
Cupcake! (bokuaka)

Kermit_perfect · LGBT+
13 Chs

Training Camp

Drink water! Are you feeling ok? I love youuuu!!!!!

Akaashi POV:

I woke up to Bokuto whispering to Haruki, *offended Bokuto noises* "Kuroo is my best bro there nothing else I have to say." Bokuto said pouting. "Yeah right he would choose Kenma over you in a heartbeat." Haruki said with a smirk. "N-no that definitely not true you meanie!" Bokuto yell whispered." Ko calm down hes just messing with you." I said yawning. "I- your awake? Did I wake you up!? I'm sorry Kaashiiiiiii!!!" Bokuto said grabbing both my hands and looking at me with his usual Bokuto pout. "Its fine. Bokuto's weaknesses 7: Setting me off or doing something that would probably upset me." I said looking back and forth between Bokuto and Haruki. Haruki just started laughing while Bokuto made offended Bokuto noises. "KAASHIIII thats so mean!!!!" Bokuto said putting his hands on my shoulder and shaking me."Ow that hurts my head Ko" I said putting my head on my head. "Oops- well it looks like were hereeeee" Bokuto said getting up all excited and dragging me with him. "BOKU BROOOO!!!!" was all I heard before Bokuto let go of me and I fell face first of the rest of the stairs and into the concrete. I half landed on my brace and the other on my face. I screamed in pain as my sprain just turned into a break for sure. "OMG AKAASHI!!" Kenma said dropping his Nintendo switch and trying to pick me up.I was picked up by Kenma and Yaku and Lev carried me inside like a toddler, me still crying and holding my wrist. "OMG AKAASHI WHAT HAPPENED" I saw Oikawa running up to Lev, Yaku, Kenma, and I. He started wiping my tears away as Iwaizumi was behind him leading us to the coaches. "COACH!!!" Kenma was yelling. The Nekoma coach turned and his eyes went wide. "What happened to Akaashi!?!?!" He was basically yelling and waving my coach over. Bokuto and Kuroo were walking back into the gym to see what all the yelling was about. 

Bokuto POV:

My heart just stopped. Seeing Akaashi in Lev's arms like that hard crying, holding his wrist. I couldnt even move I just stopped and stared like an idiot. "BOKUTO SERIOUSLY CMON COME CHECK ON YOUR BOYFRIEND!!" Kuroo yelled at me taking Akaashi from Lev. Akaashi would be more comfortable if Kuroo was holding him and not Lev, even tho me and Kuroo and best friends Akaashi and Kuroo are still close. Akaashi started crying even harder when Kuroo took him, probably hurts to move. "BOKUTO GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE CLOUDS AND COME HERE!" Kenma was yelling. All I could to do was stand there wide eyed as tears rolled down my cheeks. I couldnt move, I couldnt speak It hurt so bad not being able to help him. All I felt was something smack the back of my head really hard, then Oikawa with tears in his eyes grab my arm and drag me over there. My adrenaline kicked in and I grabbed Akaashi from Kuroo making him cry even louder than he ever has. "Shhhhh its ok baby im right here im going to make sure your ok." is all I could manage to say before I also started crying more. the last thing I heard was "AKAASHI BOKU-" 

Akaashi POV:

I was grabbed by my waist and pulled up from a falling Bokuto. I was guessing it was Kuroo but it was Lev. "Thank god Akaashi didnt fall again nice reaction time Lev" Kenma said grabbing my hand as he led Lev to the Nekoma's bus there coach getting in the drivers seat. Lev sat me down and Kenma sat down next to me and held onto my arm. Lev sat across from us while Kuroo set down a passed out Bokuto behind us and sat down. "Kenma.." I whispered. Kenma's head shot up "what is it Kasshi" Kenma whispered back at me looking into my eyes. "Is he gonna be ok.." I asked more tears forming in my eyes. Kenma looked back at Kuroo who shrugged. "I dont know Kaashi..hey dont cry im sure hes fine everything's gonna be fine.." Kenma said wiping my tears with his free hand. 

~Time skip brought to you by my love for angst and glitter~

Kenma POV:

Kuroo,Lev, and I were all sitting down in the waiting room while coach was talking to a doctor. A few minutes went by a doctor had asked for someone for Bokuto so Kuroo went. "Anybody here for Akaashi Keiji?" a doctor asked coming through the doors I stood up without even thinking and walked twords him. "I am." I said "follow me" he said and I did without even realizing it Lev following behind me. He took me Akaashi's room Lev went in and he explained that he cant play Volleyball until his wrist is fully healed he should refrain from using it at all costs. I just nodded and went in. "He should wake up soon Lev." I said quiet. He just nodded. Lev had never really been close to Akaashi but always admired him so I know this is scaring him. I put my hand on his shoulder "Its gonna be ok I promise you that Lev." He nodded suddenly the door swung open. "AKAASHI" Bokuto was standing in the door frame out of breath.He ran to the left side of Akaashi's bed in tears. "Is he ok!?!?" Bokuto said looking up at me. "He should be fine but he cant play Volleyball until its fully healed and the doctor said he should refrain from using it as much as possible" Bokuto nodded and sat down next to Akaashi and held his hand. He put his head next to Akaashi and closed his eyes. The door opened again. "How did you get here so fast!?!" Kuroo said out of breath. "He really said you wanna see some real speed" Lev said making everybody laugh to lighten the mood.

Umm Hiii sorry this is out so late again and also for the angst if this made you cry um im sorryyy. I know it says I will try to post every week but now im going to in-person school to so I really dont know when im gonna write again. BUTTTT if you read this THANK YOUUUUU!!! reads actually boost my confidence meaning that some people like my writing. But um yeah thats about it I hope you Eat,Sleep, and stay Hydrated!!!

~word count 1106~

-your angry short person 
