
Cultivation, but I'd rather be a weakling

Hao Yu is a transmigrator and reincarnates to a xianxia world. He had cultivated painstakingly for 10,000 years and became a immortal; however, he realized a truth. "Why should I cultivate?" "I hate harems" "I don't want to stand at the peak" "I don't age and don't need to eat" "Seriously, there's no point" So he decides to become a teacher for the next 70,000. During that time he sent 7 incarnations down for fun. "By the way, I wonder how strong those 8 empress are? Well, they aren't any concern of mine." (I won't be writing this a lot and from time to time I'll write, unless people really like this. So if you want more chapters, go comment or etc. Just let me know.) [The Cover Art is something I drew] [Still needs a lot of work, but here are my plans] 1. No harem (like I hate cultivation harems with a passion, but there are love interests) 2. Main character refuses to cultivate 3. Main character starts off as 80,000 years old 4. Immortals in this story can't die unless they are killed by something external 5.Kinda want it to be based more on romance than action (Might not edit chapters, cuz I'm just doing this for fun and it'll be too much work.) -Youtube channel down below- https://youtube.com/@murasakinokarasuvtuber

cas5_off · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Closing of Exiled Fox

Su Su felt as if her entire world had been shattered. She cradled Jian Yu's lifeless body in her arms, tears streaming down her face. How could this happen? She thought to herself. He had just come back to her, only to be taken away again.

They were planning on spending the rest of their lives together. They were only one step away to freedom.

Jian Yu's body starts to turn into red lights rising through the air. Su Su tries to catch those lights. As the red lights continued to rise, Su Su's heart ached with the loss of her husband. She watched helplessly as they faded into the sky, leaving behind only an empty space where Jian Yu once stood. Tears streaming down her face, she slowly stood up, her mind reeling from the events that had just unfolded.

But then a few of the captured light flew towards her. Her body was filled with warmth.

She looks in her hand as it burns with a strong dark red light. With lifeless emotions in her eyes, her tears could no longer fall.




"AH! HAHAHA! What an idiot!" The senior brother walked away breathing heavily walking in a tunnel.

"Luckily I still have this spare body."

He got to a desk and brushed off everything on the surface.

Underneath was a small chest which he opened. Inside were various jars, each containing a different colored liquid. He took one out and held it up to the light, admiring the swirling colors within.

"This should do the trick."

He drinked it and began healing from his injuries. 


He turned around as soon as he heard the sound, but as he looks left and right-there was no one there. 

Suddenly, a strong wind blew, and the room started to shake. The senior brother stumbled back, his eyes wide with fear. As the wind died down, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Su Su, her eyes filled with determination and rage.

"You!" Su Su pointed her finger at the senior brother, her voice shaking with anger. "You killed my husband! You took away the man I loved!" She raised her hand, ready to unleash a powerful spell. "And now, you shall pay the ultimate price!"

The senior brother smirked, thinking he had her cornered. But as he raised his hand to cast a defensive spell, he felt a sudden weakness overtake him. Looking down, he realized that Su Su had placed a spell on him, slowly draining his energy.

"What...what are you doing?"

She smiled with disheveled hair. At this moment, she looked like a true human eating demon. 

"Jian Yu left me this power~" She pulled her hands close to her chest as she smiled gently. "Jian Yu will always be with me, HAHAHA!" She starts blushing and laughing. 

"Crazy! You've turned crazy!" He was trying to stall her, but soon he fell to his knees. His limbs one by one lost control. 

"YOUR THE ONE WHO MADE ME LIKE THIS!" She screamed out. Then she returned back to her gentle self, "Well~ How do you feel?~"

"W-what is this? I can't control my body!?" He looked at her in terror. 

"Say it~ what was your plan?"

He spoke uncontrollably, "I-I knew that Jian Yu discovered my intentions when he was 13, so I planned on taking over his body quick. I tested my skills on my disciple to quickly take over Jian Yu. Who would have thought, Jian Yu actually decided to dive into demonic cultivation, thereby ruining his cultivation potential! I had planned on taking over other students, but Jian Yu was too talented, that any other body was mediocre! "

He wanted to stop talking. However with a single word, he spoke more and more.


"But then I had an idea. With his original talent, he would be able to stand at the peak of every other cultivator. What if he were to go through enlightenment and recover!?"

Su Su stared him wanting to tear him from limb to limb.


"Just in case, I brought him several herbs for him to recover. Seeing as that didn't work, I decided to get him a wife. If he had a wife, maybe his desire to live will grow stronger! Or he could understand life and death and be enlightened. It was tough process, but it actually succeeded, HAHAHA, even I underestimated his talent!" 

His eyes wide and bloody tears dripped. Su Su stared in disgust, "Continue!"

"B-but no matter how strong he would get. He wouldn't be able to get away from me! HAHAHA, I put a curse in his body. When the time comes when his body heals, it would activate and send it straight to me! HAHAHA, HAHAHA! No matter where he runs or hide, he would be reeled in like the fishe he-"

Suddenly, his body went limp as the spell took effect. Su Su watched him with a mix of satisfaction and disgust. The senior brother's eyes rolled back into his head, and he slumped to the ground, unconscious.

Su Su took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart.

She looked down at him, her body still trembling with rage. "You should have just left him alone," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. With one final glance at the unconscious man, she turned and walked away, leaving him there on the floor.

The senior brother's plan had been foiled by Su Su's unexpected rage and demonic powers. He had underestimated Jian Yu's strength and resilience, as well as Su Su's determination to avenge her husband's death.

 She couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for what had happened. But at the same time, she knew that Jian Yu was gone, and there was nothing she could do to bring him back.

Su Su sighed deeply, trying to compose herself as she walked down the hallway. Her heart still pounded with anger and sadness from what had just transpired. She needed time alone to process everything that had happened and try to find some semblance of peace.

As she walked, Su Su's mind raced with thoughts of Jian Yu. She recalled their first meeting, their wedding day, and all the happy times they had shared together. But then her thoughts turned dark as she remembered the moment she found out about his death. She couldn't help but feel a deep sense of loss.

The hallway seemed to stretch on forever as Su Su walked, lost in her thoughts. She passed by several doors, each one representing a different life within the sect. Some doors were open, revealing students practicing their cultivation techniques or masters teaching their disciples.

Others were closed, signaling that their inhabitants were busy with their own training or contemplation. As Su Su walked, she couldn't help but feel like an outsider, someone who didn't belong in this world of cultivation and magic.

Finally, Su Su reached her chambers and slumped onto her bed, exhausted both physically and emotionally. She stared up at the ceiling, trying to clear her mind of all the thoughts swirling around within it. It was then that she noticed something strange.

A small, glowing symbol on the jade hairpin had appeared on the ceiling above her bed. It was a complex design, filled with swirling lines and shapes that seemed to move and shift in front of her eyes. Su Su sat up, intrigued by the sight. She had never seen anything like it before.

The spiritual Qi started to form a image of a person.

"Jian Yu!?"

Jian Yu awkwardly cleared his voice, "Yang Su, by the time you're watching this, I would have died."

Su Su's eyes widened in shock as she realized what was happening. "Jian Yu!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief and sorrow. She reached out toward the image, wanting to touch it and feel some sort of connection to him.

But as her hand moved closer, the image began to flicker on and off.

"This is a recording I saved. Yang Su, I never regretted that I fell in love with you...but I do regret leaving you alone. No matter how you feel...Forget about me and...Live your life freely. From here....Be happy. That's all...farewell."

The jade hairpin broke into pieces and turned into dust. 

Su Su held it in her hands as the wind attempted to take it with them. 

"You evil man!" She cried and had trouble breathing correctly. "Sniff. Do you really plan on taking the last thing that you left me with?!" 

She clenched her heart and screamed to the void. 

"Why!? Why do you get to decide!?"

She gripped her clothes in determination, "I will do what I want! I will make sure that Tianzhen doesn't exist in this world! No! I will conquer this world! This will be my revenge against you Jian Yu! I don't want to live free and pretend that you never existed!"

As she spoke, Su Su's eyes began to glow with determination and an unyielding resolve. She stood up tall, her body trembling slightly as she channeled her anger and sorrow into a newfound purpose. 




The next thousand year, Tianzhen sect was destroyed and reformed into Silver fox Sect. Su Su united demons and humans under her singular rule and any who tried to rebel were controlled through her powers. Eventually this led to her breaking through into the Emperor realm where she would become one of the first empress. 

Throughout her reign, Su Su found herself constantly thinking about Jian Yu. She often dreamed about him, reliving their happier moments together.

 Despite her newfound power and status, Su Su couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness inside her. She had everything she could have ever wanted, but it all felt meaningless without Jian Yu by her side.

One day, while sitting on her throne, Su Su noticed a faint glow emanating from her jade hairpin. It was the same one that Jian Yu had given her so long ago. She was only barely able to fix it through her Emperor stages powers.

All of a sudden the jade hairpin started to glow!