmao:"

I chuckled, seeing the usual chaos and not the depressing messages while the invasion was ongoing. Praying for their lives, asking for help—there are so many variations, but all of them belied despair.

"You don't believe me? Here's my status screen."

I was also getting used to this part, showing my abilities to them to prove that I wasn't lying. After a while of idle chatter, I decided to go to the main point.

"Anyway, the reason I started this stream is to spread information. After all, the more we know, the more we can handle different situations!" I tried to speak in as serious a tone as possible, commanding silence. "There are good and bad sides to this news, so listen closely. First, killing monsters allows us to level up..."

Everyone was amazed by the information I shared. Some felt thankful, while others cursed their fates for getting abilities that weren't element-based. Finally, I came to the main point I wanted to ask their opinions on.

"So, everyone, what do you think could enable non-combat ability users to be able to fight monsters?"

The chat became flooded with suggestions, with everyone actively stating their opinions and suggestions. The most highly accepted one was a pretty simple idea.

"Loot the monsters' bodies and create weapons from them! Bones can be sharpened and used as weapons as well!"

"Oh, if that's the case, I have the Weapon Crafting ability! I wonder if any weapon I make would be able to damage monsters. Or is it limited to monster materials?"

Crafting! That's useful, for sure! Maybe I can get a weapon for myself too, enabling me to level up!

I immediately read his name and asked, "You, uh... xXSerenityXx? Where are you now? I think your ability is super useful!"

"I'm at the military shelter at the moment."

Military shelter... I remember that place. It should be located in the next city, so I should be able to make it there before the invasion with plenty of time to spare. I'm actually still looking for safe locations, and I just learned that the mall isn't really that safe since monsters could still appear inside through unknown methods.

"Alright. Then, for everyone who lives nearby, I suggest we gather in the military camp! If there's anyone else with Weapon Crafting ability or something similar, having you on board would be more than welcome."

Evacuating to the military camp would at least give us enough time to craft weapons. There are those two soldiers with OP abilities that can overpower large monsters after all. When I shared this information with the viewers, the chat exploded again.

A lot of them, who were in the surrounding cities, decided to move to the shelter at once. The others who live in a different country or a different region could only seek out their nearby military camp. They even asked me to tell them if their military camp was safe, but I had no way of knowing.

Crafting skills are important in an apocalypse.

They're going to be the star of survival!

(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

ChronoQuillcreators' thoughts