
Pulled In!

In the small town of St. Hudgins, Agatha Montgomery lived with her father and their cook, Mrs. Witherspoon in a large manor called Oakfield Hall. Oakfield Hall is quite big, and it sits on a large expanse of land with beautiful gardens, harbouring different, scented, exotic flowers. It stands tall with its looming height. It has thirty rooms, a main hall, a drawing room and a huge library.

Agatha loves to read very much. The library is her favorite place in the manor. Long shelves of books lines up the walls. Books of every subject you can think of are filled in the shelves that reaches from the ceiling to the floor. Her favourite section of books to read is literature. She loves to read stories; of lands faraway and adventure.


         Ever since her mother mysteriously disappeared, reading has always been a way for her to escape the grief of the loss of her mother. Her father had become enstranged from everyone and mostly kept to himself. He hardly talked to her. So she was mostly on her own.

Today on a friday morning, Agatha sat on her favorite chair in the library reading a book. She raised her head up and looked at a portrait of her mother on the wall, across from her.

"I miss you mother," she said aloud to herself.

"I wish you were here." she muttered sadly.

Agatha put the book she was reading on a side stool near her chair and stood up. She walked among the shelves lost in thought, touching the blue, gold encrusted, tear-shaped pendant on her neck. She remembered how she sat on her mother's lap while they read beautiful stories together. She remembered when her mother gave her the pendant on her tenth birthday.

Agatha leaned her head against some books. The books pushed in. Startled, she turned around and noticed a secret compartment. She reached in and she pulled out a brown, leather-bound dusty book. She blew and wiped the dust away with her hands. It billowed around her like smoke.

Agatha noticed that the book was locked.

"Why was this book hidden? I wonder why anyone would lock a book when it's not a diary." she mumbled to herself.

She noticed that the lock at the side of the book was tear-shaped like her pendant.

Curious, she thought.

Agatha removed the pendant around her neck and put it in the lock. It clicked in place and the book unlocked. She opened it.

"Empty!" she exclaimed aloud.

"Why would anyone hide a book that's empty, and even lock it!" she wondered, her tone slightly chafed. 

All the pages of the books were completely empty. But soon, images began to form on the pages and she watched with fascination as the images formed pirates on a ship. She felt so drawn to the images that she could not look away. Her head was spinning and she began to feel dizzy.

Her pendant glowed bright blue and fell onto her hand. She felt a cool, breeze on her face. A blue hurricane began to form on the page of the book. The books in the library rattled in their shelves as a strong wind shook the whole library. She felt herself being pulled by a strong force into the book.

What is happening?!

Agatha struggled to resist the force that was pulling her. She held onto a bookshelf with all her might. The wind from the book swept her hair and dress wildly behind.


The wooden bookshelf she held on to was breaking into splinters, and she was slowly loosing her grip.

"Father! Mrs. Whitherspoon!" She screamed in hopes that they would come to her rescue. But that was not to be.


She held on tightly to the last splinter of the bookshelf. The wormhole was sucking everything inside it. Whole bookshelves and books disappear inside it. Chairs and tables flew through the air. She managed to dodge them as they also got sucked in.

Help me! Somebody help!

Snap! Snap!

The splinter finally broke and she was thrown violently backwards, into the book.

AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! screamed Agatha as she tumbled through a tunnel of water. With her heart pounding and her mind swirling, she saw herself sliding at top speed on a bookshelf, in an endless watery tunnel. She saw people through the watery walls. When she lightly touched the walls, they faded away.

"Memories." she whispered as her voice echoed throughout the tunnel.

This looks like a time tunnel. I must be travelling through time!

She dodged some of the books and bookshelves as they came tumbling towards her. The tunnel never seemed to end; she continued speeding through, mesmerized by the memories in the walls.
