
Cultivation, but I'd rather be a weakling

Hao Yu is a transmigrator and reincarnates to a xianxia world. He had cultivated painstakingly for 10,000 years and became a immortal; however, he realized a truth. "Why should I cultivate?" "I hate harems" "I don't want to stand at the peak" "I don't age and don't need to eat" "Seriously, there's no point" So he decides to become a teacher for the next 70,000. During that time he sent 7 incarnations down for fun. "By the way, I wonder how strong those 8 empress are? Well, they aren't any concern of mine." (I won't be writing this a lot and from time to time I'll write, unless people really like this. So if you want more chapters, go comment or etc. Just let me know.) [The Cover Art is something I drew] [Still needs a lot of work, but here are my plans] 1. No harem (like I hate cultivation harems with a passion, but there are love interests) 2. Main character refuses to cultivate 3. Main character starts off as 80,000 years old 4. Immortals in this story can't die unless they are killed by something external 5.Kinda want it to be based more on romance than action (Might not edit chapters, cuz I'm just doing this for fun and it'll be too much work.) -Youtube channel down below- https://youtube.com/@murasakinokarasuvtuber

cas5_off · ファンタジー
42 Chs


"Husband, what are you talking about?"

Yang Su asks in confusion.

Jian Yus' face didn't show any emotion as he started explaining his thoughts, "Surely you know that I am the 2nd direct disciple of Tianzhens sect leader. A mortal and and a immortal have different fates, they can't be tangled with."

He continues, "Yet, you didn't choose my senior brother who is most likely going to succeed the sect and instead chose me, a dying man."


Yang Su interrupts with a sudden kneel on the ground, "I truly have fallen for Husband! Since I saw Husband I have been unable to think of anything else. I can swear on my life, I Yang Su am not that kind of person!"

Jian Yu looks at her, as there were slight tears welling up on the corners of her eyes. 

However, he still wasn't convinced. Though he doesn't care about a lot of things, he didn't like to be used.

"Fine, since you say that then, what time, where did you see me, and how can you give me proof?"

"I...." Yang Su's hands tangled around each other, her breath shaking. 

"What's wrong? I thought that you were thinking of me so much, you were unable to think of anything else."

Yang Su gritted her teeth. 

"Since Ms. doesn't have an answer then why force it? After I die, the things I have will naturally become yours-"

"I saw you 5 months ago! When you slayed the snake demon!"

"....What was I doing there?"

"Killing demons and saving the hostages!"

"I don't remember seeing you there."

"I was covered in mud and dirt..."

Jian Yu looks at her emotionlessly. 

"If you don't trust me, then go ahead and ask my father, mother, and uncle!"

".....no need, seeing how desperate you are, it's probably true. It would be too much work to investigate."

Jian Yu lays on the bed and sleeps closer to the wall. 

"Are you convinced?" Yang Su asks.

"Does it matter? Unless your a demon, I can't do anything to you." 

Yang Su sighs a breathe of relief. "Then..." She started moving her hands and looking at the bed. A slight blush appeared on her face. 

"Sleep here or on the couch because I won't move."

Yang Su hesitantly sat on the bed with her back turned to Jian Yu. 

She began to also lay on the mattress. 

Jian Yu spoke again, "Just so you know, I'll die in 2 months from now, so you can get all my things once that happens."


"I'm not trying to tease you or make a stupid joke. In 2 months, I will die. That's final and nothing will or should change it. So if you are thinking of using me for something then don't bother. Also you don't need to poison me since I'll die anyways."

Yang Su was still confused.

"Aren't you...strong?"

"Hm? Oh, right you were at the snake demons nest. I guess you could call me strong, but at the cost of my life. So whatever your after, do it after I die."

"I love you! If you die-"

"I don't believe in love. And your love is unwanted, it's just a burden to me." 

"You-no...how can you be so....calm about your death? Aren't you scared?"

Jian Yus' eyes were lifeless and dead inside. He only muttered 3 words. 

"....Go to sleep..."


Yang su gathered her courage and turned to face Jian Yu.

'...Looks like I won't be killing you then...' Yang Su thought. 'Luckily I had every detailed about my background check and grounded. No one will find that "Yang Su" does not even exist.'

As they lay on the bed, they closed their eyes and fell asleep.