
If you Want

Chapter 16: If You Want

Puchi! Sizzle!


Aaron cried out, his right thigh had been pierced by the beam of fire! He had never felt pain like this!

The leopard had actually jumped into the air and appeared behind him! It moved so fast that he simply couldn't react. It was aiming for his heart but Aaron had sensed it at the last moment and barely avoided a lethal strike.

"He's injured!", Doug shouted seeing the gaping hole in Aaron's thigh.

Miara's heart tightened.

The leopard started falling back the the ground. After landing, it was bleeding heavily due to the spear attacks from earlier and was panting heavily. It had expended almost all of it energy into that attack yet it couldn't kill the human. It couldn't help but feel aggrieved, staring at the human in the air and the humans huddled in the distance it's anger had reached its max. To think it would be pushed this far.

Aaron had frozen the injury to seal it but was still grimacing at the pain. Sweat could be seen on his forehead and traces the blood on his robes had ruined his pristine image.

'To think it would be this painful', he smiled in self mockery.

He was arrogant, this leopard was still 4 levels higher than him but after gaining the advantage he was starting to become confident in defeating it, this was harsh lesson to never be sure of victory until the end.

Miara seeing he was ok sighed a breath of relief , yet her eyes still contained worry.

Aaron begun forming ice spears one by one in the air. He would end this now, while the leopard was weak. The leopard noticing his intentions had already reached a decision.

'Bastards, I'll take all of you with me!', it roared in its heart while staring at Aaron and the group ahead of it. It started circulating its Qi and burnt the rest of its blood essence. Its body had stopped giving off heat and instead began glowing white.

Doug realizing what was happening immediately began to move towards the princes. Before she could react he had grabbed and her and begun running.

"Everyone run! It's going to self-destruct!!!"

When Aaron heard this he was shocked, to think it would kill itself! He immediately began 'flying' towards Miara and the guards.

"All of you can Die!!!", the leopard launched its horn from it head toward Miara's group than roared for the last time before detonating its Qi.


A massive explosion occurred, Doug felt the hairs on his back stand. They wouldn't make it, it was all over, even the young man couldn't possibly protect all of them. Reaching this thought he quickly used his body to shield Miara who was still in a daze. The rest of the guards and even Ella soon followed and put their bodies in the way to try and protect her.

"Nooo!", Miara screamed, she couldn't stand to see so many people dying for her. Tears could be seen streaming down here eyes. Just then a shadow appeared in between them and the blast!

"Ahhhhh!!!", Aaron shouted while placing his hands on the ground, his entire body covered in a heavy layer of frost.

Whooosh! The Air temperature suddenly dropped and a massive wall of ice rapidly grew from the ground, It was at least 20 ft wide, 10 ft tall!


The force of the explosion made contact with the wall, Dust and steam flew into the air blinding everyone to what had happened.

After a moment Doug realized they were uninjured, turning his head to look at what happened he was greeted with a massive wall of ice that had begun to crumble. In front of him a young man could be seen on his shoulder one could see a massive bloody hole going straight through his body.

It was Aaron.

The wall had managed to dissipate the explosion and kept them safe but it was not able to stop the horn that had been launched.

'He risked his life to protect us', Over the fight Doug had been shocked by Aaron time and time again but this time he had started to feel respect for the brave young man. Before he could go check on him, he saw the young man collapse face first into the ground.

'Is he dead?', he was about to run over and check when Miara who he had been shielding left his hold and ran towards Aaron.

She quickly reached his side, falling to the ground with no concern for her clothing and picked Aaron up, he had a massive hole in shoulder that was bleeding non stop but he was breathing. She sighed in relief. Lifting her hand she placed it on his forehead and begun channeling her bloodline. Soon a lush green glow could be seen from her body it slowly made its way onto his body as well Soon enough, one could see that the blood had stopped flowing and the wound begin to slowly seal.

Seeing this she removed her hand and stared at the young man in her arm. Even now, with blood, sweat ,and dirt all over his face, his features were unmatched. She slowly brushed the hair on his face to the side while smiling.

"You've saved my life twice now. How can I ever repay you?", she whispered to him

*Cough*"...you can start by giving more of that green energy"

Miara was surprised that he was actually awake. She smiled gently and placed her hand on his forehead again. Once more a green glow shrouded her body and made it way over to Aaron.

'Yea that it. That's the stuff...This so pleasant'. Aaron thought to himself while smiling. He was exhausted and in pain but the green aura made him forget all that. It was as life was being forced into his body, he felt his wound healing at speeds that should be impossible. Turning to young woman holding him, he was once again stunned by her beauty. He kept staring at her without realizing it.

Miara noticing his gaze began to blush.

"Are you okay?", he suddenly asked

"Yea, thanks to you. You protected me, Ella and my guards more than once. We owe you our lives."

"It's fine, It was my decision." Staring at the beautiful woman holding him he couldn't help but say with a beaming smile.

When Miara saw this smile she felt something in her heart give. Her face went completely red and she averted her gaze. He was simply too radiant.

Aaron seeing her reaction also began to blush. She was so beautiful yet could act so cute.


Suddenly there flirting was interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

Miara looked up and saw Doug with an awkward expression on his face behind him Ella was giving her two thumbs up!

"Good job, Your Highness!", she mouthed

Miara realizing that she was holding Aaron close her chest and blushing, felt her face go hot from embarrassment. She immediately pulled her hands back and dropped Aaron.

"Argh!" Aaron groaned as he hit the ground and passed out.

'Why?!', was the last thought that had entered his mind.

"Ah! I'm sorry!", Miara realizing what she done started panicking. She quickly took Aaron into her arms again.

"It's fine Your Highness, he just passed out. The bleeding has stopped and his injuries are healing thanks to you. He'll be fine.", replied Doug seeing her worried expression.

Suddenly they heard shouting from the distance.

"Master! You're Amazing!", Elliot was running over after noticing the fight had ended. His mind had been blown and he thanked his good fortune for running into Aaron. If he was this strong now how strong would he be in the future? Best of all, this was his Master!

When he got up close and saw Aaron passed out he begun to worry but Doug informed him that he was fine and just needed to rest.

"Collect the bodies of all those that died, They'll be honored as hero's' for the sacrifice they've made. They're families are all to be taken care of", Miara said solemnly, too many had died for her and she was feeling depressed looking at their corpses. This was the most she could do.

"Yes, your highness.", Doug bowed and with the help of the six other guards began collecting the bodies.

Once they had collected the bodies they turned to Miara for orders.

"Lets head back to the village. We can rest there", she said while staring down at Aaron.

'You can get some rest now' she thought while smiling at him.

Farming Village just outside the Forest

"Argh....my shoulder.", Aaron had begun to wake.

He noticed a wooden roof when he opened his eyes, looking around he realized he was in a small wooden shack. He began to get up slowly and noticed that the injuries on his leg and shoulder had been bandaged. Turning around he saw Elliot passed out in a chair next to him. He smiled at was impressed by his dedication.

Elliot sensing movement began to stir, raising his head he noticed Aaron sitting up and yelped.

"Master! You're awake! How are you feeling?", he asked while rushing over.

"Just a little sore but nothing to bad? Where are the others?"

"They're around, you've been unconscious for over 3 days! The guards had brought over a a few carriages from the town over east in order to take the princess to the capital but she insisted on staying until you woke up. Good job Master, to think you would get the Princess to fall for you!", Elliot said while giving Aaron a thumbs up!

"Hahaha...you're exaggerating", Aaron awkwardly laughed but it would be a lie to say he wasn't happy. However he quickly paused up when he heard a sound in his head.


[Host has leveled up]


Host:Aaron Heart

Location: Stellar Void Continent


Level:7 (Late Core Formation)

Points: 3700

Strength: 1250lbs

Speed: 175 Mph

Observation Haki: Lvl 3

Armament Haki: Lvl 0

Conquerors Haki: [Locked]

Abilities: Ito-Ito no Mi, Hie-Hie no Mi

Martial Skill: Six Styles

Kami-e– Lvl 3/10

Geppou – Lvl 2/10

Rankyaku- Lvl 3/10

Soru- Lvl 4/10 (speed x 5)

Shigan- Lvl 1/10

Tekkai – Lvl 1/10

'Yes! Finally!', Aaron was ecstatic he had finally leveled up. The trip was a success!

Elliot had misunderstood Aaron's smile and smiled back.

"Look at you Master, to think you you be so happy knowing she has a thing for you. With your face shouldn't you be used to this? Hahahaha!"


"Ah! I'm sorry!", Elliot covered is head and scurried back.

Aaron simply shook his head and begun putting on his clothes. Staring at the holes in his robes he noticed that the blood stains.

'Looks like I need new clothes'

Ignoring that he began to look for his Feathered robe but couldn't see to find it.

"Oi, Where's my outer jacket?"

"Jacket? You mean your golden feather robe? Guess.", Elliot said with a shit eating grin on his face

"Guess? How would I know?", Aaron said while glancing at the Elliot.

"Hehehe, you'll find out soon enough", he chuckled

"Fine fine, lets see what has you so happy", Aaron shrugged. He wasn't to concerned seeing as how he could just buy another one from the systems store.

They both left the shack and stepped outside, it was early morning and the sun had just risen, a light mist could be seen around the city ,and birds could be heard chirping . It painted a picturesque scene of nature at its finest. Aaron soon noticed that as compared to when they first arrived, the village was much more lively. He knew it was because the leopard had died.

"You're awake."

Aaron heard a voice from behind and turned to see Doug walking over to him.

"It thanks to The Princess, My injuries would have been much worse had it not been for her."

"Don't be modest, we'd be dead if it wasn't for you. Allow me to thank you one more time for protecting Her Highness", Doug said solemnly as he gave a deep bow.

"Please, there's really no need. It was my decision, no need to feel like you owe me anything."

Aaron tried to stop Doug from bowing but Doug Insisted, he could only sigh and accept his gratitude. He was about to ask about the Princess when he caught sight of something in the distance. A young woman was walking over she was about 15 and could only be described as beautiful, yet even that wouldn't be sufficient to capture her radiance. Her long black hair and green eyes only extenuating her appearance, she wore a form flattering long green and gold gown with a sword on her belt around her small waist and over her gown a golden robe made of feathers.

'So that's where it is', Aaron couldn't help but stare. He was completely mesmerized by Miara. He had forgotten that Elliot and Doug were even present.

The two noticing his daze glanced over to where he was looking only to see The Princess, coming to a realization they could only shake their heads and smile.

'How nice to be young', Doug said in his heart.

Miara had been walking around the village when she had spotted Aaron speaking with Doug. She had begun to make her way over when she realized that Aaron was staring at her.

'Ah! I've forgotten to return his robe. Not only that, I'm so openly wearing it!', she began to feel embarrassed. At first she had wanted to leave it with Elliot but ended up convincing herself that she should keep it...for safe keeping...yes only for safe keeping.

However as she got closer she could feel the heat an Aaron's gaze causing her to blush, all sorts of ideas running through her mind.

'What am I Thinking?!', she shook her head to clear her thoughts and finally reached Aaron.

"You're finally awake, we were worri-", she began to speak when Aaron cut her off.

"You look beautiful, it really suits you.", a smile could be seen on his face as he stared at her eyes.

Miara's face had gone bright red as she heard him speak, she was just about to speak up Doug interjected.

"Your Highness, now that Sir Heart has woken its best we take our leave and head back to the capital. Your father must be worried over your well being."

"Ah....you're right. I'm sorry I wish I could stay a little longer but I can't . We'll have to go our separate ways for now", she begun removing Aaron's robbed and handed back to him. Her face carried a hint of unwillingness.

Aaron reached out to grab the jacket and wanted to speak up but was cut off by Elliot.

"Your Highness, worry not Master and I are also headed to the capital!"

"Really?", Miara turned and glanced at Aaron. Her green eyes beaming with excitement.

Aaron was once again stunned by how beautiful she was. He started blushing and looked away while rubbing his head.


Miara seeing him blush and avert his gaze had a smile blossom on her face. She began fidgeting with here fingers while her eyes darted around. It appeared as if she was having a hard time trying to say something.

"Y-You...You can go back with me..I mean us...if you want", her face started heating up as the words left her mouth. She kept glancing at Aaron trying to read his expressions.

But when she saw him smile with his bright white teeth showing her heart began beating rapidly.

"If you'd have me, I'd love too."

"Of course, its no problem at all",she immediately replied, a bright smile on her face

They both stared at each other and began laughing.

"Alright kid enough flirting with Her Highness. Get ready, we leave in an hour."

"Doug!", Miara blushed
