

Chapter 26: Huh?!?!

"P-P-P-Princess Sophia?!"

"What's she doing here?!"

"Why did she protect the kid?

Seeing Princess Sophia suddenly appear had thrown the guards into further confusion. Even since Aaron showed up one unbelievable thing after the other occurred.

"Your Highness", Ashur bowed slightly towards Sophia. However his eyes had begun growing cautious, now that she had arrived things wouldn't go as smoothly.

However, Sophia completely ignored him and turned to face Aaron.

"...Thank you for saving me", Aaron who had been just as shocked as the rest turned as spoke to Sophia.


Sophia however just stared at him while furrowing her brows. Her inner thoughts however were in disarray!

'He's flying...!'

She could sense no Qi or make out his cultivation yet he was still suspended in mid air. This only lasted for a moment before she soon shifted her attention to his face. The moment her eyes laid sight of him she almost gasped!



'Why is he so handsome?!'

"What's with that flamboyant golden cloak?!"

'How am I supposed to free my sister from this devil's spell?!'

'Think Sophia! Think!'

Aaron was even more handsome than Ella had made him out to be. Sophia who had been skeptical had no choice but to admit that he was indeed beyond compare. Nevertheless, this made her even more determined to free Miara from his clutches!

However, this still didn't change the anger she felt as she turned back to face Ashur.

"To think you would so openly attack a youth Ashur. I hope you have an explanation!", she suddenly said forcefully.

To think one of the Capital's famous Sky Realm Cultivator would so openly aim to cripple a youth in broad daylight!

This was not some uncultured land where one could just kill at a whim! This was the capital! Her capital!

"Your Highness...this young man has killed an Elder of the Deep Wave Sect as well as cut off Young Master Aston's arm. He has committed crimes against the kingdom and Sect therefore I was seeking to restrain him.", Ashur responded cautiously.

"What?!", she quickly scanned the area and indeed found Elder Mao had been frozen solid as well as Aston clutching his now severed arm. She turned to face Aaron with a look of disbelief.

"Were you really the one who did this?", she asked Aaron.

"Yea", he responded casually. After scanning Sophia he had found that he could relax a bit.


Name: Sophia Emerald

Age: 24

Level: 13 (Early Sky Realm)

Qi: 4400

Bloodline: Heart of the Forest - Peak Grade Platinum

The moment he saw her name and bloodline he knew that Miara was involved. Even though she was two stages lower that Ashur, she was the Princess of the Kingdom he would never move against her unless he wished for his life to end.

"....", Sophia just stared a Aaron for a while.

Back down on the ground Veronica, Baron Morgan, and Amber were looking up trying to understand why the Princess would be here.

"Veronica, does your friend know Her Highness?"

"I-I don't know. We only just met him recently, but...", she remembered that Aaron had told them he had no memories. She couldn't figure out how he would suddenly have a relationship with the Royal Family.

Aaron, Sophia, and Ashur were speaking softly and were to high for them to hear so they could guess at what they were saying. Aston had also been watching and was gritting his teeth, he wanted to speak but didn't dare offend Sophia.

Sophia suddenly turned around and faced Ashur before speaking.

"You can leave now. I'll take care of this", she said blandly, showing no fear towards Ashur who towered in front of her.

"Your Highness, I would strongly rec-", Ashur began only to be interrupted.

"Strongly what? Are you telling this Princess how to behave?!", Sophia suddenly said as green Qi started emitting from her body. All the plants within 200 ft suddenly began fluctuating with a green Qi as if responding to her call. An oppressive aura began to emit from every living plant around them!

For Ashur this wasn't to much pressure however for the others it was as if a elephant was placed on their chests. They found it hard to breath and all of the servants and a few guards fell directly to their knees!

"T-This is...", Aaron watched in shock. Even he was feeling the oppressive Aura being emitted. It wasn't just coming from Sophia, he felt the oppression coming from all around him!

Ashur was about to speak when suddenly a titanic pressure descended on him!

He immediately froze as sweat began pouring from his head, slowly he turned his head and faced the Auric Emerald Tree. There was only one emotion visible in his eyes!


The pressure he felt almost caused him to collapse!

Aaron noticed his behavior but couldn't understand why he had suddenly froze. Ashur had been the only one to experience the pressure being emitted from the Auric Tree, as such no one was able to make sense of his current behavior. Except one, Sophia simply watched Ashur as he retracted his Aura and bowed.

"My apologies Your Highness, seeing Young Master Aston being injured had made me emotional. I'll be taking my leave. Young Master, we have troubled Her Highness as such we'll leave immediately!", Ashur responded before flying towards Aston.

Aston was cursing in his heart!

'Why?! Why would she side with him?! Who is he?!'

However he restrained his anger as he heard Ashur speak, gritting his teeth he could only nod. Ashur used his Qi to lift him as well as the fainted Disciples. Just as he was about to grab Elder Mao's frozen figure he heard someone speak and something quickly approaching.

"Bullet String"

Aaron had struck out!

Just as Ashur was about to intercept the attack he once again felt the pressure descend on him! He hesitated and could only watch as Elder Mao's figure was completely shattered!

Ashur wanted to lash out but the aura he felt made it so that he could only swallow his anger. He quickly shot a look at Aaron who showed no fear.

"I thought I'd make him easier to carry, no need to thank me", he said with a smile.

"Pfft", Sophia suddenly sounded.

"Eh?", Aaron looked at her strangely. She had her back to him but he still clearly heard her restrain her laughter.

A vein began to bulge on Ashur's head as he heard Aaron speak.

'See how long they can protect you', he quietly thought to himself.

Aston was basically seeing red at this point. Aaron refused to show them any respect! He even dared to shatter Elder Mao's frozen body!

'Once I inform the sect your peaceful days are over!', he swore to himself that he would make Aaron pay for this humiliation.

The group consisting of them and the disciples took off and headed towards the Dukes estate.

"T-they left?"

"Is it finally over?"

"What happened? Does that kid really have connections to the Royal Family?"

The guards began discussing as they watched the drama play out. Aaron had given them too many surprises and know his origins became veiled in mystery. They wanted to know just who this young man was exactly.

Sophia made her way towards the ground and approached the Baron and his daughters, Aaron following slowly behind.

"Nigel Morgan greets Her Highness Sophia"

"Amber Morgan greets Her Highness Sophia"

"Veronica Morgan greets Her Highness Sophia"

The three immediately gave a deep bow as they saw Sophia approaching them.

She was about to speak and ask why the Deep Wave Sect was here when Aaron suddenly spoke up.

"Did Miara send you?"





Absolute Silence!

To think he would so casually refer to the Third Princess!

Sophia suddenly turned to Aaron and lashed out!

"Miara? You dare call her by her name?! Little brat, you may have sunken your talons into my baby sister already but as long as I'm around you can give up any more thoughts of her! So what if your appearance is Heaven revolting?! You probably go around messing with young women for fun! I know your type!"

"Huh?", Aaron was stunned and didn't expect such a response. To think his character would be questioned! He quickly came up with an idea as a non nonchalant smile appeared on his face.

He shrugged before facing Sophia and speaking.

"Miara is free to choose who she wants to be with. Besides I think I'm a pretty good choice, wouldn't you agree", he said as he gave a bright full tooth smile. He looked so innocent that one wouldn't believe he was faking it.


Far too bright!

Sophia was almost blinded by his smile!

'D-Devil! He's a Devil! No human could be so perfect! Even I was almost trapped by his spell!', she cursed as she saw Aaron smiling as if he had done nothing wrong.

She wasn't the only one, Veronica and Amber had become flush from ear to ear as soon as they saw Aaron smile. Veronica who hadn't seen him for a few days was once again turned into a zombie as she stared at him. Amber was no better, they simply couldn't resist Aaron's appeal!

Baron Morgan saw both of his daughters reactions and cursed in his heart!

'This unlucky star has brought nothing but trouble since he arrived and now he's even captivated my daughters!'

"D-D-Don't think you can do to me what you did to her!" , Sophia said while stuttering, a light flush on her face.

Aaron smiled mischievously as he looked at Sophia's flush face.

"Don't worry I only have eyes for her but...", he suddenly smiled and eyed Sophia.

"To think that even her older sister would be just as stunning, It must run in the family."

"I knew it! You already set your sights on her yet now you even eye me?!", Sophia fumed after noticing Aaron's stare.

This little brat thought he could use his looks to avoid his problems! To think he would so blatantly stare at her body!

"Hehehehe", Aaron chuckled but he soon stopped at stared at Sophia before bowing slightly.

"Thank you for helping me", he said humbly. Sophia had truly saved him, if she hadn't appeared he didn't think he could have made it away in one piece if even at all.

"Hmph, at least you can show some humility.", she responded.

The Baron and his daughters as well as the guards and servants who had been watching had their mouths hung open as they listened to Aaron and Sophia.

"I-Is he pursuing the Third Princess?", one of the servants asked out loud.

"Hahaha! This is how a man should be!", another responded.

"Nooo!", Veronica shouted.

She had seen Princess Miara a few times when she accompanied her father to the Palace. The Princess was stunningly beautiful, to the the point were everyone said she outshone even her two sisters! If Aaron was pursuing her she didn't stand a chance!

Amber however turned to Veronica and grabbed her hands!

"Veronica, don't worry we also have our charms! I'm sure we can get him to notice us if we try hard enough!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes, your right we.....We?" Veronica was thrilled to hear Amber speak before realizing what she had said. She looked at Amber only to notice the red flush on her face as well as the ardent look in her eyes.

"Yes, we"

"You mean, me"

"No no no, we as sisters!"


"What are you going on about?!"

The Baron who had heard his daughters speaking suddenly shouted. To think his daughters would so openly pursue this young man! They didn't even keep their voices down! Everyone had heard them speaking!

Aaron and Sophia had also heard them speaking.

Sophia cast a cold glance at Aaron.

"Is this what you do? Huh? You go around fooling and deceiving young girls! You think just because you're handsome you can get away with it?!"

"You're questioning my character?!"

"Shouldn't I? You probably go around chasing women than abandoning them once you're bored! Don't think you can do the same with my sister! No matter what gifts you give her or how stunning your appearance, I'll make sure you can't go any further!"

"Huh? What gives you the right? Also, Miara seemed to like it."

"There you go again! Calling her by her name!"

"She said I could"

"But I'm saying you cant!"

"Hahaha, you can't make that decision!"

They two of them kept going back and forth in front of everyone.

'To think he would so casually speak with Her Highness. Even she doesn't seem to mind, how strange', Baron Morgan silently thought to himself.

"Hmph, listen Miara and me have a special bond that you can't severe!" Aaron suddenly said with a smile

"What bond?! You are sim-", Sophia was about to respond when she saw Aaron pull something out from his robes.

In his hands was a medallion with a majestic golden tree and emerald leaves!

"T-That's!!!!" Baron Morgans eyes popped out his head when he saw the medallion in Aaron's hand

"That's the Royal Family's Medallion! Why do you have that?!", Sophia suddenly shouted. The medallion wasn't something that one would so casually have!

"Why Else, Miara gave it to me.", he responded while not understanding the reaction he got.

He figured that it was just a medallion he could use to get to the palace and didn't know of the authority it held around the Kingdom nor the problems it would bring him in the future.

"Huh? What is that girl thinking?!", Sophia was shocked. To think that Miara would take such a fancy to Aaron that she would even give him such a precious item!

She was about to speak when Aaron suddenly had an evil smirk appear on his face.

"Don't worry I also gave her a gift."

"You think a cloak could compare? No matter how ni-", again she began speaking only for Aaron to jump in.

"No no no, I gave her my first kiss Hahahahaha", He said while laughing mischievously. Although this was a lie and he had already had a few girlfriends in his past life, it was true that ever since he was reincarnated Miara was the first person he had kissed.

Sophia paused for a moment before coming to her senses.


Second chapter

Enjoy, thanks for reading.


Planning on releasing updated map soon, as the one I have know is quite bare and only used for general reference. There are a few places that I left out so look out for that if you're using the old map.

Aaron_Heartcreators' thoughts